All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
379 Chapters
Chapter 251
At this point, it seemed like this was the most logical solution. Renne was nothing like Vivian. She had unwittingly fallen into Edward’s trap. After a bout of hesitation, she replied, “Okay.”Talking about it was easy, but the engagement party was tomorrow, and both parties came from famous and prestigious families. Even though they never planned on making it an extravagant affair, all of their good friends and relatives had already been informed. Therefore, canceling the engagement was easier
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Chapter 252
Master Levin shot him a cold glare. “What woman do you want? That Carraway girl?”“Yes,” Edward replied calmly. He was neither forceful nor acquiescent about it.“What an infatuated seed you are!” Master Levin scoffed icily. He rose to his feet with his walking stick, then went on his way out. Unexpectedly, Edward stopped him just as he had taken two steps forward. “Don’t touch her, Gramps,” he said in an even tone, “It wasn’t easy for me to get her back. I’m cherishing her now. Besides, you k
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Chapter 253
Estelle Konstantin’s mind had been preoccupied the entire day. She couldn’t continue her night-time studying either, so she packed her bags and went back home very early. She had just arrived at the alley in front of her house when she noticed Edward’s car. She was taken aback, then her heart leaped with joy. She was about to run up to him when she remembered everything that had happened yesterday, so she pretended to ignore the car and puffed out her chest as she raised her head and walked past
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Chapter 254
Edward fell silent. He stretched out his arm and ruffled her hair, then chuckled, “Silly girl, we’ve made an agreement long ago—don’t fall in love with me.”“I haven’t fallen in love with you!” Estelle objected with reddened eyes. However, when she saw the half-smile in his eyes, she no longer wished to lie to herself. She gritted her teeth and flung her arms around his neck, then she asked him in a muffled voice, “Would you have fallen for me if I had met you sooner?”Edward did not reply. Af
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Chapter 255
She seemed to be in a particularly good mood. She smiled as she lay down and propped her head against her hand. “Let me continue guessing. How did you manage to cancel the engagement? Oh, right, is Estelle’s phone with you?” she asked.Edward nodded with interest and said, “That’s right. It’s with me. Keep going.”“Mm, then I’m right. Renne couldn’t get the number to connect, and she couldn’t contact me. So, like a headless fly, she had no choice but to go to you again. You, on the other hand,
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Chapter 256
He had not avoided her and had picked the call up right in front of her. The room was very quiet and Vivian could clearly hear his conversation with Renne on the call. In reality, there was nothing worthy of hiding anyway. Renne said that the matter of calling off the engagement had infuriated her parents. They firmly believed that she had initiated the matter and refused to believe that Edward had also agreed to the decision. Edward asked Renne gently, “What do you need me to do?”“If it’s c
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Chapter 257
She hesitated for a moment before she asked, “Are you free in the afternoon? How about I treat you to a meal in the afternoon? I don’t want to go back and receive their verbal attacks anymore. I feel like my mind is about to blow up, really.”It was supposed to be their engagement day today. Edward didn’t actually have much work to do today. However, he was unwilling to give up the free time that he had strived for with great effort and spend the time having a meal with Renne instead, so he dec
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Chapter 258
The man did not expect Edward to be so ruthless. He was startled out of his wits, so he called out in a panic, “I’m a private investigator and I’ve been commissioned to follow you.”Wade fished out binoculars, cameras, and other equipment from the car before bringing it over to show Edward who took a side glance at the items and asked the man, “Who commissioned you?”“It’s a woman named Bright,” the man answered. Edward was stunned for a moment, but he could not help cracking into a smile be
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Chapter 259
Vivian stood for a while before she sat down once again. Even though she did not comment, one could see the unpleasantness of her expression. The housekeeper presented a few dishes that she cooked up in succession. Those were all simple dishes, but they were scrumptious in every way. Edward ate a few mouthfuls of rice and looked up to see Vivian sitting there without doing anything. He picked up a piece of fish with the chopsticks and placed it in her bowl. “Eat more. Look at you. You’ve only
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Chapter 260
She was stunned for a moment and gazed at him dubiously. Edward’s lips cracked into a faint smile as he said, “I don’t own the hospital anyway. In addition to that, even if I do own the hospital, the doctor won’t have the authority to simply perform an abortion.”’While she refused to believe him, there was nothing else she could do either. Vivian sized up him for a moment before concluding, “Let go of me and I shall follow you to a hospital.”He let go of her and instructed the housekeepe
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