All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
379 Chapters
Chapter 241
The moment his voice spread across the booth, everybody went silent. Ever since Jake became more and more popular around Edward, his status had soared above other people in his group. There were very few people that he would address with a courtesy title, and judging from the surname “Carraway”, it would not be difficult for them to guess who the woman was. Truth be told, not many people had heard about Vivian. However, those who had heard about her would know that she held a special place in Ed
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Chapter 242
She still had classes at night, but she skipped them. Instead, she took a cab and went to Tipsy Tonight. Without alerting anyone, she moved towards Edward’s private booth. There were plenty of people in the booth and everyone was as high as a kite. The woman in Edward’s embrace was being surrounded by his friends as they forced him to guzzle down more wine. Then, she heard somebody shouted, “Can you still do it, Ed? If you can’t, let Sis-in-law help you out!” When the short-haired woman in Ed
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Chapter 243
Estelle was not being shy but she was just too shocked to even move. She opened her eyes wide as she stared incredulously at the scene before her. Slowly, her eyes turned red at the rims and her mouth quivered. Tears began to flow out as if she could not hold them in anymore, and she turned around and ran out of the booth. Vivian nudged Edward again. Looking at him with twinkling eyes, she urged, “What’re you still standing here like a log for? Go and get her!” However, he remained standing
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Chapter 244
He turned around and looked at Vivian, waiting for her instruction. “Miss Carraway?” Vivian was well aware that she mustn’t reveal her true feelings. She suppressed her desperation and pretended as if she was deep in thought. After a short while, she pulled Jake aside, and with a troubled expression, she asked, “Did Edward touch the girl?” Jake didn’t know how to respond. The first thing was that Edward had not told him anything before, so he did not know what kind of story he had told Vivia
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Chapter 245
Edward didn't say a word. Instead, he stood there, watching her for a long time before slowly spitting out two words, “Get out.”Estelle was taken aback, then she finally realized that he was speaking to her. Her eyes welled up as she stared at him in disbelief. “Ed?”How could Edward possibly have the patience or the mood to deal with her now? He didn’t even bother looking at her as he simply increased the icy tone in his voice. “I said, get out.”Vivian giggled uncontrollably. That was the
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Chapter 246
He had never seen such a perverse side to her before. He stared at her for a while, then suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her neck, disregarding the thick lipstick on her lips and simply lowering his head to kiss her. However, she seemed to have been prepared for this. She struggled backward and gently lifted her leg, raising her skinny, tall stiletto. “Don’t kiss me. You disgust me,” she said deliberately.Edward’s expression sank when he heard these words. He stared at her. “E
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Chapter 247
She used a hundred different tricks with gentle methods and force simply to throw a wrench into his marriage to Renne. However, she simply didn’t care about him at all. This was all because Renne was her good friend, so she was off-limits. Edward smirked as both love and hatred intermingled in his heart. For a moment, he couldn’t figure out which felt stronger. She could see right through him. She pressed herself close to him when she saw the look on his face, wrapping her arms around his neck
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Chapter 248
“Don’t. I can’t afford that.” She, however, refused to fall for it. She giggled teasingly and said, “As long as you don’t plant your flag on my friends, do whatever you like to everyone else. Just make sure to take…precautions. That way, everyone wins.”She pushed him away and rose to her feet. She turned around and headed into the bathroom. Before she could take two steps, he seized her from behind. She was fully aware that by taking two steps, she had to take one step back. She also knew that
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Chapter 249
She stared at him as if there was an instant when she actually felt moved. However, she quickly displayed an even more satirical smile as she hooked her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his ear. “The words of a man in bed are even more untrustworthy than his drunken babbling in a bar,” she stated as a matter-of-factly.He both loved and hated her intelligence and cunningness. He gently pushed her away and smiled serenely. “You don’t have to incite me, Vee. Just watch and see if
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Chapter 250
Edward nodded slowly as he listened to her, then asked in an affected manner, “So, is the number still engaged?”Indeed, it was still engaged. Ever since Vivian used that number to call some strange phone, that number remained engaged. On top of that, even the foreign number that Vivian had once used to call her was discovered to be a dead number after she tried dialing it again. Aside from shock, Renne was in disbelief as well. If it weren’t for the call records on her phone, she would’ve begu
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