All Chapters of Lightning Marriage of Intense Love: Sir Hubby is Very Dedicated: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
612 Chapters
Chapter 131
No matter what Juliana said, William turned a deaf ear to it. He only said to Cyrus, "Why don't you let her do it for you?""How dare you!" Cyrus was like a little beast protecting its mother. He quickly pulled Juliana behind him and comforted her, "Mom, I'll go with him. I'll be back soon. Don't worry...""Cyrus, you can't go. You really can't go..." Juliana held him tightly, but he managed to break free. She could only watch him get into William's car.The car drove away. Juliana quickly ca
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Chapter 132
Even though William was bare-handed, he was still able to beat Cyrus until he had no strength to fight back.He saw that his face and body were all covered in color, but Cyrus still tried his best to resist.He knew that he wasn't William's match at all. He also knew that if things went on like this, the outcome that awaited him would only be a disaster. This was because William had no intention of stopping at all.Cyrus knew that he had really offended William this time.Even if he surrende
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Chapter 133
Speaking of which, she really had to thank the person who liked to talk nonsense. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to escape from William's devil palm at this moment.After escaping from the Magic Palm, Cecelia's mood suddenly turned dark.She went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed her clothes that had been soaked by William, and tidied up the room that had been messed up by her.She was so tired that she was sweating. After sitting on the sofa and eating an apple, she suddenl
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Chapter 134
"Husband?" Juliana didn't believe what she had heard and unconsciously raised her voice by several degrees. "You said William is your husband!?"Look, look, she said that this woman must have something to do with that woman that day. Otherwise, why would she be so surprised?Cecelia was active, but she looked calm on the surface. She tilted his head and said with a smile, "Auntie, do you think I'm lying? Why don't you come in and sit for a while, and I'll show you my marriage certificate?"".
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Chapter 135
If that guy said that she had taken the initiative to show off first, wouldn't she be unable to explain herself even if she had a mouth?As a result, Cecelia to Natalie's number and dialed.She answered almost instantly, "Hello, sister-in-law, I just met you in the morning. Did you miss me again?""Natalie, are you free now? If you are free, come to my house quickly!" Cecelia didn’t have time to joke with Natalie, so he lowered his voice and said in an urgent tone."Your house? Shouldn't you
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Chapter 136
Looking at Natalie, Juliana didn't feel good at all. She didn't expect Cecelia didn’t call William just now, but called Natalie.In fact, the person who had come was Natalie. To Juliana, it was much easier to deal with. However, what she wanted the most right now was to save her son, so it had to be William.It had been about two to three hours since William had taken Cyrus. In these two to three hours, anything could happen...The more she thought about it, the more uneasy Juliana became. Sh
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Chapter 137
Now that things had come to this point, she had nothing to pretend about. She simply made it clear to Natalie. "If it weren't for your brother making trouble for Cyrus, would I be like this?""...That was done by Cyrus himself." It wasn't that Natalie didn't know what Cyrus had done since he was a child. "Now, get out of here immediately, or I will make you suffer without my brother."Natalie's attitude was within Juliana's expectations. However, she was not someone to be trifled with. Her eye
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Chapter 138
Natalie used a lot of strength to kick the door open.There was such a big noise when he kicked the door. If Cecelia was fine, he would have come long ago.The door was kicked open, but she didn't see Cecelia. Natalie was even more panicked and ran inside.As she ran, she shouted, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."She searched almost all of the houses, but she didn't see any sign of Cecelia’s appearance.When she went down with Juliana just now, she didn't meet anyone who came up. Besides,
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Chapter 139
Who was the one who took advantage of the chaos to lay a finger on Cecelia?No matter who it was, if William were to find out about it, he would probably think that she was the one who did it, just like Natalie. At that time...Juliana didn't dare to think further.Therefore, in a panic, she wanted to leave this troublesome place as soon as possible.When Grace arrived, Natalie and Juliana were still arguing.Seeing Grace, Natalie hurriedly said, "Grace, you're finally here. Help me ask her
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Chapter 140
On the verge of death, Cecelia mind was filled with William.If something really happened to her, would William be sad? Would he be sad? Would he be...Would he be with another woman right away?For example, the woman who had asked him to leave her behind twice?Cecelia admired himself very much. At such a time, he still had time to think about these things, but she couldn't control her own brain at all.She was obviously in danger, but she couldn't help but think about these messy things.
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