All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
249 Chapters
Leah's Pleas
The boys were dressed in milk coloured chinos trousers, a sky blue shirt and a black jacket. Their pair of shoes were black tuxedo, all designer and expensive. Their hair styles are exactly like Louis and they look cute and charming especially Damian, he looks exactly like Louis, a real younger version of him. Dora was looking like a princess that descended from the fairytale Kingdom. She was dressed in a full milk coloured gown and her hair was made in a curly style. She looked good in her diamond jewelleries. Pamela and Louis were to dance and when the kids saw them, they came on stage and danced with their parents. Louis' couldn't take his eyes away from Pamela for a second. He whispered to her "you are looking so beautiful in your dress" he complimented and Pamela blushed. "Thank you, Louis. And you are looking charming as well" Pamela complimented back. Louis thanked her and smiled. Miranda Alvan stood by the sidelines. She had promised not to get any clos
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Sealed With A Kiss
Pamela took the turn by her left and arrived at the last entrance. She knew this must be the study. She pushed it open and stepped in. She was dazed. So many books, on different shelves. She glanced at the large mahogany desk and the swivel chair behind it. Two computers were on the desk and she saw a few files on the desk as well. She glanced at the desk, no pen was there. She didn't want to touch anything. She went round. But didn't see the pen and was going to go back when she saw someone standing by the doorway. She shivered and was going to scream when he walked closer to her. Her heart was beating fast and she looked pale. She was scared beyond her wits and she swallowed hard. She took a step backwards and took a while for her to calm down. "Calm down," Louis said, walking to stand in front of her. He saw how pale she had turned and her fears were all over her. "You startled me" Pamela found her voice. She placed her hand on her chest and was breathin
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That Feeling
He knew she could never belong to him anymore, but the sudden realisation of it hurts him. He had urged Pamela to get back with Louis and now, he feels pain to lose her. He suddenly felt tired and discovered he had a migraine. Why was he feeling uncomfortable to be in the Hayden's Mansion now? He was feeling hurt but couldn't help staring at Pamela and Louis, holding each other romantically. They've been married before, now that they want to give each other a second chance, their bonding will be far stronger than before. That feeling of loving a woman and you saw her slip off your fingers onto the hands of another man and you stood helpless, unable to do anything about it. His temperature suddenly rose. He couldn't help his aching heart as he saw how Louis was happy with Pamela. It would have been him. He would have been the one, holding hands with Pamela, happy and smiling broadly. He would have been the one she would have cherished and poured her entire affectio
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Louis' bodyguard held the door open and Louis waited, beckoning to Pamela to get in first. She glanced at him and he nodded. Her eyes welled up with tears but she smiled and gently got into the car. The first and the last time she got into Louis' car was when he forced her in, throwing her violently into the car and her belly hurts. She remembered she tried to beg him back then and he wouldn't listen to her. His chauffeur drove them to the hospital and he dragged her out, violently as he had forced her in. Pamela was deep in her thoughts and didn't realise that Louis had slipped into the car from the other end. He shut the door and glanced at her, she was quiet. He squinted. He guessed immediately what she was thinking. That day, he forced her into his car and took her to the hospital. That was the first time they got into the same car together and it was the last time before the present moment. She had refused to come back home with him. She walked to only s
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I Love You
After Lucas explained to Louis, there was a few minutes of silence. Both men stared at each with different thoughts running through their mind. Louis felt sorry for Lucas. He guessed right, when he concluded that the latter has feelings for his girlfriend. His eyes were affectionate when he stared at Pamela. But his love was one sided. He loves her but she loves someone else, him. He could understand to some extent what Lucas was going through. He once experienced a one sided love for some time. "Did she know you are still in love with her?" Louis asked and Lucas answered almost immediately "She doesn't. She only feels we are good friends. If she does, she would avoid me and never wants to see or meet me" "Sorry, but can I ask you a last question?" Louis requested. This question wouldn't let him be at ease until he gets his answers. He wants to know the extent they've gone with each other before. "Sure. I will answer all your questions to the best of my knowledg
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Lucas had arrived at the office and a few hours later, he received a text that Emma and her co accomplice had been jailed for six months and she requested to see him. Lucas deleted the message and concentrated on his work. The last thing he wants in this life is to have a talk with Emma. The harm she had caused his past, present and future happiness cannot be easily forgotten. He got busy until Greg called and told him that Emma had been jailed but requested to see him. It was Freya who went to see her though. Lucas bluntly told Greg Freeman that he was not going to honour her request. They practically have nothing between them again, not love, children or good memories together. But Greg said she wanted to see him on matters concerning Albert. He might not be Albert's biological father, but he raised him until the moment he parted ways with his mother. Besides, the boy saw him through the eyes of a father. He regarded him as his father and for once, he should con
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Beach Side Village
Women are a kind of creature. He met the sweet good one and a few terrible ones. Maybe in every Pamela, there would be ten of Emma's and five of Nelly. He doesn't have the time for women anymore. He just wants to be happy and live his life to the fullest. He's had enough of their meanness to the full and now, he wants a break. Pamela closed early and got home, ready to meet Louis for the date. She's been calling him and sending him texts,but he's not responding. There's something going on that she was yet to lay her fingers on. She got dressed and he sent her a text: my chauffeur is coming over to pick you. Pamela replied and said okay. She got dressed in an armless peplum blouse and a short skirt. She got her makeup kit in her bag. She cannot predict how much she and Louis were going to kiss each other. A minute to seven, his chauffeur arrived and Pamela got in. She sat alone at the back and asked the chauffeur where they were going and he said by the beach.
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The Extreme
If he was so easily deceived, he wouldn't have been able to go far in presiding over Hayden's cooperation. He kept his gaze on her and didn't give her a chance of easiness. "Aunt Leah and I just said a few words to each other," Pamela said, looking away. Louis Hayden is too smart a guy. The few times she's been with him, she knows he is intelligent. "I want to know the exact thing you both said" Louis insisted. Then he continued, taking her hand and came over to sit by the river bank. "Aunt Leah asked me to stay away from her family…Pamela's eyes welled up with tears. She sniffled. Louis was quiet. He guessed as much. He knew his mother's words hurt Pamela. He saw her looks during the party after talking to his mom. He glanced at Pamela and saw that she was cleaning her tears. "Call her Mom. She's your mother and not your Aunt" Louis advised. Calling her mother will create another feeling of security and acceptance from Mom. He knows his mother too well an
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Freddie is dead
Louis saw five missed calls, all from Pamela. He immediately called her back. "Pamela" he called as soon as she answered her phone. "I've called you earlier,"Pamela stated. He saw the towel around Louis' neck and water droplets still left on his face. He was bathing then, she guessed. "I was taking a bath," Louis replied. Was she worried about him and called to check on him? "Do you stay so long when taking a bath?" Pamela asked. "Yeah, sometimes when I need to take care of something. But is there a problem?" He asked and Pamela said nothing. She expected Louis to say something else but he didn't. They both stared at each other over the video. "I'm sorry for today" she apologised. "You haven't done anything to be sorry about. I was wrong to think the extreme, right? You said it's extreme" Louis mimicked in her words. Pamela was speechless. Louis Hayden was upset with her. He feels hurt by her refusal and perhaps it wasn't easy for him. "You said you we
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Back To Louis' Mansion
Pamela remained there with her father until midnight. Louis eventually took her home. Louis insisted that Pamela come over to his Mansion because he couldn't let her remain alone. Emma was taken back to prison and Freya was accompanied by Greg back home. That night, Pamela looked weak and vulnerable. She told Louis she was really sorry about the way she treated her father especially, when she took his most precious asset, the house from him. She didn't get to make it up to him. Thanks to Lucas who took her to see him when he was in the hospital. That was the last time she saw him. He treated her better than Freya and Emma. She heard a number of times he argued with Freya over exposing a certain secret. A secret she later knew to be that she was adopted. When Lucas told her why he supported the arranged marriage back then, when he(Louis) was in a coma, she let go her grudges against him. "In your quest for revenge Pamela, you went overboard. To me, and to you
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