All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
249 Chapters
Love is a Scam!
Lucas stayed by Pamela's side the entire night. He told Romeo to return home and rest. He could come back the next day. Early the next morning, Alice ensured the kids had been taken to school. She instructed the servants to take care of the house, and their boss will return home that day. Pamela opened her eyes and saw Lucas sitting by her bedside, his head bent over and he was sleeping. She wondered if he really slept in the hospital. She's starting afresh. Everything is ruined and lost. No parents,no grandparents. No boyfriend,no fiance. No immediate family that loves her, no Job to sustain her. She's only got her kids and the baby growing in her belly. She's got a foster sister and a good friend. Besides that, she's got nothing else. Now that he's married, she has to move on with her life. One thing is certain about her life now, she probably wasn't destined to be happy in this life. All the people that would have surrounded her life and made h
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Needs a girlfriend
"Everything will become plain someday. One day she would realise how real your love for her is, and how much you really wanted her to be your daughter in-law. I cannot tell how long it will take. I wish I could tell you how much longer we need to wait until Louis gets himself back, but I cannot. But we all wait for the day to come. A lot of harm has been done to the poor woman. She's even preg.." Romeo said and paused. Lucas told him not to say it. Ellis raised his teary eyes and glared at Romeo. He heard what he said midway before pausing. Romeo knew something that he wasn't telling him. Was he going to say that Pamela is pregnant? "Pamela is pregnant with my grandchild, right?" Ellis asked and Romeo looked away. Gosh!! He blew it off. "She's really pregnant with Louis' child while he stayed back in Turkey, cuddling another woman in some shameless union called Marriage?" Ellis bellowed. What kind of a man is Louis? Should he think of getting married to
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Tell him
Pamela went along in Alice's car. While Lucas drove in his with two of the kids while Alice was with the other two and Pamela by the copilot seat. "You're having a crush on him, right?" Pamela asked and glanced at Alice. She had seen enough to know that she had something in her heart for him. Alice sighed softly but said nothing. She's his ex and she doesn't know how she would feel if she discovered that she has something for him. "Why are you trying to hide your feelings from him? I don't believe in love anymore. But that's peculiar to me. For those who experienced it, it's a beautiful feeling" Pamela added. "I don't know how you will feel.." she trailed off. She couldn't bring herself to complete the sentence. What if she gets offended or jealous? "How will I feel besides being excited? Lucas was my fiance at the time but became my brother-in-law. Emma seduced you and got pregnant with another man's child but pinned it on Lucas. He Married her beca
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Imprisoned sex slave
Lucas was shocked. He glanced at Alice and saw her sniffling. She couldn't raise her head. She bent and looked away, avoiding to meet his gaze. "Alice" Lucas called her but she immediately turned and walked out of the kitchen. She didn't know the parts in Lucas' house but she pushed open a door and it led her outside. Lucas suspended what he was doing and went to look for her. He saw the back door was ajar and he stepped out. She was at the other side, at the laundry section. He walked over to her and stared at her. She was sobbing. He didn't know how to pacify her but sat down next to her and said "was it something else or was it my story that soiled your mood?" In Middletown City, a lot has happened for over three months. Clarion was released from her confinement two months earlier but she immediately signed a divorce paper and told Tarvan that she was leaving him. That infuriated the King more than anything in his life. How dare Clarion conceive
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A certain Nun
Clarion just stared at him and said nothing. She was contemplating the meaning of Tarvan's words. Pamela and Louis are in love and she believed her daughter when she said they were going to be married soon. Tarvan dropped her phone on the bed and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Clarion picked up her phone. It's been a long time. Tarvan shut her away from the outside World. She turned the phone on, and quickly browsed the news in Oak City. True to Tarvan's words, Louis Hayden was married to a woman by the name Miranda Alvan. They got married in Turkey and they are expecting their first baby. Clarion read the news over and over and didn't still believe what she read. Louis Hayden and Miranda Alvan had been lovers from childhood? Clarion just stared at the phone and sniffled. She saw the happy excited face of Louis in the picture and the gorgeous woman whose baby bump was protruding and threw the phone aside. Louis left Pamela, he really did.
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Alyana's request
As the junior left, she sighed and closed her eyes. She needs to peep and see what's happening in the outside World. Just a peep, she thought. Seeing the queen was no longer in confinement, Alyana decided to go and see her. She knocked and said "It's Alyana, your majesty. I need a favour, "she said. Clarion wasn't interested in seeing anyone, but hearing it's Alyana, she sighed and said she could come in. She was the grand nanny's personal maid. Alyana walked in and kneeled before her majesty. She dared not raise her head to look, because her majesty was dressed in a night dress. "Alyana" Clarion called, staring at her in calmness. What had she been doing after grand nanny died, had she been transferred to one of the concubines? "May her majesty live ten thousand and ten thousand of years" Alyana replied. She still couldn't raise her head and look towards the queen. "Rise" Clarion instructed. Alyana did and bowed her head. "Do you want a favour?" Clarion a
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I will not forgive you
"Is Dr Pamela in?" Ellis Hayden asked, glaring at the closed door with the inscription PRESIDENT on it's door. "No sir, Dr Pamela no longer works here" she replied smartly. How can President Hayden's father not know that Dr Pamela no longer works here. It's his wife who fired her. "What do you mean?" Ellis Hayden asked and the secretary replied "Mrs Hayden fired her and it's been over four months already" Ellis felt like puking blood. Leah came there too? She really fired Pamela from the annex cooperation? Louis owned the company and registered it in his kids name. "Who preside over it now" he asked and the secretary said Mrs Leah had installed an acting president until President Hayden returns from his trip. Ellis said okay and left. When he got back into his car, he immediately called Leah,it ranged twice and she didn't answer her phone. It was only at the third ringing that she answered. "Did you fire Pamela from the annex cooperation?" Ellis
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Pamela can Return
Tarvan felt broken. He appeared helpless and unable to retort back at Clarion. He sat down on the sofa and glared at his wife. When did they become strangers? How did they get to this point? Why couldn't he see through the line of demarcation when it was just a crack and mend it? Why did it have to be this wide apart between him and his wife? They love each other immensely and he knows he still loves her more than anyone else in his life. What led them to this point? Was it the concubines, she possibly couldn't take it that he's with other women. It makes her feel cheated. Is it because the concubines are pregnant and she doesn't have the chance to become pregnant again? Or because he humiliated her before everyone? He would make it right if she gives him the chance and stops holding onto the word divorce. He cannot sign the papers she wants him to sign. At his age, just getting divorced with the woman he loves, no, never. He would start by lifting
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clarion's visit
It was late in the evening. Pamela was home with her kids. Lucas and Alice wanted to have dinner with them, but she said no. She doesn't feel like hosting them. Suddenly there was a noise of cars honking at the gate. She looked at her wristwatch, her friends are not coming to see her and she's not expecting anyone. She's heavy now. A little more than seven months gone. Her big round belly makes her appear to have added a few pounds of flesh. Anyways, whoever it is, her security guards would definitely inform her if it's someone unfamiliar. She waited and the security didn't come. Then she heard the noise of the door opening quietly. Besides her and her grandparents, no one else has the fingerprints access to the door. Her curiosity took hold of her and she dragged herself up to go to the door when she sighted the outstretched foot of a certain person first. Her eyes glowed with shock and surprise when she saw the leg. It's too familiar to her not to re
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she also left me
Alyana sniffled. She looked away still, now sobbing quietly. Such a sweet woman, princess Pamela. She is loved by many and she's a lovely woman to be with. Clarion's smile disappeared. She brought Pamela to sit down. Her present condition doesn't allow her to stand too long. Pamela sensed that something wasn't right. She glanced at her Grandma and saw her look away too. She glanced back at Alyana and the latter cleaned her tears. Has anything happened to grand nanny? Is she dead? She can't possibly have left her without saying goodbye like her great grandfather Jimmy Johnson did. But seeing Alyana with her grandma, something really had happened. Grand nanny is no more, she guesses. "Is grand nanny dea..d? Or why are you here rather than being with her?" Pamela asked, glaring at Alyana. Alyana hadn't said anything when Pamela ordered "Speak to me, Alyana!" She thundered. She felt her baby kick uncomfortably as she screamed. "Please, Pamela, the baby
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