All Chapters of The CEO's Love Conquest: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
Chapter 71 - Late for dinner!
Going through the entire presentation for the AI development project had taking every bit of the nine hours at the office Liz had allocated. Checking and double-checking geographical surveys, evaluating this new technology impact and recalculating estimated financial budget to ensure everything was right – it all took time.In the end, though, she knew the staffs responsible for this project were ready.The investor would actually be at the meeting, and she was a little worried about that. After what happened last time with his associates who’d come to seal the deal, it would be the first time that she’d be meeting the investor himself.She’d heard he was a real hard-ass about cost-savings, but the solutions she and her team had proposed were the right ones, so were the terms and conditions mentioned on the contract. Maybe not the cheapest solutions and ideas, but her team clearly agreed they had identified the best options.Rolling up the final set of plans, she tucked them into the
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Chapter 72 - Fair, unfair!
Liz Walters suppressed the urge to apologize at the last second. Instead, she ground out. “You make it impossible for me to be otherwise.”“I push you to be better, to anticipate. What you do, or fail to do, is on your shoulders. Not mine.”A thread of hurt wove through the fabric of her emotions, maliciously eating a hole of her self-righteous anger. She clung to that anger, though, refusing to yield. He wanted to goad a response from her, and she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.Snapping her napkin out and laying across her lap before the waiter had a chance, she glared across the table. “You taught me to have broad shoulders.”He paused, his glass halfway to his lips, and waited.Liz shrugged. “Broad shoulders were the only way I could ensure I had plenty of room to carry the disappointment you constantly heaped on me.”Mr. Walters’s eyes hardened dangerously.Bracing herself, she waited.His gaze shifted when the waiter appeared at her shoulder and asked for her drink or
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Chapter 73 - "It feels too perfect to be real."
The moment Adrian saw Liz when he sneaked into her bedroom; he knew something was wrong, seriously wrong. It wasn’t just the frown on her face or the dark circles under her eyes or the streaks on her cheeks that told of recently shed tears.The spoon and half gallon of ice-cream in her hand, and the big glass of water sitting beside her on her bedside table said a whole lot, too.He’d come right after he’d gotten her text message. She’d left the main door open for him.Seeing her in such a wretched state, his stomach dropped and he went right to her, taking the ice-cream out of her hands and pulling her into his arms. He had an idea why she was so upset – her grandpa.He knew that she had a dinner meeting with him and seeing how her grandpa has recently been pretty pissed off and ignoring her, anyone could have guessed that dinner didn’t end well.He didn’t say anything, and when she opened her mouth to speak, he stopped her with a kiss.She dropped the spoon to the floor with a clatt
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Chapter 74 - His absolute, unwavering faith in her...
Liz Walters’ mood had definitely lifted during their amazing, powerful love-making. But afterward, she couldn’t prevent that mix of sadness, rage and disappointment she’d been feeling much of the day from creeping back in and affecting her mood.While Adrian showered, she went into the kitchen and got out some stuffs to make them some dinner, going over everything in her mind one more time. There was no one around at this time of the night. It was way past midnight and they hadn’t eaten anything yet.By the time she’d gotten to the point of making them some salad, she was angry enough again that she was assassinating the head of the lettuce with a butcher knife.“Whoa, there,” Adrian exclaimed as he entered the kitchen, towering off his hair. She lost herself for a moment, admiring those flexing muscles of his arms. God, she would never get tired of staring at this man.“I don’t think that’s gonna do anything to help cool you down.” He said.She got the joke but couldn’t manage much m
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Chapter 75 - Telling her grandma...
“Liz,” her grandma stood in the doorway of her bedroom. “What’s the matter, my child? Why do you look so upset lately? You didn’t go at work today?”The worried-looking expression on her grandma’s face made her sad. She closed the short distance and held her hand. Gently pulling her toward her bed, Liz sat her down on the edge of it before taking a seat beside her. “Grandma, I need to tell you something.”“What is it about? Tell me,” the old woman softly said as she squeezed Liz’s hands reassuringly in hers.“I’m – I’m pregnant.” Liz hesitated for a moment, fearing her response.She closed her eyes and waited, too afraid to look at her grandma’s reaction.Her heart pounded anxiously, her chest heaving and her breath uneven. She felt a lump forming in the back of her throat when her grandma’s hands slipped from over hers. She mustered up some courage and opened her eyes to look at her.Her grandma was frozen in shock, staring into space but with the lines that had formed across her for
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Chapter 76 - "I've fixed your marriage somewhere else.”
Liz Walters hurried downstairs as cautiously as she was able but she was late. The main door was wide opened – her grandpa had opened the door for Adrian.Her heart began racing as she begged her legs to descend the stairs. Slowly, she neared the last step and watched as Adrian’s face came into view. He looked traumatized but kept his face blank – void of any emotions but Liz could tell just by looking at his eyes.Their eyes met from across over her grandpa’s shoulders.“Yes?” Her grandpa asked. His posture was stiff as though he was more angry than surprised to see Adrian standing at his doorstep. He knew, Liz realized.Her grandpa knew that something was going on between them otherwise he would have never reacted this way seeing a mere employee at his house.But, Adrian wasn’t a mere employee. She thought to herself, gulping.He was her lover. She’d announced that he’s her lover at the bar that night and all the staffs had been whispering among themselves. It was no surprise at all
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Chapter 77 - "Your grand-daughter is pregnant.”
“Don’t you realize what you’ve done, and what you’re on the verge of throwing away? If I ever had a daughter and made her feel half as crappy about herself as you do, or ever gave one tiny hint that I wasn’t overjoyed to have been blessed with my child’s presence in my life – no matter what their sex – I’d go right out and jump off a bridge.” Adrian ground out.He was breathing hard, feeling the heat in his face, and glowering at the older man, so it took a second before he heard the clapping. Casting a quick glance at Liz’s grandmother, he saw her applauding and nodding in agreement.As for Mr. Walters, he was so red in the face he looked like his head was about to pop off. His mouth kept jerking, and his head shaking, like he was forming an entire count of scathing retorts, but couldn’t come up with just the right one to lead off the assault.Liz was watching in silence, tears streaming down her face.And Adrian had just had enough. He’d kept quiet this whole time believing it would
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Chapter 78 - Beaten to death...?
Liz Walters couldn’t control her tears. She didn’t want Adrian to prove his love for her. He’d proven himself enough.Still, she could sense the conflict building between her grandpa and Adrian. None of them would accept defeat this readily. If her grandpa was arrogant, Adrian was stead-fast. And once Adrian had been challenged, there would be no going back unless her grandpa…But that was impossible knowing his nature…“Fine, I accept your love,” her grandpa declared, meeting her eyes.Liz was shocked, totally speechless seeing the old man stepping back.“But,” he held out a hand, palm out.She held her breath in anticipation. She knew this was coming.“If I ever find out that he made you cry or hurt you, I will see to it that he doesn’t get to see the morning sun the very next day.” Her grandpa warned both of them.A short laugh escaped her mouth. She couldn’t help it. She knew that day would never come because she has faith in Adrian. There won’t be a repeat of the past ever again.
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Chapter 79 - "Mr. Adrian Moore!"
The paramedics had gotten Logan out on a back board and loaded him into an ambulance to take him to the closest hospital – St Richard’s.Liz had tried to help as much as she could, but eventually she’s realized she was just getting in the way and so she’d stood back and watched, feeling very strange at the turn of events.Had she not listened to her grandpa and stayed in her office, things might have not escalated this far. She would have stopped Adrian. She would have stopped them both from fighting.Logan’s state wasn’t good. His pulse was very weak.Now, she stood in the hospital corridor, feeling at a loss as to what to do next. Feeling stunned… the enormity of what had just gone down in the office was slowly sinking in.“Liz!”She turned at the sound of his voice, feeling a rush of relief, a surge of relief in her heart at seeing Adrian again, standing there waiting for her. Some police officers were taking his statement.He looked ruffled and stressed, and his hair was going eve
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Chapter 80 - Adrian in turmoil!
Adrian Moore rolled over in time to see a naked ass – a very fine naked ass – disappear into his bathroom for the fourth time in a row.Liz had stayed at his apartment since that incident with Logan. They’d each gone to work, with her leaving before he got up every day. He’d decided to resign from his job at her company.It wasn’t about the incident that had gone down at the office. He wasn’t embarrassed for his behavior. He did what he had to do to protect his woman and after he’d told Liz about his thoughts, she’d reassured him that the way he’d reacted was pretty normal. Any man would have stepped forward and beat the man who’d tried to touch his woman.He now stayed at home and was freer to attend to his business matters through conference video-calls and online meetings. He would be at home every day, work done, anxious to be there when she walked through the door. He was totally gone on her and loving every minute.Speaking of minute, he glanced at the clock and winced. A few mi
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