All Chapters of The CEO's Love Conquest: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 81 - A meeting with Ethan Scott!
Liz Walters quickly closed the file she’d been reading and stood up to shake hands with the investor when he walked inside the room but froze in surprise upon seeing the man – Ethan Scott, Adrian’s friend and school pal – and also the CEO and president of Scott Enterprises with whom they were supposed to have this meeting.Unlike Liz, Ethan looked unfazed. He slipped his hand into hers and shook it firmly.“I would be lying if I said I didn’t already know I would be meeting up with you for this presentation.” Ethan said with a smirk, placing his bag onto the table before taking off his suit jacket.“Well, I totally forgot that you’re the Ethan Scott.” Liz blurted out. All I heard was that I would be presenting to some CEO who’s a real dick, Liz thought to herself.“Ouch,” Ethan pressed a hand over his chest, hissing in pain as though hurt by her honesty.Liz rolled her eyes at him before shaking her head. “Let’s have a seat, Mr. Scott.” She pointed to the chair to her left just as her
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Chapter 82 - "I will have to go back."
Adrian Moore ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration and threw his head back against the back of the couch with an exasperated sigh. Despite his urgent request and reassurance that their money would be doubled and even tripled once this project will be set into action, the investors didn't want to bid in any more money. More so than that, he regretted ending the conference call out of annoyance and that too, on a bad note.Now, there would be no stopping his father from finding out about his absence. Did he just pour water all over his efforts with his own hands? Although he hadn't been to his office for so long, he'd been trying so hard to look after his company. He'd made no such mistake that could have alerted his father but now...He was screwed! If only those investors had listened to him, this wouldn't have happened. "Fuck!" He mumbled under his breath. Sitting upright, he stared at his black laptop screen for a whole minute, lost in his own thoughts. That wa
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Chapter 83 - A reminder...?
Adrian Moore stared at his laptop screen, a whole range of emotions tumbling through him, yet he couldn't seem to grasp hold of a single one of them. He was still sitting in that exact same spot minutes... weeks... years later, when Liz shifted uneasily. He heard her speak, somewhere in the recesses of his mind, knew she was upset and probably apprehensive, but nothing registered. Not until she moved impossibly closer to him and tightened her arms around his, her tone changing to one of curiosity. "When do you plan on leaving?" Adrian hesitated for a moment but knew that the earliest he'd leave for New York City the better it would be for his company. "Tonight," he disclosed.He still hadn't booked himself a flight. He wanted to talk it out first with Liz but after that conversation with his father, he just knew that taking the next available flight to New York City would be best. Besides, the sooner he'd deal with this issue regarding the investors, the sooner he'd be free to
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Chapter 84 - A way to negotiate with those investors!
Adrian Moore pulled the car right in front of Liz’s house and shut off the engine.He thought it would be best if Liz would stay at her grandparents’ house while he was away. As long as she wasn’t all by herself at their house and staying here with her grandparents, he would be less worried about her and their babies.It was already half past six and he had to catch his flight to New York at exactly eight o’clock.He didn’t think much about having to cover the two hours journey to the airport in one hour and a half. As long as he was able to spend some more time with Liz, he didn’t mind that at all.Turning to his right, he looked at Liz.She was nervously fidgeting with her fingers until he’d had her gazes locked with his. They found themselves staring at one another for a moment.Adrian wished time would stop right there just so he could stay here with her forever but…“I’ll see you soon,” one corner of his mouth fluttered up.“Don’t take too long,” she teased, leaning in to give hi
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Chapter 85 - Kicked outside?
Adrian Moore sensed rather than saw his father come into his office.He felt a tension, a kind of palpability, as he heard the door close quietly beside him and he just knew it was him. He didn’t turn around.He continued swirling his pen around in his fingers as he read through the file he had been reading except that he wasn’t reading it no more.He glanced over briefly to see where his father was and saw him standing right in front of his table, one hand in his pocket while the other one was fisted tightly.“Busy…?” He asked.“Yeah…” He hadn’t intended to sound so gruff, but he knew he had. It wasn’t really because of his father.It was the worrying thoughts running through his mind. He still hasn’t decided on a way to negotiate with those investors and knowing his father, he wouldn’t take long before asking him about it. He wouldn’t be surprised if he jumped straight to the point.His father looked at him, his face filled with suppressed anger. “What have you thought? I need those
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Chapter 86 - A pregnant wife with mood swings!
Adrian Moore stood up in surprise. He didn’t want to ignore Liz but he was too shocked to say anything. “What are you doing in my house? How did you get inside?” He asked the woman who’d frozen in place like a deer caught in headlights.“She’s at your place? What is she doing over there, Adrian?” Liz questioned him, sounding suspicious all of a sudden and… hurt.Fuck no!He was torn in between questioning Jocelyn and answering Liz’s questions. What the fuck did he get himself caught into?“Wait a second, Liz.” Adrian held out a finger as he looked at Jocelyn, seemingly troubled.“What is she doing at your place, Adrian?” Liz demanded.“Baby, listen to me,” he turned his back on Jocelyn to have some privacy. “Do you trust me?”“Adrian –”“Liz, do you trust me?” He asked with more urgency.There was a moment of silence before Liz whispered, “Yes, I do.”“Let me handle this thing,” he said disdainfully as he threw Jocelyn a disgusted look. “– then, I’ll call you back.”“Promise…?” Liz as
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Chapter 87 - A myriad of emotions...
Liz Walters’s mood had definitely lifted once Adrian had showed her around his house. “You should be thankful that bitch left.” She mumbled under her breath.“Woah, chill out on the crude words,” Adrian held out a hand at her as though to shush her. “Our babies are listening to you.”Liz simply rolled her eyes at him.“You look exhausted.” His eyebrows furrowed as he studied her face.“Yeah,” she said, her voice low, toneless.“I found the mole at work. It’s the guy from my team who prints our documents and everything. Aaron was supposed to be the most trustworthy person in my department. I gave him the responsibility of taking care of our confidential papers but…” she trailed off, deep in thought.“But you managed to save your first project from getting sabotaged.” He pointed out. “I’ve said this to you before and I’ll say it again. You’re too good at your job to let anyone become an obstruction for you,” he said.Liz’s eyes lit up in admiration and contentment as she smiled at the m
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Chapter 88 - Time is of essence with this project.
Adrian Moore walked through his office, navigating cubicles, stopping here and there to exchange a word of encouragement and sometimes a laugh, with his employees. By now, everyone at the company learnt about the mishap with the investors.Unlike his father, none of his employees blamed him for it. They believed it was entirely the investors’ fault for overreacting.His company, the same company his father had founded on dollar bills and a dream, was on the cusp of a huge deal – the same deal he’d messed up – well those investors messed up because of their weird problem with video conference calls.After securing the rights to develop the resort on Lake Washington in a battle with Dwayne Jameson, an established developer, that had, at times, been brutal, they were waiting for the approval of the environmental engineer’s plan.More importantly, they were waiting for the investors to agree to fund the plan. That was the last thing left to do. If only Adrian hadn’t found out that they wo
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Chapter 89 - Everyone was making decisions of their own!
Liz Walters watched as her grandpa nodded his head, a knowing look on his face.She narrowed her eyes a trifle at him and nudge him with her elbow, “Grandpa?”Mr. Walters snapped out of his reverie and turned to look at Liz. “Yes…”“Is there anything you aren’t telling me?” She asked him, her frown deepening.“Actually, I’ve had a talk with Adrian about this matter.” The old man revealed after some hesitation as though he wasn’t so sure whether he should be telling her about this or not. “Grandpa, I told you not to discuss this with him –”He held his right hand up to stop her. “I know but I had to talk to him. And we came up with a solution.” He said calmly and reassuringly.“Solution…? What is it?” She asked as she folded her arms across her chest.He opened his mouth to tell her about it when he decided otherwise. “I think it would be better if Adrian tells you about it himself.”“Why won’t you tell me?” Liz was annoyed and a bit frustrated that her own grandpa was keeping stuffs
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Chapter 90 - The solution...?
Adrian Moore placed his hand on their office door, ready to push it wide open when James held his shoulder to stop him.“Wait! If we walk in like that, it would be a sign of disrespect.” James warned him.“But I want to have this problem solved as soon as possible.” Adrian turned to look at him with an impatient look on his face.“I know but,” James gave him a sympathetic look.Before they could start an argument of their own, the door was swung open from the inside and standing right in front of them, was one of the investors, Mr. Williams.“Excuse me; can I help you with something?” The old man gave him a long, cold unfriendly stare.“Is it really necessary to remind you why we’re here? Well, in case you forgot our meeting yesterday…” Adrian trailed off when James threw him a pointed look.‘What?’ Adrian pursed his lips at him.‘We’re here to solve the issue, not to aggravate the situation.’ James made sure he got his words across his moody and snappy best-friend – the same best-fri
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