All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
249 Chapters
A Night Together
Louis opened his eyes. He thought she was asleep already. He caressed her hair and answered "my love". Seeing she snuggled closer, he held her tightly. "Make Love to me" Pamela requested. She wants it now. She's ready and hopes he agrees to her request. Louis paused. There was silence for a few seconds. Is she talking in her sleep? That's if there's anything like that. He didn't move nor did he respond to her. He would pretend to have fallen asleep. He would assume he didn't hear what she said. "I know you heard me, don't pretend to be asleep. I haven't slept either, I was waiting for you to grant my request"Pamela tucked him. "Let's just sleep tonight. Next time we do it" Louis Hayden rebuffed. He gently moved away from her, creating a space between them. "You are paying me back in my coins, right?" Pamela asked, snuggling closer and pulling him harder towards herself than before, she placed her hand on the button of his pyjamas. "No, I'm not. This isn't t
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"No, nothing," Pamela replied and Louis nodded. He got out of bed in complete nudity and Pamela looked away. "Get a boxer or wear anything to cover your body" she suggested. "I am going for a bath already? Besides you and I, who else is here?" Louis asked and chuckled aloud. He wondered if women still get shy after having sex with a man. But he practically cannot hide his body from her henceforth. Pamela didn't reply but wasn't comfortable to look at him. She turned and tried getting out of bed but felt like she's got a tear, a pain between her legs and wetness. She glanced at Louis and their eyes met. He squinted and pulled the quilt. His eyes went immediately to the bed covering and saw blood stains, it was much. He glanced back at Pamela and saw her looking away. He walked over to the other side of the bed and raised her up. As she stood up, he saw she was still having blood on her and held her close. "Looks like you're still bleeding" he declared and said "st
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I Could Have Used It
Pamela was dazed. What does it mean? CCTV footage in the master bedroom as well? "No, was there any?" She asked. "Yes" Louis answered and his facial expression went cold. "When you made Hayden's cooperation go bankrupt or let's say, when you tried ruining us, I was tempted to send your nude videos into the internet and that would have been the end of you. Remember you would always walk out of the bathroom, with a scanty towel around your waist and you would admire yourself before the mirror, pulling the towel off. I didn't do it, because then, I was already in love with you" he paused and saw her shocked expression. "I couldn't destroy your self esteem and reputation to satisfy my ego or revenge on you. My kids, how will they be able to walk shoulder high in society when their mother's nudity was already seen by everyone on the internet? I can't just do it, Pamela. I had waited for the day when I would go nude before you and tell you about it and it happened. An
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We Are Strangers Now
Louis glanced at Lucas sharply but didn't probe further. What does he mean by those words? Is Pamela's real parents known, her father to be precise? At least her mother was a princess. "Pamela's father is Greg and Freya's elder brother. None of them know the real relationship they shared but I happened to know about it. She's their niece not by adoption but by blood relation. Greg and Freya have the same eyes and hair colour. Compare the both to Pamela. I haven't found the right time to tell her how related she is to the Freeman's because she's one herself.." Lucas explained. Louis discovered a secret. He knew Pamela's parents met in Middletown City but didn't expect that her father had the guts to get involved with a princess despite being from a middle class family. Love has no regard for class and status, indeed. The funeral was conducted and Pamela was sobbing. Her eyes had gone red and Louis had held her in an embrace. Freya and Emma held each other and Lucas he
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Jimmy Johnson Is Ill
For the next two days, Louis and Pamela's relationship didn't get back to normal. Louis got Emma out, using her father's death as an advantage. He simply told his attorney to return home and be calm. No one knew it was Louis who did it. The credit went to Lucas silently. The latter had stopped answering Pamela's call and when she came to find him in his office, she was told he was gone on a vacation. And Louis had told her if she doesn't get back with Lucas, he wasn't going to change his coldness towards her. Eventually, Lucas' cell phone number was no longer going through. A week passed and she decided to visit his mansion. She arrived and was told Lucas' lawyer had sold the house the previous day and no one knows the whereabouts of its former owner. Lucas took a few weeks off and travelled abroad. He needed a break, he wanted to think straight, and his boss understood his predicament. After a week, Louis climbed into the bed and put off the bedside lamp when Pa
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His highness is no more
Clarion laid in the lounge of the private ward where Jimmy was admitted. She didn't know when she slept off but suddenly woke up to a shivering cold and a quietness that seemed not to be from this world. She hugged herself and a sweet breeze blew towards her and almost immediately heard her father in-law quiet and whispering voice called her name "Clarion" She was startled and scared. She looked around the room, Tarvan was not in there with her, he's seated by his father's bedside. A sudden fear gripped her, and she came to a realisation, has her father in-law become a ghost? She quickly climbed out of bed and went to the room where Jimmy laid. Tarvan's hand was intertwined with his father's. But he was asleep. His head was laid close to Jimmy's chest. Clarion's heart beat fast. She glanced at the lifeless body of Jimmy. She knew he was dead, she had that feeling that he's become a ghost and probably came to inform her so when she heard his voice called her name.
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I'm Busy
Lucas was surprised that Louis called him. He was the last person he communicated with before leaving Texas and was going to be the first to talk to him in Oak City on his return. "President Hayden" Lucas said, as soon as he answered the phone. He was pushing his suitcase into the master bedroom. "It's me, Lucas," Pamela said. It's been days and there hasn't been any communication between them. She wants to apologise to him. Pamela? Lucas was quiet for a long time. She's the one calling him via Louis' phone? She's with him now? He had deliberately avoided her, not answering his phone when she called and eventually blacklisted her. Since Lucas was not talking to her or saying anything, Pamela continued "How have you been,Lucas? I missed you" she said and Lucas didn't respond. Pamela was getting frustrated. She said in a weak voice "I'm sorry, Lucas. I knew I went overboard with my words and actions,I let my temper take a hold of my emotions, I'm sorry. Please
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The Reality
Louis turned himself and stood before the mirror, combing his hair. He was already dressed, he needed to attend a few things before having a management meeting with the senior employees of the Hayden's cooperation. "Grandma" Pamela chimed immediately she answered the phone. But her smile soon disappeared when she heard her grandma's voice go low. "Are you alright,grandma?" Pamela asked in a shaking worried tone. Louis paused and turned to glance at her. "What! Great grandfather?" Pamela exclaimed. She glanced at Louis and the latter saw her eyes gone red. Her complexion was ashen and immediately tears fell off her eyes. "...the royal burial will be taking place in two days' time, and it will be with your grandfather's coronation. You must be there as the next heiress to the throne. And don't forget what your grandfather said, you are yo bring your husband along, otherwise the crowning of the next heir might elude you…" Clarion explained. "Great grandfather…"
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I'll find a way out
Louis was silent. He just glared at Pamela. Get married? Does it have anything to do in connection with her return to Middletown City? He knew her grandfather left and took the company away from her and then sold it. But how does getting married have anything to do with her return to the royal family? "I'm sorry I am telling you this, it's not my place to suggest marriage. But Louis, except I am married, I cannot return to the royal family and I won't get to see my great grandfather before he will be laid to rest.."Pamela explained quickly. Louis brought her to sit on the sofa and sighed. He was going to marry Pamela and it's certain. But not yet, he wants to take his time before proposing marriage to her. "After that day at the hospital, when Dora was discharged and I got into an argument with you, grandfather was unhappy with me and took my royal titles away. He took the P and D4 group from me and made it into the Stonecut group. And later, sold it to you. I wa
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I'd Choose Death
Leah asked in a frosty stare. She remembered telling that spoiled rich bitch to stay away from her son. How dare she take a bolder step by getting more intimate with Louis? "She lives here now. Is there a problem?" Louis asked, pretending to notice the resentment in his mother's voice. She hasn't said a word to him. She's only talked with Pamela and he would pretend not to know a thing. "As what, the kids' mother or what?" She demanded. She was not hiding her resentment and Louis couldn't help but put the pretends away now. "Kids, go upstairs. The adults want to talk" Louis declared and kissed their temple. The kids nodded, hugged their grandparents and giggled away. "As my fiance. Where else could she be if not with me?" Louis asked as soon as the kids left. He needed to stand in defence of the woman he loves. It's a test of true love. "What is wrong with you,Louis? How can you think of being with a woman like Pamela?" Leah asked, expressing her unhappiness. "Leah, what is
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