All Chapters of No Divorce For Us, Mrs. Godfrey: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
831 Chapters
Chapter 131
“Wow, you sound like you miss me! Long time no see, sister dear. I miss you so much too!” Maddison jeered between exhilarating guffaws. Behind her, two large men with protruding musculature lurched, kneeing both Jeanette and Damon to the ground before binding them with ropes.Damon put up as much struggle as he could, but forgoing food and water over a long time had taken a toll on his strength. He was quickly proven to be no match for the two hired thugs.“What do you want, Maddison?” He fume
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Chapter 132
Elias Burnham and a dozen police officers had come to their rescue like a cavalry of reinforcement. As they took their positions around the exit, Elias shouted, “Maddison Leighton, you are surrounded and outnumbered. Put the knife down and surrender right this instant!”Maddison laughed scornfully in defiance, but deep down inside, she knew she was at the end of the road. She never expected the police to come so soon.“Jeanette, Jeanette, Jeanette. Always so lucky, aren’t you? But good fortune
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Chapter 133
…Jeanette woke up to the sight of her mother sitting by her bedside. Everything looked hazy to her bleary eyes, and she remained stunned and confused for quite some time before her mind finally registered her surroundings as the hospital.“Jeanette! You’re finally up! God, you scared me!” Jenny wailed. Her eyes were puffy.“Mom… Where’s Damon?”“He left on his own. Many things happened, you know, and Maddison… Well, she’s dead. I imagine he must have a million things he needs to work out, s
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Chapter 134
Elias snorted just as scornfully as Mimi sounded. “Ohh, I’m sorry, milady! For not telling you in advance about my totally planned visit to the underworld and then coming back alive without your noble permission!”“Well, if you’re really sorry, you wouldn’t mind dying again so I can enjoy it with my popcorn ready.”“Bad luck. An ex isn’t worth me risking my life,” Elias sniped, not mincing his words.“Why you!”Mimi was livid. The longer she looked at Jeanette, the angrier she became. Now, s
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Chapter 135
His precaution was unneeded. Restaurant security managed to apprehend Juliana when she was about ten steps away.Juliana’s eyes were bloodshot. She howled like a primal beast, shouting, “I’ll kill you, Jeanette! Your life… For her life!”Jeanette felt a tinge of pity for the older woman. It was the grief of a mother that had maddened Juliana, after all. Gripped by the bubbling sympathy, she started toward her stepmother.Damon, alerted, tried to step in. She shook her head and assured him in
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Chapter 136
Madison's funeral was scheduled for the weekend in two days.She had not died an honorable death. Thus, after retrieving her body from the police, they cremated her in a very discreet manner. Her funeral was also extremely desolate.Except for a few relatives that were close to the Leighton family, almost no one attended to express their condolences.Juliana was bawling and even passed out in the funeral home twice. In the end, she was carried into an ambulance, leaving only Magnus holding hi
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Chapter 137
She would never look back again.In the courtyard outside, Jeanette's stepmother, Juliana, had just received an IV drip in the hospital and was struggling to get home to send her daughter off personally.They happened to run into each other.Juliana was so weak that she could not even walk properly like before, but somehow, she suddenly had the strength to charge forward and grab Jeanette's neck."You have the nerve to come here? What right do you have to come here? Jeanette Leighton, go to
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Chapter 138
Magnus seemed extremely upset. "What do you mean?""Mrs. Leighton hurt my wife. I was going to let it go for your sake since you’re my father-in-law, but you wanted to hit her for no reason at all. That’s really unreasonable. Since that’s the case, I want to have a talk with you.""Damon Godfrey! This is my family’s affair, and I’m teaching my daughter a lesson. You’re from the Godfrey family, so you’d better stay out of it!" Magnus' tone was stern.Madison had kidnapped Damon, so the Leighto
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Chapter 139
At that moment, Mimi suddenly let out a cold snort.Jeanette was stunned and stopped in her tracks subconsciously.Everyone’s eyes fell on them, and some of them started talking among themselves."You really like copying me. Last time, it was a bag, and now, it’s a silk scarf. Jeanette, are you a copycat?" Mimi said coldly.Only then did Jeanette notice that the silk scarf around her neck was the same as the one Mimi wore today. Even the color and pattern were exactly identical.It was inde
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Chapter 140
Damon had no choice—Elias had saved Jeanette's life after all. Elias watched with interest as Damon opened the cake box for him under his command. He then smiled. "Mr. Godfrey is pretty meticulous in taking care of patients." "Can I go now?""Come on, you’ve come all the way here. Why don't you sit down and have some tea?"Damon looked around, and except for medical equipment, there were no teacups or tea leaves whatsoever.Elias was eating the cake with relish all by himself. His shamele
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