All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1343 Chapters
Chapter 141
Kathryn refused to enter Chris' bedroom no matter what."I'll take care of myself," Kathryn spoke incoherently as she was terrified. Chris' eyes became fierce. "You have no idea what happens after you have a fever. How are you going to take care of yourself?"What Chris said was true. Kathryn had been sleeping like a log every time she had a fever. She would have long been dead if she had been left to her own devices. "I won't be that weak. I've had a fever twice." Kathryn recalled how Chris cared for her past two fevers and blushed. She felt that her body was getting warmer as well.Chris grew tired of engaging in a pointless conversation with her as she displayed a mix of submissiveness and stubbornness. He sneered. "I see you've been reading a lot about furnishing and renovating recently. Are you planning to renovate your house?"Kathryn could hardly breathe as she heard that. She couldn't figure out his intention in asking about the renovation of her house. A sense of uneas
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Chapter 142
Kathryn's eyes grew teary in fear. "Mr. Albert, I didn't mean to. It wasn't me."Chris' gaze turned cold. Kathryn was so terrified that she refrained from saying what she wanted to.Kathryn had the urge to slap herself in the face. She wasn't sure what she had done."Are you going to let go of me or not?" Chris asked."Yes! Yes, of course." Kathryn immediately withdrew her legs. She was very anxious deep down at the moment. She had no idea what had happened after she slept.Kathryn quickly got out of bed and moved as far away from Chris as possible. She was afraid that she might lose control again. She regretted sleeping in the same room with him. She hadn't experienced a fever but had been sleepwalking instead.Kathryn didn't consider that Chris might have carried her from the couch to the bed. She had assumed Chris was too cold or reserved to do such a thing. "I'm sorry, Mr. Albert. I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry." Kathryn escaped from the bedroom immediately after that.
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Chapter 143
Chris raised his brows and glanced at Kathryn coldly. He couldn't comprehend the sudden change in her attitude. Kathryn said, "Hurry up and have your meal, or else it will become cold."Chris sneered and took a bite of his breakfast.Kathryn knew she hadn't succeeded in cheering him up. It was evident from his sneer. She tensed up for a bit."Just don't be angry," Kathryn coaxed once more."Why am I angry?" Chris asked."Wasn't it because I went to sleep on your bed? I swear, I didn't mean it. I—""Shut up!" Chris scolded with a low tone before Kathryn could finish her words.It made the corner of Kathryn's lips twitch. She couldn't understand why her attempts to make Chris happy only made him angrier. As she met him in the eyes, she decided to stop trying to cheer him up. "Okay, then. I'll stop talking about it, and you'll also stop being angry."It was clear to Kathryn that she had no idea how to appease him any further. Her lips almost went numb because of it.Chris cast
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Chapter 144
"Look at your mother. It has been a year since she last met Kelly. Yet, she didn't even bring candy when she came here! Sometimes I even doubt if you're really her child!" Karen couldn't understand how one could be indifferent to their daughter and granddaughter.Karen wasn't fussing about Wendy not bringing any candy for Kelly. She was just distressed that Wendy didn't care about Kelly at all.Wendy wanted to take advantage of the Quinton family but wasn't even willing to buy them off. It was difficult for Karen not to feel uneasy about it.Jessica was crying her heart out. "I'm sorry."At that moment, she didn't know what to say except apologize. She understood that because of Wendy, she had harmed Karen and Matthew greatly over the years. She was aware of the situation but couldn't find a way to stop Wendy from harassing them.Karen sighed and said, "Let's just forget what happened to us and let it be."She didn't mind the small amount of money Wendy kept asking from them. But
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Chapter 145
Kathryn's disgust for Wendy grew stronger. On her way to the hospital, the police called her again. She surmised that it was about Wendy. She didn't answer the phone.No matter what their intentions were, Kathryn wouldn't get involved. Wendy always liked causing trouble. Kathryn wanted Wendy to realize that stirring things up wouldn't solve anything. "Kathryn, you must learn from my mistakes when you get married next time. Know where to draw the line," Jessica cried, wanting to say more. "There must be a limit!" Jessica had been crossing the line repeatedly because she couldn't stand Wendy's harassment. How could others withstand Wendy's harassment when Jessica herself couldn't stand it and was also resentful?"Stop crying." Kathryn handed a tissue to Jessica.Jessica continued, "I'd been asking you to cross the lines with me for the past two years as well. Without your money, I guess the Quinton family would have pushed me to divorce much earlier."For the last two years,
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Chapter 146
Last night, Jessica's life had undergone a dramatic change. She just wanted a few moments of peace to think about how she should face her future.Kathryn wanted to say something, but when she noticed how lonely Jessica looked, she simply nodded."Call me if you need anything. I'll help you.""Kathryn!" Jessica looked at Kathryn as she stood up from her seat.Kathryn frowned. "What's wrong?""As a family, we are not worthy enough for you to make exceptions for. Just enjoy your own life." Some people would help their family because their family was worthy to do so, but Jessica thought their family wasn't."They don't deserve it, but you do." Jessica was the only person in her family whom Kathryn thought worthy of her help."I don't need it," Jessica replied determinedly. It was the first time in years that she spoke to Kathryn like that. Jessica had always been submissive when she dealt with Wendy's troubles. She didn't want Kathryn to repeat her mistakes. She didn't want Wendy
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Chapter 147
Kathryn didn't bother to fetch Wendy. She thought Wendy would only pester her about her marriage or continue to harass Jessica.It was already 11:30 am when Kathryn arrived at Ascot Racecourse. A server approached her as soon as she stepped out of the car. "Are you Ms. Michaels?""Yes.""Mr. Albert is waiting for you." The server led the way respectfully.Kathryn nodded. "Thanks."Kathryn had been to Ascot Racecourse several times but still wasn't familiar with it. After a few turns, they arrived at a building adorned with glass and lavish decorations. Kathryn had never been to this building.Kathryn was then brought to a room. She heard noises from the room before she even went in. The people inside seemed to be playing card games.The server knocked on the door. Someone inside opened it immediately. Kathryn instantly frowned when she caught a whiff of the strong cigarette smell inside the room. They were playing card games, indeed. Kathryn could see the table with cards insi
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Chapter 148
Kathryn had a hunch as to why Amelia was unfriendly toward her."Have a seat. I think they'll probably play a few more rounds." Hannah handed a cup of tea to Kathryn.Kathryn smiled and accepted it. "Thank you.""So, Mrs. Albert, how did you know Chris?"Both Evelyn and Amelia turned to look at Kathryn as Hannah finished asking. Her question came abruptly. Kathryn didn't expect that Chris didn't hide her identity from them.Earlier, Marco had also addressed her as "Mrs. Albert." It meant that Chris had told them that Kathryn, his wife, would be joining them. Kathryn wasn't sure if telling her that she was Chris' assistant was appropriate. She thought that it might embarrass him. Hannah smiled awkwardly as she realized Kathryn had kept silent. "Is it inconvenient for you to answer it? I'm sorry."A disdainful smile crossed Amelia's lips upon hearing Hannah's words. "Seems like Chris found her from nowhere.""Amelia, what are you talking about?" Hannah's tone grew serious.Ame
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Chapter 149
Kathryn didn't know how to play card games at first, but she learned as she always had to accompany Chris to various engagements, per Markus' order.When playing with Chris' clients, she was taught not to win against them, and she had never won a game before."Sure. You can have all the winnings." Chris was stunned for a second but nodded immediately after. He then ruffled her hair dotingly, and everyone saw it.Kathryn nodded. "Okay!"Her interest in the game grew as she heard she could keep all the winnings.A smile crossed Chris' lips as he saw Kathryn's behavior. He took his phone and left the room. Kathryn looked at the cards Chris got. Marco looked toward her. "Kathryn, have you never won a game before?"Marco suspected she had never won a game. He wondered if she could win after asking a question like that.Kathryn nodded. "Yeah, I've never won before."She was honest, but Marco and Victor thought she was just a beginner. However, Kathryn wasn't. To their surprise, she
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Chapter 150
Kathryn had no idea why Chris introduced her to his friends that day, but she was sure that it wasn't only to acknowledge her identity as his wife.That afternoon, they had roasted mutton for lunch. Kathryn was okay with it. Chris took care of her the entire time. He also served the mutton for her himself.As they were enjoying their meal, an unexpected guest arrived. It was Mia."Mia." Amelia stood up and asked her to have a seat.Mia's gaze briefly landed on Chris before finally resting on Kathryn. Kathryn finally understood the reason why Amelia was unfriendly to her. It was because Amelia and Mia knew each other.Mia's appearance made everyone present tense. They were all aware of the history between Chris and Mia."Is this enough?" Chris' gaze was set upon Kathryn. He seemed unbothered by Mia. Kathryn nodded. "Yeah, it's enough. You should hurry up and eat as well."The roasted mutton had to be consumed while still warm. It wouldn't taste as good once it turned cold. Ka
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