Lahat ng Kabanata ng Who We Love: Kabanata 81 - Kabanata 90
160 Kabanata
Chapter 81
"He's on Route 66 headed home and Maddie won't miss him for a second. She just traded up about a hundred positions in the draft. Jason has the look of a solid, dependable type of guy. He's almost through West Point and he'll be commissioned as an officer soon. I'd say Maddie may have found her Prince Charming.""He was awfully good looking, although it wasn't very flattering that he never even looked at me. I guess I'll forgive him this time. He sure looked good in that uniform.” Maddie stated.Melissa and Laura joined Christine in the ladies' room between songs. "Christine, do you know who that young man in uniform is that's so attentive to Maddie? What happened to Mike?""Mike got all jealous and left. That handsome guy drooling all over Maddie is Jason Hunter. His brother is engaged to Nell. He's graduating from West Point in a few months. Mitchell seems to approve, and so do I. Maddie may have found what she's been looking for all these years," responded Christine.The evening
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Chapter 82
Mitchell was too wired to sleep, so he slipped into a swimsuit and wandered down to the hot tub. As he walked, Mitchell texted Christine. He invited her to join him in the hot tub. A short while later, he was leaning back with his eyes closed when he felt hands cover his eyes. Then he felt tender kisses on his neck. Then breasts pushed against the back of his head.Mitchell slid his hand behind his head and gently squeezed a breast that was pressed against him. He was rewarded with a soft moan, so he slid his other hand behind his head and squeezed the other breast. Now he had one of Christine's breasts in each hand."I'll give you just ten minutes to release them, Mitchell. Then I'm going to get angry," giggled Christine.Mitchell jumped as if he had been shot. He lunged to his feet and looked around. Maddie had been the one behind him, while Hailey and Christine were standing in front of him."Christine. I thought it was you. I'd never do that to Maddie. I'm so sorry. Why did yo
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Chapter 83
As the foursome walked to the second tub, one of the men stared at Mitchell and the girls. "Aren't you the Leonard sisters? You danced at the Inauguration Ball earlier, right? We watched some of it on TV while we ate dinner. You ladies looked incredible.""Well thank you." responded Christine. "That answers my question about whether it was on TV and if anyone would notice.""Are you kidding?" chimed in one of the young women in the group. "Your gowns were incredible. Where did you get them? I bet they were really expensive.""Governor O'Leary's daughter, Nell, designed them. We're trying to market them at Macy's and if we're successful, you'll see them for sale there. They won't be very expensive. All profits Will be donated to a fund to expand our local hospital in Highland. It's a great cause," enthused Christine."The gowns looked great, but where did you get your swimsuits?" asked the second woman. "They're really sexy, as you can tell by the way our husbands are staring. May
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Chapter 84
At that very moment, in a rented home a few miles away, six men sat in front of a plasma TV, watching highlights of Governor O'Leary's inauguration. "It seems that we now have a target, My Brothers. This state is so proud of its athletic teams. This Highland won a sports championship. Now its students are prancing half naked at a public event, with no shame."Red is the color for whores. 'The Lady in Red' will be wearing blood red before the week is out. We'll destroy the school; kill these so-called heroes, and many of their friends. This governor was on the Armed Services Committee when he was in Congress. He supported the invasion of our homeland. We'll make certain that he understands that he bears the responsibility for our act of retribution. Vengeance will be ours."We leave in the morning for Highland. Within a few days, the entire world will know that we will not tolerates the American whores’ ways of our homeland. We shall drive them out by attacking them here, in the hear
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Chapter 85
"That would be wonderful. I'm trying to be the one woman in the whole family that doesn't get all goofy when you're around, but I'll risk it for a nice dinner. Mom asks about you every Time I speak to her. Melissa and her girls all think you're tops, and Willow can't stop talking about you. That only leaves me, and if you don't stop dancing me around the kitchen, I'll be as far gone as they are," laughed Donna. "Here's Willow now.""Hi, Tyler," greeted Willow as she hugged Mitchell as soon as her mother released him. "When are you going to dance in public with me, Mitchell? I watched you on TV with my cousins and you were all amazing. Do you think I'll ever be as pretty as Maddie and Christine?""Tyler seems to think so," laughed Mitchell. "He keeps coming back, even when you ignore him. That tells me that the poor guy has it pretty bad. He's giving you a ride to school today, so you'll just have to sit in the front seat and be nice to him. Some kids might even think that you like h
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Chapter 86
Just as Ms. Metzger started to address the group, four men in coveralls entered the gym from the west door, which was technically an emergency exit. They quickly spread out as they approached the students. They had been walking with a handheld behind their bodies. The first man nodded and all four swung guns from behind them and pointed them at the group."What's the meaning of this?" demanded Ms. Metzger nervously."I want everyone to go over that wall," demanded the apparent leader. "Stand by that wall, now.""When a guy tells you to get into the trunk of the car; never get into the trunk," stated Jared firmly. "We'll just stay where we are, and you can go to hell."When Jared spoke, the gang's leader turned his gaze toward him. Christine saw the dark man's eyes light up when he noticed her sitting next to Jared."It's the 'whore on YouTube', isn't it?" laughed the man. "Where's the hero now? With a different whore?"Just as the leader spoke, the student sitting at the end of
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Chapter 87
In less than a minute, Laura had passed ten phone numbers on to Christine and soon the kids were online with someone, doctor or nurse, trained in emergency medicine."I've got Mitchell here. He's been shot several times, but it looks like blood is just pouring from a wound in his upper leg, near his crotch. I'm pulling his pants down and I see blood spurting. It must be an artery," reasoned Christine."Here's what I want you to do," responded Laura calmly. "You need to take a cloth, like a piece of Mitchell's shirt and fold it up and press it tightly to the wound. You've got to slow down the bleeding. If you can, find something to tie around his leg over the bandage to keep it tightly in place."Christine had placed the phone on the speaker as she worked over Mitchell. She used the knife to cut the front of his shirt off and folded that piece into a bandage. Then she snaked his belt around his upper leg and drew it tight, securing the makeshift bandage in place. Christine felt some
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Chapter 88
When Mitchell was rolled out to a waiting ambulance, Christine walked beside him. She rode in the ambulance to the hospital and held his hand as he was delivered to the emergency room. Even in the chaos of the ER, everyone watched as the beautiful young woman clad only in a red skirt and bra, and covered in blood, strode regally through the ward.Melissa had been enjoying a morning coffee with her sister, Donna, when the phone rang, and Donna answered it. Melissa felt the hairs stand up on her neck as she listened to her sister's conversation."Slow down. Who did Mitchell kill? Are you sure you saw that happen? Did you pull the fire alarm? Are you far away from the building now? Stay there and I'll be down to pick you up." promised Donna as she dropped the phone back in its cradle."There's pure hell to pay at the school. Willow said she was with Mitchell and Tyler when Mitchell suddenly punched a guy and then deliberately broke his neck. He told her to run and pull the fire alarm;
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Chapter 89
"These pathetic shooters probably spent a few weeks at some shooter training camp learning to shoot and make bombs. My boyfriend learned self-defense and hand-to-hand combat from his father, a Commander in the Army Green Berets. He became an expert with a handgun, with both his left and right hand. When he came through that doorway this morning armed with those guns taken from the dead shooter, it was never a fair fight. Those cowards had no chance. He killed every damn one of them in a blazing gun battle. I saw the bullet holes in the dead suicide bombers when I cut the wires to the bombs they had concealed on their bodies. To a man, they had two bullet holes in their forehead. A bullet to the body may well have detonated the explosives. Mitchell realized that and somehow shot all four-armed shooters in the head, saving hundreds of lives and preventing the destruction of our school. Suffering from two bullet wounds and lying in his own blood, he then explained to me that the bombs we
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Chapter 90
"They've set up some donation centers in the mall for people to give to the hospital fund. You should visit them and comfort even more people. Remember that you've got to stay healthy for Mitchell and the others."At the mention of Mitchell's name, Christine began sobbing against her mother's shoulder. "Mom, if Mitchell dies, I don't know what I'll do. I don't think I'll want to live.""Then keep doing what you've been doing. Be strong. These people need someone to show them what to think right now, and how to feel. They're in shock. You need to lead by example. Be positive and confident. Laura and the other doctors will do everything possible for Mitchell, and all the injured. You've become the face of courage and hope in this awful situation. Show the world why people turn to you in Times of need.""You're right, as usual, Mom. Come on, Ashley, let's get moving," replied Christine as she wiped the tears from her eyes.The rest of the morning was pretty much a blur as people, mos
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