All Chapters of All Her Secrets: Chapter 891 - Chapter 900
1045 Chapters
Chapter 891 Strike Back
Seeing Branden assessing her, Catherine chuckled lightly. "Is there anything wrong with eating lightly? Didn't you always advise me to eat less heavy food? Have you changed your mind now?""Of course not." Branden wrapped his arm around her waist, his eyes filled with indulgence. He raised his eyebrows, giving Catherine a wink. "Rest well. I'll prepare a light supper for you."*****Hearing the sizzling sound of cooking through the phone, Paxton knew that Branden must be preparing a supper for Catherine again. It was truly enviable. There was only one person in the world who could make Branden personally cook and prepare a meal, and that was Catherine.As Paxton admired Catherine, he quietly reported the situation. He said, "Mr. Duncan, you're truly amazing! After we released the information as you instructed, all sorts of mixed messages flooded the market. Initially, the situation looked unfavorable for us, but unexpectedly, there was a direct reversal. The negative news only fuel
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Chapter 892 One Thing After Another
Audrey had just finished filming when she found herself surrounded by a swarm of reporters.Luckily, her experienced assistants who accompanied her were well-versed in handling such situations. They skillfully positioned Audrey in the middle, preventing a direct onslaught from the reporters.Given the overwhelming number of reporters, it was necessary to pause for interviews. Otherwise, the media could report something negative.At the gesture from her agent, Audrey halted her steps, smiling at the crowd of reporters. "Hey, everyone. I apologize. I've been rushing with the shooting, and there's a night scene later tonight, so my time is quite limited. I'll briefly answer a few questions, and next time, we can chat more, okay?"Audrey, well-regarded in the industry for her positive reputation and demeanor, received nods of agreement from the reporters. "Alright!"Not wanting to waste any time, Audrey suggested starting the interview right away."Ms. Swann, can you share the reason
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Chapter 893 Paid Leave
Catherine stepped out of the lab to find Marshall standing at the door with a worried frown."What has got Professor Hartley frowning like it's the end of the world? Why don't you share the news and brighten my day too."Seeing her in a playful mood only deepened Marshall's gloom. "Catherine, I have something to tell you, but try not to freak out."Catherine remained calm, but her voice turned cooler. "Professor, out with it. I can take the pressure."Seeing her steady demeanor, Marshall bravely handed her his phone. "I'm at a loss for words. Have a look yourself." Catherine took the phone, and her expression tensed as she glanced at the screen. Marshall couldn't quite read her, given her subtle reaction. Before he could ask, Catherine got straight to the point. "What's the school's move on this?"Caught off guard by her composure, Marshall was visibly shaken. After all, people wouldn't be as calm as Catherine in such a situation.Marshall was silent, which prompted Catherin
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Chapter 894 I Am Sorry
Ignoring the secretary's attempts to stop her, Audrey stormed into Brian's office.The secretary, terrified by Audrey's murderous intention, was about to call security but was stopped by Brian's command."You can leave us," Brian said, and the secretary hesitated before complying.Before the secretary could exit, Audrey charged at Brian, gripping his collar fiercely, her glare seething with a desire to end him right then and there.The secretary was taken aback by the sudden outburst. It was hard to believe the gentle superstar could exhibit such brutality behind closed doors.Rumors had been swirling about her being a sugar baby, but no one had ever seen such a sugar baby storm into her sugar daddy's office and grab him by the collar with such audacity. This was not sugar-baby behavior—it was like dealing with a deity. *****Seeing Audrey so worked up, Brian quickly tried to calm her down. "Aud, you can say whatever you want. Just calm down, okay? You're going to hurt yours
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Chapter 895 Secrets Revealed
Audrey was eager to know what had happened back then. She always believed that Catherine was sent to the countryside by her grandfather. But now, it seemed the truth was not that simple.Afraid of touching on Catherine's sensitive topic, Audrey didn't press for details and instead asked Catherine about her plans.Catherine calmly looked at her and said, "What else can I do? Just face the challenges as they come."She didn't care about public opinion. "If you guys have the guts to come after me, then bring it on," she thought.Audrey gave Catherine a thumbs-up for her composure and calmness. This was something she would never get the hang of.Branden placed the cut fruits on the nearby coffee table. He was initially in the kitchen but turned to open the door when the doorbell rang."Go ahead, you guys. I'll be in the study." He left the space for the two sisters to talk. Catherine having someone keeping her company put him more at ease. He came back all of a sudden, and there was
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Chapter 896 Branden's Caring
Audrey kept her head down, unsure how to respond to Catherine's question.Although Brian didn't expose the video, their relationship had been built on threats from the start. Despite Brian being good to her lately, one-sided efforts couldn't be the reason for them to be together.Seeing Audrey's dilemma, Catherine had a bad feeling. "Don't tell me you've fallen for him now, have you?"This question startled Audrey. She quickly shook her head, denying Catherine's speculation. "No, that's impossible." She was sure she had no feelings for Brian. "I have no feelings for him; it's all in his imagination," she added.Audrey's almost certain response relieved Catherine. She had worried that Audrey might have fallen for Brian during this time. It would make the situation more challenging."Leave this matter to me. Take a break from your current work for now, and contact me if anything comes up," said Catherine.Audrey managed a bitter smile. She came to comfort Catherine, but it turned i
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Chapter 897 His Biggest Win
The efforts to control the situation didn't ease things for Catherine; it just became worse.Paxton updated Branden on the recent developments. "Mr. Duncan, the tactics they're using are just like the ones from the previous rumors about our company. It's likely the same group. The public opinion is strongly against Miss Swann right now. I had a fake video made; it's convincing enough. Should we release it to at least create some confusion?""No way!" Branden immediately rejected Paxton's proposal. "Those people are waiting for that."If they dared to release the video, they must have other tricks up their sleeves. The fake video would only get Catherine into even more trouble.Paxton thought Branden made sense, but at the moment, he couldn't think of a way to help Catherine. "Mr. Duncan, what should we do then?"Branden remained calm and composed. "No rush. If they're willing to spend money to hype things up, let them be."For some reason, Paxton felt that Branden was unusually c
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Chapter 898 What if I Refuse
Ronin, upon seeing those online messages, was downright furious. The once most painful memories surged back again.He thought about hacking all the online posts and shutting them up, but when the time came to act, reason won over impulse.Silencing voices on the internet could only temporarily halt everything; it couldn't solve the issue from the root.If the mastermind behind this made another move, it could have dragged Catherine into even more problems.Netizens were just blindly hostile toward the wealthy. If those scheming folks intentionally spread the idea that Catherine manipulated public opinion with her influence, it would trigger a widespread resistance mindset. It would only make the situation worse.After realizing this, Ronin decided not to argue with those idiots. He aimed to expose the mastermind behind the scenes and resolve the matter once and for all.Having made up his mind, Ronin quickly went out. Soon, he arrived at the entrance of the secret base.Seeing h
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Chapter 899 A Face-to-Face Meeting
The man's words carried a hint of threat, but Ronin remained calm. "If you refuse, then our cooperation ends here." Without waiting for a response, Ronin added, "Even if you want to expose our collaboration, I don't care."As if anticipating Ronin's rebellion, the man laughed out loud. "Haha, is that all you've got? Rest assured. I won't expose our collaboration or retaliate against you. You can leave."Ronin couldn't quite grasp the man's intentions, but he was certain that the man wouldn't let him off so easily. He said, "Why hide it? Just state what you want; don't beat around the bush."The man shrugged nonchalantly, signaling Ronin. "I won't see you out."Ronin looked at him suspiciously, feeling that things were not as simple as they seemed. And just as he turned to leave, the man in the black robe spoke slowly from behind. "Ronin, I keep my word. I won't trouble you. However, you know Winston, right? I haven't decided how to deal with him yet. Should I bury him alive or beat
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Chapter 900 You'll Be Okay
Catherine did not deny it. "Yeah, I arranged for him to go out, but the specific task is temporarily confidential. Don't worry about his safety; if there's anything, I'll let you all know."Withal felt relieved when he heard Catherine's answer. "That's good, as long as he's safe."But deep down, Withal felt something was off. He thought Catherine was keeping something from them lately. If he hadn't known Catherine for so long and trusted her, he might have started looking into things."Catherine, if there's something, you've got to let us know," Withal added."Don't worry. I know what to do." Catherine hung up after saying this.Seeing the message popping up in the class group, Catherine changed her clothes and headed to the school.Today was the day for the class meeting. Although Catherine didn't attend all the classes on time during regular days, she would participate in important activities or meetings within the class, aiming to blend in.The formal start time was 2:30 in t
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