All Chapters of No Divorce For Us, Mrs. Godfrey: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
831 Chapters
Chapter 151
“Can’t you give me a chance? I’ll try to control my temper. Even if… Even if you can’t let go of her, can’t I just hold a place in your heart for now?”He looked her in the eye for a very long time and decided to be blunt with her. “Mimi, you’re a great girl. But you really shouldn’t get involved with the likes of me. I don’t want to drag you down.”“Heh. I knew you’d say that.” Mimi chuckled in a self-deprecating manner.When had she ever thrown her own pride away like that for someone else? But in the end, it didn't make a difference.“If you had met me first, instead of Jeanette, would things still be the same?”“Feelings are exactly what they are, feelings. You can’t differentiate what comes first or last. Look at that blasted idiot, Damon. He arrived much later than I did in meeting Jeanette, didn’t he? Yet Jeanette actually fell in love with him at first sight, of all things.”The next day, at the beauty salon…Many wives of prestigious families frequented this place. Sylv
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Chapter 152
“Olivia, I already gave you a clear answer the last time we met. I’m not interested in understanding your evil scheme, and I’m certainly not interested in being a part of it. I don’t want to end up like Maddison Leighton.”“What if I had a way for you to change Elias’ mind?”“What could you possibly do?”Olivia shifted herself forward, lowered her voice, and asked, “Do you know how Jeanette managed to weasel her way into the Godfrey family?”“Elias mentioned this before. She fell in love wit
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Chapter 153
“Mr. Burnham, Mrs. Burnham.” She pulled an awkward smile as soon as she entered the ward.“It’s you, Jeanette. Long time no see. I’ve heard you’ve gotten married. Is that true?” Mrs. Burnham may have spoken courteously, but her overall bearing was a kind of politeness that seemed out of practice.“Yes,” Jeanette replied.“I’m surprised at how close you still are with our Elias, even though you’re married. Does your husband know?”Jeanette was instantly rendered speechless. The mixture of w
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Chapter 154
“Nonetheless, Jeanette, I’m sorry. My mom isn’t like this normally. I don’t know what’s gotten into her.”She smiled. “Of course she’s nice to you. You’re her son!”Seeing Jeanette showing signs of leaving, Elias suddenly reached out and grabbed her by her arm. “Wait. There’s something I want to tell you…”“Elias, I—”A new voice, forceful and even slightly mad, thundered. “Let her go!”Jeanette could feel the air brushing past her back. The next thing she knew was that her arm had slipped
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Chapter 155
“I’ve always been petty,” he declared, grabbing her by the chin with the intention to punish her. His heart got in the way, though, and so in the end, all he did was an angry flick at her forehead with his index finger.“You never bought me any gift,” he muttered.“What did you say?”Damon turned away and restarted the car. “I’m not gonna repeat myself.”The more he dwelled on this issue, the more upset he became. Jeanette had never bought him any gift—not even once. And yet, she had lavishe
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Chapter 156
The stench of ink-cleaner was still lingering in Jeanette’s fingers when she put her hands up instinctively.Damon grabbed both of her wrists and pushed them against the wall. His other hand looped itself around her waist before pulling her in. His tongue easily broke through the flimsy defense her teeth posed.She tasted the sweet, tanginess of orange—the same from the candy she had given him.Jeanette broke into a fit of airy giggles. She could not believe he would eat that little candy aft
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Chapter 157
It was a young woman. Both Jenny and the group of thugs turned around to find a young woman in a pair of shades, a baseball cap, a mask, and a rather airtight garb revealing none of her skin. She was approaching them from the other end of the alley.“Who the f*ck are you?!” shouted one of the men.“How much does she owe you? I’ll pay on her behalf,” she replied.“Excuse me, Miss Knight in Shiny Armor, but this woman owes us 300k. You’re gonna just help a random stranger pay 300k?”The young
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Chapter 158
Since then, Mimi seemed to have made it a habit to visit Jenny in her home every now and then, bringing fruits, medicine, and other kinds of gifts every time. It did not take a long time before the two became close.The last thing Jenny wanted was for her daughter to know about her owning a mountain of debt because of her failed ventures in the stock market. But then again, the fact that this kind young lady was the one who had cleared her debt for her became quite a sting in Jenny’s conscience
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Chapter 159
When that was in the bag, Mimi would persuade Jenny into inviting Jeanette for dinner, where the real target would be ambushed, knocked out, and left for the debt-collecting thugs’ own interest.“But those thugs don’t really care if the things they do are illegal, right? Are you sure we should leave Jeanette to them? You don’t think… Something really nasty could happen?” Mimi asked nervously.“Isn’t this what you wanted?”“Excuse me?”Olivia summoned all of her strength and dragged an uncons
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Chapter 160
“You b*tch! You’ve set me up this whole time! You’ve wanted to drag me through the mud the whole time!” Mimi bristled in both exasperation and helplessness.If the recording ever got to Elias, Mimi’s fate would be sealed. In fact, if that incriminating recording was ever presented to the Internet, Elias would not be her only problem—the court of the Internet would dogpile on her. She would be canceled for sure, and nothing could ever resurrect her career or reputation.Oliva sneered. “That’s r
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