All Chapters of Who We Love: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
160 Chapters
Chapter 91
In the waiting room Patti kept getting up and moving things around to make things better, picking up trash or a cup that just went empty. Repeating to people in the waiting room “Why my daughter wasn’t married and having kids instead of in this hospital?” Which had some of us laughing because our teacher had tons of kids her mom just never put two and two together. I went an got a coke when I got back into the waiting room to find several men in dark suits checking the ID of the people waiting for news of loved ones. Just as they were approached by a big guy in a suit, Christine heard a murmur from the crowd. Looking toward the entrance, Christine recognized Governor O'Malley. Ignoring the security guy, Christine headed for the Governor. They tried to stop Christine get to the Governor when the governor said, “Let her pass.”"Christine. How're you doing? I came as soon as I could," stated Governor O'Malley as he embraced Christine. "We'll do everything we can to help the injured. You
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Chapter 92
"Normally, we only allow actual family in to visit in situations like this, but Dr. Sheers told me that there was no way I'd be able to keep you out, and that you're welcome to visit with Mr. Kays. Follow me, please."Christine was surprised at how weak and pale Mitchell looked when she first saw him. He had bandages across his chest and over his shoulder. An IV bag was hanging on the far side of the bed and was attached to his arm. Christine wasted no Time in leaning down and giving Mitchell a long kiss. When she finally stood back up, she looked at Uncle Joe and laughed."What're you looking at, Uncle Joe? Can't a girl kiss her hero boyfriend when he gets out of surgery after saving hundreds of people?""I'm just amazed at how you two got together. I've never seen a better match," declared Joe as he stepped to the bedside and shook Mitchell's good hand. "Son, I saw your girlfriend on television about a dozen times today. To hear her tell it, you're just about the best thing since
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Chapter 93
“I’m not going anywhere alone with you with this asshat next to you. I know my rights I have to have a parent, or I’d take the Governor,” Christine stated loud and clear. “I don’t trust you at all.”Everyone in the waiting room had heard the exchange and most were nodding their heads and agreeing with Christine. The older agent quickly realized that the bulldozer approach would not work with Christine Leonard. He could easily tell that those within the hearing were supporting Christine's position. Things like suicide bombings, especially in our country, should be prevented by law enforcement. That was the purpose for creating Homeland Security. Five adults stood up and walked to Christine “You’re not taking her anywhere after what you let happen,” Uncle Joe stated. “I’m calling her father and then you can talk to her.”“This is not necessarily,” the shorter agent said.“It’s very necessary after what you just did. Christine is right you are an ass hat,” Uncle Joe stated.“Your f
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Chapter 94
"Christine, Mitchell has a nasty bruise on his chest, right over his heart. That locket in your hands was hit by a bullet. It would've been a fatal bullet if it hadn't struck the locket. It saved his life."Christine clutched the locket to her breast and sobbed. Maddie pulled her close and joined her in shedding tears. "You two were meant to be. There's no other explanation. As long as you're together, you're unstoppable.""That awful shooter was pointing his gun at me and smiling when Mitchell burst through the doorway this morning. If Mitchell had been seconds later, I'd have been killed. He saved my life and the locket I gave him saved his," sobbed Christine. "I'm so lucky.""I think it's more than luck," observed Laura. "There's a connection, a force at play here that we can't understand. But it sure seems to be there. You two are destined for greatness and you make everyone you meet better for it. Except of course, murdering shooters."Laura took Leonard’s to Mitchell's room.
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Chapter 95
"I don't think so." retorted Christine quickly. "You're just jealous because I take my time picking a boyfriend. I make sure he has all the qualities I want in a man. I don't have enough experience to compare, but Laura just confirmed my suspicions. Mitchell is the complete package, if you know what I mean.""Mom. Make Christine let me help take care of Mitchell." laughed Maddie. "It sounds like there's enough for both of us. Besides, she doesn't know what she's got there, and she's not on the pill, so it wouldn't be safe to allow her within seven or eight inches of the guy.""I've already decided that the only fair thing is for us to take turns changing Mitchell's bandages," replied Melissa with a straight face."Did you just say 'us', Mom?" demanded Christine. "There's no 'us' taking care of Mitchell. You're a happily married woman. I can understand Maddie being so enthusiastic, but there's no excuse for you being a part of this.""Maybe Mom won't be so 'happily married' after s
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Chapter 96
"I thought you must have seen it by now. I heard that Tymen kid shopped it around and sold it to a cable news channel, then donated the money to the hospital fund. They bought the video of the entire attack. But he placed the shootout and you cutting the wires to the bombs on your class Facebook page. It was taken down within half an hour. But once you put something on the web, it remains 'out there' forever.” Governor said. "Parts of it have been played over and over on the news channels. I understand that your classmate was going to video you’re meeting and wound up getting the entire attack. He had the good sense to not post the first part where innocent teachers and students were shot. He felt the world should see the shootout and how you had enough faith in Mitchell to cut the wires he told you to cut. It still sends chills down my spine when I think about the nerve you kids displayed.""Theodore Tymen had his video camera there. Wow, it was unbelievable when I saw it in real ti
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Chapter 97
"You came when I needed you, Dad. Mitchell is healing, Dad. He's so brave. He killed the one shooter with his bare hands, then took the guy's guns and shot the other four. He saved all of us. He knew they'd shoot him when he entered the gym, but he came anyway. I just can't imagine knowingly entering a place where people will try to kill you. He's a real hero," Christine said."He's all of that," agreed Dan. "He could have simply left the area and been safe, but he took the much more difficult path. He put the lives of others before his own. That's pretty much the definition of hero. To think that I tried hitting him in the chin. What was I thinking?""As I recall, you were thinking that he had hurt your daughter, or dishonored her, and you acted as a good father would. Mitchell admires you for that. He told me he did. He always tells me what a good father I have. I guess he must miss his dad a lot and wants to be sure that I appreciate you and mom. I can't imagine what it must be l
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Chapter 98
"I guess staying at your place won't be so bad after all," grinned Mitchell. "Maybe you can ask Willow to come over and help now and then?""It seems like you're healing pretty fast, Buster," laughed Melissa. "I'll let Donna know that you're asking about Willow. She was pretty upset about the things that she saw and heard yesterday, but she was unwavering in her support of your actions."“Can I talk to Christine alone for a minute?” Mitchell asked.“Sure,” Melissa said pulling the girls out of the room.“Christine are you okay? I mean really, okay?” Mitchell asked.“Not really I just want to cry in your arms, but I can’t do that until you’re well,” Christine stated. “When you come and stay with us. I’ll cuddle and have a good cry in your arms if that is, okay?”“I would love that,” Mitchell said. “Could you come back alone so we can talk?”“Anything for you,” Christine kissed Mitchell softer at first and then it became more intense. “Please don’t die on me.”“If I lose you, I
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Chapter 99
Just as they finished dinner, the home phone rang. Melissa answered it and summoned Christine. "Hello, Christine. I don't know if you remember me. I'm John Dixon, but I go by William Ace. I worked the Mike Smith benefit, and you were girl dancing on YouTube. I've been asked to emcee a memorial tribute Saturday evening at the Church of Saints. It's that big church over on Third Street.”"I've been given carte blanche for this affair. The governor has agreed to speak. So has your school principal. The Chief of Police will have his moment in the sun, but mostly, I'm looking for students to speak, or perform. I want this to be a time of healing. The kids need that, as you well know. Would you be interested in speaking, or performing in some way? I know that dancing wouldn't be appropriate, but poetry, recollections, recitals. Hymns or nice songs would be fine.""A year ago, I would've been too nervous to do something like that, but I can tell you that I welcome the opportunity now. I'll
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Chapter 100
"You two do know that I'm standing right here?" asked Mitchell. "You should wait until my back's turned before you discuss this stuff. I never had any sisters and if I did, I'm sure they wouldn't be so Willing to share details like you sisters do.""I wish you had a brother," laughed Maddie. "We have enough girls to go around, but we need more Mitchells.""Getting back to your original question, Laura said I should be discharged tomorrow. She says that it's quite soon, considering I have two bullet wounds, but I'm healing already, and she thinks my spirits will pick up when I'm around your mom and Hailey, and maybe Willow,” Mitchell said."Really? Mom, Hailey, and Willow? Christine and I can raise a lot more than your spirits, stud. We'll take good care of you, won't we, Sis?""What's this 'we' stuff?" demanded Christine with a big grin. "I'll handle everything that comes up just fine. You'll be out shopping with Mom and Hailey.""Well, be sure to check for text messages if you'r
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