All Chapters of You're Mine: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
379 Chapters
Chapter 271
Wade spied no objection from Edward, so he followed Jake.Edward waved at the maid dismissively, and the girl retreated out of the room without a sound, leaving only the couple behind. He took a seat opposite Vivian and considered her before asking softly, “So, are you enjoying the food?”Vivian placed down her spoon and answered without mincing words, “It’s not to my taste.”He froze, not expecting it. After a moment, he chuckled in amusement and replied, “You might need to endure it for a few
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Chapter 272
The smile on Madam Duy’s face grew wider as she motioned Vivian to follow after her. Although she seemed as if she wanted to introduce her to the other female guest, Vivian was skeptical. She darted a distress gaze at Edward, to which the latter just responded with a firm nod. As such, she followed after her. A lot of people greeted Madam Duy along the way though mostly she just replied with a formal nod or a smile and only stopped occasionally to introduce one or two to Vivian.It occurred to
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Chapter 273
She pricked her ears up, listening intently as she tried to make the voice out amongst the explosion and gunshots. The voice sounded anxious and desperate. Sometimes, it was very far while other times it was very close to her. Then, she heard it. Edward. The voice belonged to Edward. He was looking for her. The realization hit her hard, but she did not know whether she should be happy or sad. Just when she fell into her own thoughts, Edward’s voice grew softer and softer as he went further away.
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Chapter 274
“Then, we should wrap it at the distal end?” she asked again. “Nope, we just need to cover the wound,” he said as he stretched his hand to feel her wound. After he had a basic estimate of the intensity of her wound, he wrapped the strip of cloth several times around it. Then, he ordered her to work together with him and tightened the cloth. He was sweating profusely after helping her to tend to her wound. He quietly wiped the blood from his hand on himself, and then raised his hand to caress h
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Chapter 275
Stunned, Edward was not able to give any response. Had it been under normal circumstances, he would have been so consumed by his exasperation that he wanted to choke her to death. However, now was not the right time. He had to make her keep talking to keep her conscious. Gritting his teeth, he said slowly and deliberately, “I don’t have my phone now. I promise that I'll let you call him after we get out of here.” As if she read him, Vivian just gave a chuckle. “I know you’re lying, Sean.” Si
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Chapter 276
They began doing a routine inspection on her. Through the mass of people, she saw Edward. He was not wearing any shirt while his chest was heavily bandaged, and there were a few crusted scars on his cheek. He just stood at the back of the crowd and looked at her silently. Unknowingly, perhaps driven by a mystery force, she curled her lips up to offer him a smile. Edward was taken aback at first. However, he soon came around and responded with a grin of his own. It was only after the medical pe
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Chapter 277
A surge of exhilaration filled her and her eyes shone brightly. She quickly lowered her head to prevent Edward from seeing her current expression. She took a short while to calm herself down only then she said, “If possible, don’t deal with Chief Duy anymore, Edward.” He was still a little angry with her. The moment he heard her remark, he flattened his lips and asked, “Why?” Biting her lower lip, it took her quite some strength to continue what she was about to say, “He’s a drug lord. Anyon
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Chapter 278
The plane flew straight to Mali. There was someone waiting to pick them up when they arrived at the airport, then they drove to Alicante at full speed. Vivian knew that it was a city located in the southeast of Spain. It was a tourist spot and a sunny place with pleasant weather. She also knew that the surgeon responsible for Edward’s plastic surgery, Dr. Roberto Aderman, was in this very city.She had been extremely quiet throughout the journey because she couldn’t figure out Edward’s feelings
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Chapter 279
Vivian slept all the way through the day before waking up. She heard him calling out to her from the balcony when she woke up, “Vee, come out here.”She was still in a blur. She sat up on the bed for a while before wrapping herself in her nightgown and walking towards the balcony facing the street. It was already bright and sunny outside, and there was a fine and soft-looking sandy beach across the road. The wind blew from the azure waters of the ocean, sending them a slightly damp but refreshi
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Chapter 280
She slowly released her jaws and weakly leaned into his shoulder. After a while, she spoke exhaustedly, “You’ve won, Edward. I want to go home. I don’t want to see Liam anymore. I don’t ever want to hear anything about him again.”“Alright,” Edward replied. He paused then said, “Let’s live happily together when we get back.”It would be early spring in the country when they returned. As it happened, the willow trees were just about to bloom. Vivian got down from the plane and followed Edward b
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