All Chapters of Mr. Billionaire Your Dumped Wife Returned With Quadruplets : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
249 Chapters
It's not my fault
Romeo felt helpless after he heard Louis' words. How can President Hayden be reduced to this? How can this accident that happened a few years ago leave its aftermath on him? He suffered from a coma for several months. Now,at the peak of his romantic life with Pamela, the effect of the accident came up again. He should be getting married to her any moment soon. But here he is, going backward by six years. The timing of his life went backward. And Pamela, she is writhing in heartbreak and disappointment. If Louis could recall this past with Pamela, how amazing would it have been? But he did it with the wrong person. With an imposter. With an opportunist and a filthy divorced woman. Louis is having sex with a woman he normally wouldn't have allowed to come an inch close to him. The woman who loves him was separated from him by his mother. Mrs Leah Hayden struck Pamela in the place that is hard for her to heal. She's wounded in heart and bleeding. Louis is g
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Pamela confronts Louis
That alone annoyed Miranda Alvan. How dare she insult her? Who the hell does she think she is? "And despite your beauty, you couldn't keep your man but lose him to this woman who has deeply introverted eyes? So pathetic" Miranda teased and chuckled aloud. "I didn't lose him. And not to a woman like you. He needs to recover and you are doing the job for me. But I want you to know your limits and stop parading yourself cheaply as his fiance" Pamela snorted. "Yeah, I'm by his side because I am favoured by him and everyone in his family. I am not just there to look after him to recover, okay, stupid and naive princess" Miranda mocked. "His mother gave you that chance. But it won't last forever. Louis will eventually return to me and his kids. We own him and he loves us more than anything else in this world. Stay away from him. Don't let Leah Hayden use you to split our love. Because no matter how much she tries, true love will stand the test of time. So know th
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I lost him
Louis was furious and yanked Pamela, bringing his face close to hers and yelled into it "Go to hell, go!!"and like a kitten he dragged her towards the door and pushed her out with a "thud" sound on the floor. Pamela fell on the floor and at the feet of a woman. She was sobbing, her hair now rough, it covered her face as she felt humiliated again. This is the second time he dragged her like this. Is history repeating itself again? She saw the designer shoes the woman wore and expected that she would give her a hand, help her rise up again. "President Hayden! Just stop this" Romeo bellowed. But it was late, Louis was holding his head in pain. Another flash of the past came to his memory again. He shoved a woman angrily out of the car. But he didn't see her face and his head pained him. He didn't even regard Romeo's words. Romeo and Ellis went outside and saw that Pamela was on the floor and Miranda towered over her. Romeo shook her head. She caused
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At first sight
That evening, Lucas drove towards Pamela's Mansion. He hates to do it. He is not important like Pamela told him. But he's been to Louis' Mansion and no one was ready to tell him anything about her. He called him and he answered absent mindedly. He said he would reach out to him later and he never did. When he tried calling him again, his line was blocked. He suspected that something had gone wrong. Hence he decided to check on her at her place. If she's fine, he would walk away and not make the mistake of coming back. When he arrived at her place, her security let him in. He got in and went to knock. He has told himself that he had shoved Pamela Grayson out of his life. He had succeeded in doing that until that moment. He can't pretend not to know that the reason for his restlessness is because he couldn't talk to Pamela. When he got to her door, he pressed the doorbell and waited. Pamela wanted to get up but Alice said she shouldn't bother. She went to the
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Committed to her?
Lucas bursted into laughter and Pamela laughed too. Alice is playful. This is just the kind of person she wants around her at the moment. "I'm older than you Alice. So you should call me big sis instead" Pamela said, pulling her chin. Louis was unable to concentrate on anything. He sat down before Romeo and Miranda were by his side. "President Hayden, you approved this contract three months ago. So I don't know, can we invite them over for a deliberation and a way forward in executing the project?" Romeo asked. He raised his head and glanced at Louis. The latter was staring at the door. His face was cold and expressionless. He had been so after Pamela left. He had complained about his head pain and Romeo had thought he would remember who he used to be. They called for his doctor and he came over quickly. After attending to him, the pain seemed to relieve him and he became calm again. Romeo waited for him to say something that might indicate that he
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Romeo was lost. Miranda Alvan is such a loose woman? She wants to have affairs with him in exchange for support? She is with Louis and she's also willing to be with him, knowing that Louis is his boss? Is that how desperate she is? But he let the surprised expression pass away quickly. He sighed and asked "You know I am married, right?" "Yes. I know you have a wife and two kids. But I am not asking you to marry me or be my boyfriend or fiance. That's what I want from Louis alone. All I am saying is that I am willing to spend a night with you. Take me as much as you can and in exchange, stay with me. Support me to be Louis' woman, period" Miranda explained the logic. Romeo nodded as if he understood what she said. He was furious and broken within. Is this the kind of woman Leah Hayden brought to her son's side? What kind of mother is she? And what kind of a woman is Miranda Alvan? Shameless and have no sense of decency? "I have never done it befor
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She wanted to ask him to explain about his past with her. Were they like dating or something? But she couldn't bring herself to ask too many questions. She's a doctor not a detective. "Ask your questions, Alice," Lucas urged. He saw her hand suddenly get suspended and she was quiet like someone analysing a statement. The answer he gave to her question must have caused it. He would explain to her what his past was with Pamela. "What?" Alice was dazed at what he said. He could guess that she has a question at the tip of her tongue. "Weren't you contemplating on asking me a question? I had a past with Pamela but I married her sister. Ask me whatever you want" Lucas demanded. "Yeah, you're right. I wanted you to explain what you meant by having a past with her and yet you said you married her sister" Alice requested. "Pamela was my fiance at the time. But I had affairs with her sister and married her,"Lucas explained scantily. That part of his past
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Cannot be the heir
Romeo looked away. If only she knew how much of a restraint he was applying to keep himself from dragging her by her hair like Leah did to Pamela and throw her out through the window. "Calm down bitch. We need to talk first and come to an agreement" Romeo declared. He called her a bitch and Miranda was not in the least annoyed. "Make it snappy dude. I'm dripping wet already. I thought we would take the first dose before talking business. But if that's how you want it, make it snappy" Miranda complained. Motherfucker! Romeo said within him. Dripping wet? If he wants to sleep with a woman, he has a beautiful woman at home that he loves. Not bitches like her. "Yes. We talk business first. In every partnership, there would be an agreement first before appexing a signature. So tell me, what exactly do you want me to do for you?" Romeo asked, glaring at her with a poker face. "It's simple. Support me to remain at Louis' side. Everything I say, rather than cont
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I will never forget
Clarion complexion turned purple in fury. How dare Tarvan describe her as a barren woman? How dare he say such words to her? "Are you feeling upset that I said that? I worked hard, but you couldn't conceive. It wasn't my fault that we couldn't have more children, it was yours. You are suddenly infertile. Now you tell me that my granddaughter should be an heir simply because she is Pamela. If she was the daughter of my son, I would Consider it. But she was born by a daughter. I have concubines now and I am working hard to get them pregnant and get an heir from them. So just enjoy the position of a queen while it lasts. Do you understand me, Clarion?" Tarvan bellowed. Clarion just glared at her husband. She couldn't believe a time would come when Tarvan would say such words to her. But the day finally came. "You said I am Barren?" Clarion asked, the word 'barren' kept resounding in her head as if she's never heard it being used for a woman. "Yes. You are
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Let's begin again
Lucas was busy in the office when a certain person knocked on his door. "The door is open," he said. When the door opened, it was Nelly that came in. She looked calm and remorseful, standing before Lucas. It's been months but it seemed to her like yesterday. She had betrayed him. She was with Phil and never thought she would fall apart with him. Now, she wants Lucas back and it doesn't seem as if he noticed her again. Lucas raised his head and saw Nelly. He squinted and offered a seat "Take a seat" he said, capping his pen and placing it aside. He folded his arms and glanced at her "You want to see him?" Lucas asked. He got the answer within himself. Of course she wants to see him, otherwise what would she be doing in his office? Nelly nodded. She wanted to talk but it seemed the words got choked in her throat. She glanced at her fingers and fiddled with it. "Okay. I'm with you" Lucas said in a tone of impatience. He doesn't have time to sit and face a w
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