All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
249 Chapters
Louis is Excited
Louis was dazed. He glared at Miranda. He is going to be a father. Does it mean…he glanced at her and looked down to her belly to the extent he could see from the other end of the dinning table. "I am two months pregnant honey. You and I are finally going to be parents" Miranda Alvan explained. She caressed her belly and smiled. Louis' lips parted to reveal a beautiful smile with a diastema. He was so happy. He would be a father soon. He looked forward to a day like this. "Come over here" Louis declared and Miranda did. They both walked away from the dining table and Louis placed his hand on Miranda's belly. As if that is not enough,he kneeled before Miranda and caressed her belly more. Making his eye level the same as her belly. "My baby" he mumbled, he is happy. No one can explain just how excited he was. Finally, he is going to be a father. Miranda caressed Louis' hair and bent over, kissing his temple. It was like a part of Louis' heart suddenly learnt
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Ellis saw her sprang up in surprise. Oh, he hadn't told her what happened in the office a few weeks ago. It appeared she would be more shocked than he was that day. "You mean to say that Louis and Miranda are…" Leah trailed off. That's not part of the deal. Miranda Alvan is taking advantage of her son. "None of us believed it until Pamela dashed into the office right before Romeo and I and accused Louis of cheating on her with Miranda. I wanted to defend Louis. I tried to convince her that she's thinking too much. Louis wouldn't do that but it didn't help because Louis lashed at her and told her to go to hell. He even went physical with Pamela that Romeo and I had to come to her rescue. Things had fallen apart between them. I called Louis aside to ask him and he confirmed it. I'm just worried that things would get out of hand if Miranda Alvan still remains by his side. I don't know what to do now, Leah," Ellis explained. Leah swallowed hard. Why would Miran
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She can't keep it
Rather than answer him, Pamela started sobbing aloud. She couldn't control her emotions. She couldn't calm herself down and answer. Lucas heard her sobbing aloud and was dazed. What's happening? Pamela is sobbing? "Are you alright, Pam?" He asked. He sometimes shortens her name and calls her by the first three letters. But Pamela hung up, not wanting to trouble anyone with her predicament. Lucas tried calling her back but Pamela wouldn't answer her phone. He then called Alice. Seeing the one who was calling was Lucas, Alice felt her belly sweet. But when she answered the phone, Lucas' worried tone asked her a question immediately "Have you heard from Pamela today or called her?" He asked,not bothering to say hello first. "No. I just returned from a night call. What happened? You can't reach her?" Alice replied, becoming uneasy as well. "I called her to inform her of the lunch we three will be having. But she was sobbing profusely. Something wasn't right and
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Miranda snorted and hissed between gritted teeth. What nonsense is this woman saying? How dare she ask her such a question? What does she take her for, a fool? How can she stay by the side of such a cute handsome dude and not get horny to have sex with him? After all, she was the one who told her to make him believe they've been together for a while and she's his fiance. How can she not sleep with her fiance? She's human after all and she has blood in her veins. If she's acting as Louis' fiance, she could as well act it out to perfection by keeping her body warm with Louis' help. What had she done wrong then, or in what way did she exploit her own fiance? But she understood what was happening. This is Romeo's signature. She can recognise it from Leah's words. Romeo dares to contradict her and goes to Leah to make reports. She would ensure she sees that Romeo is gone far away from them. She won't give him a chance to be by Louis' side at all. She w
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Changed her mind
His words made Pamela glance at him with tears. He had told her he couldn't make babies. He is sterile and this might indeed be a chance for him to know what it's like. Pamela sniffled and covered her mouth with her palm. This world is not a balanced place. Someone couldn't make a baby but was eager to stay by the side of a pregnant woman and act as a stand-in father While someone else who owned the baby is frolicking around with another woman. Human nature and life itself is dynamic. Alice felt something was odd in Lucas' words. There is something that she hadn't known. And she feels like she's having a crush on him. She must find out. Seeing that Pamela wasn't responding, Lucas was still worried, he held Pamela's two hands and said "You remember something I told you before, right? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I can't do anything to stop you from aborting this baby. This is something I longed for, I can't allow you hurt this child" Pamela nod
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Scheming Bitch
Grand nanny whispered something in a hushed voice to Alyana and the latter nodded. She told her to bring out the golden coloured box from under her bed and Alyana did. With a few more instructions, Alyana left and took the box along with her. Grand nanny sighed in relief. She had fulfilled Alice's desire, she guessed. Now, Pamela will get a little of all that belonged to her. She wanted to give it to her on her grandfather's coronation, when she would be made the crowned princess, the next heir to the throne of the Middletown City. But that day had passed but Pamela wasn't allowed to witness it. She might die any moment soon and what will happen to the entire wealth that Alice gave her to keep? Clarion was in her chambers, dressed in her night dress when the chief maid brought in sweet incense to her and bowed before her. "His highness the King request your presence in his chambers" she said with her knees and her head bent . Seeing the sweet incense and
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Annex cooperation
Leah Hayden dashed into the office without waiting to be invited over. Pamela saw her and sighed. She glance at her secretary and said "you may leave us" Leah glanced around the office. It looked good. This is definitely Louis' properties otherwise why would the company be called "Annex cooperation" It's an Annex of the Hayden's cooperation. Last that she remembered, Ellis said the company went up for sale. They didn't know what happened except that a few weeks later it was changed from the stone cut group to Hayden's cooperation Annex. This was definitely the reason Pamela stuck to her son. She was behaving like a woman of steel whose fist is made of iron initially when she just returned from Middletown City. But soon, she was going after Louis like a tail. She got him and next, they claim to be getting married. If she hadn't intervened on time, she would have roped Louis and been called by the name Mrs Hayden. "Good morning mom" Pamela greeted. She glared
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Ellis learnt the truth
"... If Alice Johnson was still Alive, would you be able to treat her daughter this way, you think she would remain your friend after seeing your inhumane behaviour to her daughter. What kind of a woman are you? You are a terrible friend and a horrible mother. I don't ever want to be like you. If this is the kind of person you had always been, then my mom was wrong in her choice of friend. I may never have known my mom, we might have missed each other on the edge of life, but she wouldn't be this terrible to your son if the table had turned around. But it's alright, Leah Hayden. Anything is possible in this life. I won't bother myself going after your son. I leave your son to you. But one day, you will take the path that Alice took and meet her on the other end. Tell her how much you love and treat her daughter. Then your grandchildren will know every single thing and part you played in the relationship between their parents and they will curse your memory, a
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Romeo poured out a glass of water for Ellis Hayden and the old man gulped down the entire contents at a time and placed the glass on the desk with a loud sound. He glared at Romeo and thundered "Why didn't you tell me all you knew before it got to this point? Why do you have to wait until it's completely unredeemable before voicing it out?" "Mrs Leah Hayden threatened to silence me. She once fired me. It's only because President Hayden came out of the concussion and asked after me that I got reinstated" Romeo explained. Ellis just waved at Romeo to leave. The latter left and he closed his eyes, trying his best to calm his troubled mind. In Middletown City, Clarion was summoned that the royal physician had tested the concubines and two of them were pregnant with the royal seed. She was to come over to bless them and advise them as the queen mother. King Tarvan was throwing a cocktail party to that effect and also requested for her to be present. She sai
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Ellis' Fury
Ellis arrived home, his mood was scary and his eyes were red. He gave out a cold aura and when Leah saw him, she knew something had gone wrong, somewhere. "Are you alright, Ellis!" Leah asked, coming over and placing her hands on his shoulders. She turned him to glare at her and stared into his eyes. "What's the matter, Ellis? You can talk to me, I am here to listen" Leah said, caressing her husband's face, trying to calm his tense mood. Ellis just stared at Leah. She could act so well. He didn't know he had married and lived with a drama queen all these years. She chose to be mean and evil towards her own son and in extension to Pamela. Directly or indirectly, he is just realising that she's a terrible mother and unfilial friend. If what he heard about his wife came from an opponent,a rival, he would contend with such a one and sue him for defamation. But it's Romeo. Louis' own assistant. He even assured him that he could investigate and asked his wife
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