All Chapters of Lightning Marriage of Intense Love: Sir Hubby is Very Dedicated: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
612 Chapters
Chapter 151
As his biological sister, Natalie naturally had more courage than Grace. She cleared her throat and said seriously, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to do as you said, but I really can't do that."My sister-in-law is already bored enough to be hospitalized. If we don't come to accompany her, she will be bored to the point of having grass on her head."Grace echoed, "Yes, yes, yes, Cecelia is most afraid of boredom. Every time she told me that she was bored and was about to get mildew. Do y
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Chapter 152
It seemed that it would not be easy to find out who the murderer was.No matter how anxious they were, it was of no use.So William asked Grace to stop.Grace thought that she had misheard. "Boss, what you just said, you don't want to check?"Natalie was also in disbelief. "Brother, he was the murderer who almost separated you from my sister-in-law. Why didn't you let the investigation go? Don't you want to avenge my sister-in-law?"Of course, he wanted revenge!When he found the murderer,
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Chapter 153
Hearing Cecelia Natalie, a man said calmly, "I'm on a business trip.""Ah?" Cecelia. "Doesn't she have no job?"Two days ago, Natalie always came to see her, and then Cecelia asked because she was worried that it would delay her work. As a result, Natalie told her that she had just resigned recently and stayed at home, so she had a lot of time."Why is she going on a business trip again?"William paused for a moment before continuing, "I've just found a new job.""...This new job really is
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Chapter 154
"What are you doing?" The man had always been concise."Call Grace." Cecelia didn’t notice at all. As soon as he heard Grace's name, the man, who hadn't been there for long, had a bad look on his face. He turned over the pillow and sheets on his own and looked for his mobile phone while saying, "I want to ask her what she's so busy about. It's so late, why don't you come and see me?""..."Why was she so obsessed with those two girls?What kind of attraction did the two of them have for her?
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Chapter 155
Although Cecelia and Chelsey had only met once, she had a deep impression of her.After all, William had abandoned her twice for her.What was this woman doing here?William was also very shocked by Chelsey's arrival. For a moment, he didn't know how to react.Chelsey looked at the two people who were full of shock. There was a flash of darkness in her eyes, but she said apologetically, "I'm sorry. I'm trying to avoid Zachary. William, why are you here? And this lady. Isn't she the one I met
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Chapter 156
The more she said, the more she cried, as if she had been abandoned by the whole world. "Zachary, I have loved him for so many years. Every day, I hope to marry him as soon as possible, but now...It's impossible, it's impossible. He won't marry me again..."Zachary couldn't bear to listen any longer. He pulled Chelsey into his arms and said, "Chelsey, don't cry like this. You're in poor health. You can't cry like this."Recently, Chelsey's health had improved a lot, perhaps because she had m
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Chapter 157
In fact, when she received a call from William saying that he wanted to see her, Chelsey was a little nervous.She knew that the reason he wanted to see her was nothing more than to reveal his relationship with her and Cecelia.She was not only nervous, but also a little scared.She was afraid William would tell her in person even though he knew that she was in poor health. Cecelia the woman he loved the most and the wife he was willing to marry.If he made it clear, then it would be impossi
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Chapter 158
"... You're still in love with her, and you're still in love with her. Of course not. What I'm talking about is that human relationships are very complicated after all. You like them a second ago. Maybe you'll hate them the next second?"William looked at the agitated Zachary with a deep gaze. After a long while, he said, "I'll never change my mind when it comes to Cecelia."William left as soon as he finished speaking, leaving Zachary standing there in a daze. He remembered what he had said i
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Chapter 159
She was so angry that she was about to die, but he was still laughing!!Cecelia so angry he was about to explode, almost roaring, "I want you to stay a bit further away from me. As far as the earth is, just get lost."The little woman's eyes widened and her small face puffed up. She looked like an enraged little beast. The more William looked at her, the more adorable he found her. He really wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her hard.And he really did that.In the garden of the hospit
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Chapter 160
He said in a deep voice, "It seems that you still want to continue.""..."This time, it was as if Cecelia's meridians had been opened. He instantly understood that the reason why he was so cheap was because she had just said that he didn't like to hear it, so he used this method to punish her.Cecelia, who wanted to scold him again, swallowed all the words that had already reached his throat.She didn't doubt it at all. If she said anything he didn't like to hear, he would definitely contin
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