All Chapters of The President's Daring Wife : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Another Woman
Argh! Damnit! That man almost gave her a heart attack. What was with that angry tone?Eve left the bedroom the next morning and walked down the stairs. She even had a nightmare that she'd given birth to one baby and Ethan was chasing her with a knife. She patted her chest again then sat on a chair and her eyes surveyed the food. "Good morning, Madam. I hope you slept well." Elena appeared from the kitchen direction and placed more food on the table."Yes, thank you, Elena." Eve picked at her food. "I hope you also slept well." "I did, Madam." The Stewardess smiled then turned around to head back to the kitchen, but Eve stopped her. "Urm, Elena." She shifted on the chair and faced her. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you last night. My tongue lost control and I...""Oh, please don't apologize." Elena shook her head, her eyes widening. "You didn't do anything wrong, Madam. It was my fault for intruding too much."Eve lifted her head and stared at the woman. She sighed inside then looke
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The Last Thing You Will Do
The days flew by like a gust of wind. One week's extension turned into another and another and another. It had been always a month and a half since Ethan traveled. Eve couldn't have been lonelier if it wasn't for her work distracting her. Literally, the club had been very active recently. "Madam, you're not thinking of going to work today, right?" A maid stood behind Eve as she slowly ate her food in the dining room. "Camila, stop pestering. I promise I'm fine." Eve gave the girl a helpless look. She'd taken her medication properly and constantly followed the Doctor's advice. But out of nowhere, she fainted again last night, making the maids and the Stewardess alert. "I'm sure there's not much work to do at the company since the Young Master is not around. Can't you rest for some days, Madam? You've also warned us not to let him know of your fainting spree, but if he finds out we'll all be in trouble.""No one will get into any trouble." Eve shook her head. "Now, get me some gluco
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Fire On The Mountain
"Eve." Ethan looked up from his desk and his eyes brightened. Eve rubbed her eyes. She rubbed it again. Then she screamed and dashed toward him. "Ah! Ethan, when did you return?" She jumped onto his lap and hugged him tight. "I returned last night. I wanted to surprise you.""Really?" Eve giggled and kissed his cheek. "You scared me, Ethan. I thought you were going to live in that city forever. During our phone call, you didn't say anything about coming back. So you're very good at surprises.""Mmm." Ethan nodded and Eve's eyes lingered on his features. Was that a subtle smile she saw? "So you slept here last night?" She asked, playing with his collar. "Yeah, I slept here." Ethan snaked his arms around her waist. "I also needed to look over some work.""Urgh, Ethan... You just spoiled the surprise." Eve pouted. "You could have just stopped at you slept here only to surprise me in the morning. Now, I'd think you only did it for work."But Eve's heart had never been this at ease. Ha
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This Company Is Collapsing
The sun was orange in the sky. The work hours were almost over and night was descending fast. But the whole company was in a frenzy. Employees scattered around the area, bumping into each other and gathering files and everything they could get their hands on. Eve trotted after Ethan as he strode into the company. On the large TV screen on the first floor was the news airing. Almost every channel in the city was showing the news accompanied by those photos. Eve grimaced and she looked away from the screen. They stepped into the elevator but didn't go up to the president's area. The general meeting was being held at the HR department. And not only were the shareholders present, but all the managers and other higher-ups in the company were also present. "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Anderson? Are the rumors correct?""Who published such news by the way? I don't want to believe that it is the truth.""Mr. Anderson, the media claimed that you're having an affair with your secretary
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She Is Also A Traitor In This Company
The silence was more deafening than ever. All eyes were now on Eve, including Ethan's. "Eve, what is happening?""Please ask her, Mr. Anderson." Jessie went on. "I didn't see it coming that Mrs. Anderson is also a greedy person. I thought she only came to this company and snatched my position only because of jealousy. Unknowingly, Mrs. Anderson has hidden intentions.""Ethan, don't listen to her—""I implore you to ask her also, Mr. Anderson." Jessie didn't let her finish speaking. "Let her tell you the truth. Is she a member of The Ambitious Employees Club or not?" Ethan stared at Eve... There were so many questions in his eyes and Eve sent a glare in Jessie's direction. "If she doesn't want to admit it, I have evidence that will back up my claim." Jessie smiled sweetly then brought out her phone. "Someone, please connect this to the projector."The man operating the projector took the phone from her and connected it. Not long after, some images started playing. "These are all ph
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I Want You To Trust Me Fully
"Can you listen to yourself, Mrs. Anderson? I know you are looking for a way out, but please don't implicate me in your problem. Mr. Anderson and every good shareholder and manager in this room know well that I have been nothing but loyal to this company." "Well, let's see if you have truly been loyal." Eve snickered. "And don't interrupt me again, Jessica. You've had your forum, now it is mine." Eve glanced at Ethan then the other people across the table, her gaze sweeping past Amanda and the two middle-aged men who looked as pale as a sheet. "I joined that Club to fish out the traitors, to begin with. Yes, I have carried out missions for them. They gave me files to sneak among the president's documents. They asked me to plant a chip under his desk to know every important conversation he has. But tell me, Amanda." Her eyes fell on the Lady. "What did I tell you about that chip?" "You said it malfunctioned because the only way you could place it was under his chair. And since the
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Something Wonderful
The next day, Eve walked down the stairs, yawning. Her eyes wandered around the living room. Ethan was nowhere to be found. Great. She headed out to the servants' quarters and met Elena on the way. "Do you need anything, Eve? It's not yet lunchtime, but I can cook up a fast meal if you're hungry again.""No need, Elena." Eve waved her hand. She just finished a jar of glucose, she wasn't hungry. "Actually, I was on my way to meet you. I'd like you to help me with something.""Okay, please say your request." Elena gave looked at her intently. "Well..." Eve hesitated. They both walked into the house and paused in the living room. "I'd like you to give me some suggestions. I want to give Ethan a huge surprise, but I've run out of ideas.""What kind of surprise?" The Stewardess's eyes lit up. "Erm, it's about something important I'd like to tell him. It's good news," Eve smiled and whispered. "Oh, I'd be glad to help you plan your surprise, Eve. Do you want to make it big or just betw
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It Is Very Urgent
Saturday came slower than Eve anticipated. She woke up the next morning and found the space beside her empty. Her eyes strayed to the window, the sky was bright outside. Seemed like she'd overslept. Eve left the bed and walked into the bathroom. After getting ready for the day, she left the bedroom and walked downstairs for breakfast. As she ate her food, her mind went to the list of things she prepared last night. Ethan promised to take her on a date in the evening. Should she change into something nicer or wait till the evening approach before changing her dress? She could just buy a new dress and wear it, right? Or even better, she could go to a stylist."Ahhhhh!" A loud yell came from the large doors, breaking her train of thought. Eve frowned and hurried up. She rushed out of the house and almost ran back when she recognized the voice. "Ahhhh! Big Bro, no. Please don't. I swear I didn't do anything, she started it."Eve followed the direction where the voice was coming from a
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Side With Him And Sign The Divorce
Eve's heart couldn't stop beating. She looked out of the car's window again and again as Ethan drove them through the city. "What do you think happened to him?" She asked. "We'll know when we get there," Ethan replied. "Do you think he's sick, Ethan?" Eve glanced out of the window. "Please drive faster. We must get there soon.""Relax, Eve. Nothing's going to happen.""How can you tell me to relax!?" Eve snapped. "The more time we waste, the worse things can become. It's my Grandpa for goodness sake! You know I can't relax!""Eve–""Just drive faster, Mr. Anderson!" Eve yelled. "We can't break the traffic rules," Ethan said calmly. "Do you want the police to come after us?""I don't care if any police come after us. If you can't drive faster, just give me the damn wheels, Ethan!""You can't drive at all.""Are you challenging me!?" Eve held his hands. "Just give me the wheels and see how I'm going to race through this city! Argh! Ethan, drive faster or give it to me!""Sit still."
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I Want The Truth
Eve opened her eyes and a white ceiling loomed above. Her vision blurred for a few seconds before it slowly got clearer, and the smell of disinfectants invaded her nose. Where was she? Her eyes left the ceiling and her hand wandered to her stomach. A dull ache coursed through it. She looked around the wide room with only one bed and a couch then two chairs. A water dispenser stood in a corner and she swallowed... Nothing. Her throat was dry. Eve struggled to sit up and something sharp pricked at her hand. Looking toward her left hand, her eyes fell on the needle inserted in her arm, and it traveled up to the IV drip attached to it.'Urgh.' she rubbed her forehead and let out a groan. At that moment, the sound of the door opening pulled her attention towards it and a petite figure in a blue uniform walked in. "You're up, Mrs. Anderson." The nurse flashed her a bright smile and checked out the IV fluid. "Seems like it's almost finished.""W–What happened to me? Why am I here?" Eve
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