All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
249 Chapters
Pamela woke up with a start. She doesn't know why she suddenly jolted out of sleep and got out of bed with her heart beating hard. The sudden awakening and getting out of bed immediately made her head pained. She sank into the sofa and was sweating. What is wrong? Why is she feeling this way? She tried to calm her tumultuous heart that was beating unusually,but couldn't. She went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. When she stepped out, there was no sign of Louis anywhere. She got dressed and looked at the clock, it's past noon already. It means she had slept for over three hours already. She deserved it. Louis had drained her of every single strength left in her. She wondered how he was able to do that despite the hard work of the previous evening. She got downstairs and saw the house was empty. The noise of the kids was not heard and she went to their rooms. It's empty. Oh! Louis, he took the kids out without waking her up. He probably would tell th
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Ellis had arrived at Celina Delmark's place a few hours earlier. He had bought them a Mansion in his son's name. He had ensured that he kept them away from Oak city where they weren't going to cross paths with his immediate family. "Don't ever call my cell phone number again. We agreed on a method of communication. Why did you call me? Do you want my wife to be suspicious?" Ellis cautioned. Celina turned a white eye and looked away. She needs to tell him her decision and the kids' decision as well. Enough of this hide and seek game. It's time he acknowledged the kids publicly. They want him to give them his last name and she supports the idea. They can't keep using her own last name. They needed to be recognised as Hayden as well. Anyways, she needs to play it cool with him. "Alright, Ellis. It won't happen again. Meanwhile, how have you been!" Celina asked, forcing a smile and taking her place in Ellis' thighs to kiss him. That night, Ellis had a pleasur
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Wounded scalp
Pamela felt her scalp hurt as if it was sprinkled with a chilly powder. She was gasping and panting, fanning herself with her hand and sobbing aloud. "This will teach you a lesson. If I see you anywhere close to my son again, I will not only pull your hair out but I will pull your heart out! Stay away from my son. You are not the woman that Louis will spend the rest of his life with. Stop forcing yourself on him, bitch!" Leah warned, glaring at her with a killing intent. Leah's words were what propell Pamela to look at her hand and saw her hair stuck between Leah Hayden's fingers. She gasped louder, the pain she was feeling at the moment was because she had lost part of her hair. "This is unfair Mrs Leah. Pamela is President Hayden's fiance and the mother of his kids. You can't treat the woman he loves this way. Do you think President Hayden will be happy when he wakes up to see this or will he approve of you treating his woman this way?" Romeo reprimanded.
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Lucas snapped his eyes open hastily. Pamela? Yes, it should be her. She's sobbing or in some kind of distress. What about Louis Hayden? He can't possibly be around her and leave her to be unhappy. His heart was beating fast and he thought of what to do. He decided to call Louis' contact but it was switched off. How can Louis switch off his phone? He is a President of a large group with subsidiary companies under him. He can't possibly switch off his phone. He tried two other private contacts of his and it's the same. He became restless. This is getting more complicated than he thought. Whatever made Louis' contacts get switched off, that thing was capable of making Pamela sob. Is Louis Hayden alright? He could call Pamela but choose not to. They are not friends anymore. At least he severed ties with her already. He wished that she would be alright but besides wishes, there isn't anything he can do about it. She already told him he is not important. He
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The response hit Pamela hard. Scrap her hair to baldness? As in not a single hair on her scalp? She nodded and said with moist eyes "please go ahead" A lone tear dropped down her eyes and she cleaned it off. The trichologist nodded and gave her a form to sign on. Pamela did and she called a male assistant of hers to do the scrapping. Sitting before the mirror, Pamela watched until her once beautiful long hair dropped to the floor. She looked different. She felt she had a face that didn't belong to her. Looking at the stranger that stare back at her from the mirror, she mumbled "Louis, I wouldn't mind losing an eye as well if only I can get to be with you again" "Sorry I didn't get you" The trichologist asked. She heard her clients mutter some words and cannot make anything out of it. "I was only talking to this stranger that is staring back at me" Pamela replied and the trichologist sighed. Soon Pamela was done with the treatment. Some ointment
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"Who is this crazy lousy woman?" The words reverberated in Pamela's ears. Her excitement gradually dissipated, her smile disappeared and her eyes were showing signs of a confused woman. Louis Hayden doesn't recognise her anymore? No, this cannot be happening. He cannot forget her. He dares not. Leah was taken aback. She glared at Louis in astonishment. What has happened to her son? What is wrong with his memory? She hopes he is not suffering from amnesia? He can't possibly forget the woman he claimed to love so much. What is her life going to turn into if Louis couldn't remember who he used to be? She glanced at him and saw him staring at Pamela in utmost irritation. His eyes were cold and he was feeling furious already. Ellis didn't say anything but was shocked. His countenance was ashen as well as he wondered if his greatest fear was coming to pass. The complications that the doctor talked about were getting manifest. If he couldn't remember Pamela, it
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Leah's plots
Alice took a clean tissue and wiped the tears off Pamela's eyes. Pamela smiled and nodded "Thank you sis" she said and Alice's eyes welled up with tears. As soon as Ellis called Romeo to come over, he rushed over and saw that Louis Hayden was sleeping now. Because of the matters of the company, Ellis had left, only Leah was remaining by Louis' side. When Romeo saw her, he sighed. The boss' mother is something else. She already fired him. If it hadn't been that Mr Hayden called him, he wouldn't have honoured the call. "Come over Romeo" Leah Hayden ordered and Romeo followed. Leah walked to the extreme end of the ward, away from the point where Louis could ever hear them if he woke up suddenly. "Louis Hayden is My son. You are working with him and I can make or ruin your career by his side. You should turn blind eyes to all I will be doing henceforth. Do not say a word of it to Louis. If he asks you any question, answer to the level I want him to know. You mu
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Can't remember his kids
Fast forward, two weeks passed and Louis went to the Hayden's Mansion with Miranda Alvan. He was getting used to her now and despite the fact that he couldn't feel the connection, he hoped to love her as his fiance. The kids were in the garden when they sighted their daddy's car. The first among the kids to jump up in excitement was Dora. "Daddy is here, daddy is here" she exclaimed just as her brothers started running towards the car. Miranda Alvan immediately frowned upon seeing the kids. These stupid kids will bring their miserable selves before her fiance and start calling him their father. These mistakes of a child, conceived and born by accident. Mtchew,she hissed quietly. As soon as Louis stepped out of the car, Dora ran towards her father "screaming daddy, daddy" and wanted to throw herself into his arms as always when Miranda pulled Louis away, dodging the hug and Dora fell face down. The boys paused immediately and watched. If it were their dad's u
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He did it
Miranda Alvan glared at Louis from his back view. The last thing she wants right now is for him to recover his memory. If he does, her time with him as his fiance will be shortened. She claimed to be his fiance and he hadn't even kissed her. Each time she makes the move, he would just shove her aside and leave. She is already suspecting that she's pregnant. If she doesn't get Louis to fuck her, how can she make him the father of her child? That scum of a man kept coming after her for pleasure. She cannot say no because she needs him as well. They are divorced in name and legally but her ex-husband still has access to her, coming to please himself with her. But now that she's got Louis, she's not ready to let go again. She wants to own him and not give Pamela Grayson and her kids a chance in his life again. But looks like his encounter with his kids is getting him unnecessarily upset. He hadn't said a word to her for hours. She had only succeeded in using that
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Next morning, Louis woke up with Miranda's hand crossed over him. He sighed softly and was glad he recalled fragments of his memory. He needed to remember more. If Miranda hadn't helped him remember the past, he never would have known that he wasn't the virgin he thought he was. He really had been doing it with her. That's so sweet. It means there are other things he needed to remember as well. A lot might have really changed from who he used to be. They really had it till midnight. He had fucked her as much as she did to him. They are both skilled at doing it with each other. He wouldn't mind, pleasing her next time she feels like it. He moved her aside and slipped from under the quilt. He walked into the bathroom to have a shower. When he emerged, he saw that Miranda was awake. He glared at her and at that moment, he disliked her. Instead of wearing a smiling face, he frowned. "Good morning my love" Miranda chimed. She can't imagine how much pleasure Pame
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