All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1343 Chapters
Chapter 161
Tally didn't know how she got out of Markus' office. But he didn't ask any further questions after that. Still, the phrase "three days" rang in her ears like a song she couldn't get out of her head. Tally was unsure if she should tell on Kathryn. Or should she claim she was the one in Chris' room that night?Tally couldn't do it. If she said it was her, Chris would tear her whole family apart. She and her dad would end up homeless. What could she do? What was she supposed to do? Tally had always been smart and calm, but now she was lost. She hastily called Kathryn, but the call ended after just one ring.Tally's grip on the phone tightened. Realizing that Kathryn was probably being interrogated by Chris right now, she took a deep breath. It felt like both of them were backed into a corner.So she picked up the phone again and dialed a different number. This time, the listener picked up very quickly, and before he could say anything, Tally spoke first."Dad, I want to come
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Chapter 162
They would never have children together. Their marriage would end once Chris took back all the overseas companies from Krista. Then, he'd return to his pretentious true love, Mia. She'd just be … Kathryn.Chris was very busy. Before he went upstairs, he told Cara, "Pack my things. I'm going on a business trip tomorrow.""Alright, Mr. Chris!" Cara said respectfully.Then, Chris looked at Kathryn. "You should pack your things too."Kathryn's face changed color, and she pointed at herself. "I'm going too?""Who else would be going?"Kathryn didn't know what to say. She recalled Chris saying that she didn't need to go this time.Then again, she had gone with him on every trip since she became his assistant. That meant she would need to go on this trip too. Under Chris' threatening gaze, she nodded and said, "I'll pack up at once."With that, she ran out of the room. She was doomed! Kathryn was at a loss now. She now knew Chris' stance on wanting kids. However, the plan was to
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Chapter 163
Upon hearing Jessica's determination, Kathryn felt for her. She took a deep breath and said, "She really … used a knife …" She couldn't continue after that because she couldn't breathe. This was the Jessica who'd cared for them all these years! How could Wendy be so cruel?But then she remembered how Wendy had dumped her in her grandmother's backyard.Combined with how Wendy had treated Jessica over the years, Kathryn suddenly felt that Wendy could be that cruel."Yep, she did!" Jessica said with a determination and hatred Kathryn hadn't seen before.Kathryn's heart sank even further, but her hatred for Wendy only grew.After thinking for a while, Jessica said, "You don't have to come to the hospital from now on.""Jessica …""Maxwell's coming to Harborlean," Jessica said. Maxwell had been raised by Wendy, so he was also a person who demanded everything, especially money.He had taken plenty of it from the two of them over the years, so Jessica wanted to use this chance to
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Chapter 164
Despite everything, Maxwell was still someone who went to college. Kathryn couldn't understand why he always sounded so gross when he talked.Maxwell's anger was so intense that it gave him a headache. "People like you who abandon their family are the most disgusting of all.""Yeah, I abandoned my family! But at least I'm better than you two! All you do is ask for your family's money and blood!" Kathryn said mockingly.She was not that willing to talk to people like Maxwell in the first place, so now she wasn't pulling any punches.Maxwell became confused. He had always known Kathryn as the cowardly type. Maxwell was puzzled. In an instant, he reacted. "I see. You've changed since you went to the big city. You've got the guts to talk back now, huh?""Why? Were you planning to bully me for the rest of your life, gross boy?"Being called a gross boy hurt Maxwell to his very core, making him so angry he couldn't even speak."You're already on the way to Harborlean, aren't you?"
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Chapter 165
Right now, Kathryn could tell Maxwell was hopping mad without even looking at him. She felt so relieved when she remembered that Jessica wasn't giving him a single cent too. She'd always gotten so worked up watching Jessica compromise.Now, it was all going to be over at last. At that moment, Kathryn seemed to remember something and hastily called Tally. She had her own things to worry about.Tally picked up instantly and said, "Don't tell me you had another situation." She sounded dead on the inside, so Kathryn asked, "What happened?""What the heck is going on with you and Mr. Albert? Why is Markus asking me whether I'm pregnant?""What did you say?""I said no, then I said yes!" Tally said in a pained way. Tally felt like she'd been stressed enough to get heartburn today. She didn't even know if something was wrong with her heart now. All she knew was that being alive was hard."So, are you pregnant or not?""Markus already suspects that the woman from Northvale is eith
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Chapter 166
Kathryn recalled that that was what he had said. Why else would they have made plans for the day he left? But now, Kathryn had to say, "He told me I was coming with him just now.""What now? If you don't abort soon, you won't get to once the baby gets too big. Three months is the limit. You know that, right?"Kathryn had no idea that there was a limit. Based on what she knew about Chris' schedule, the baby would be four months old by the time he went on another business trip.Kathryn's lips twitched just thinking about it. It just dawned on her that she had been too busy to think things through. "So what do I do?""Figure out a way to stay.""What way?" Kathryn said shakily. She hadn't realized how serious the situation was before Tally reminded her, but now she knew."Fake a sickness!" Tally couldn't think of any other way that. "No!" She couldn't fake another one. Adrian had scared her so much the last time, she still hadn't recovered yet.Tally didn't know what to say. Befo
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Chapter 167
"Careful, Madam. That soup's fresh off the stove." Cara hastily poured some cold water for Kathryn, who was almost in tears.Chris sighed when he saw her distracted attitude. He took the glass of water and gave it to Kathryn. "What was it that got you so distracted?"His tone was a bit softer when he saw Kathryn's teary eyes. He hated it when girls cried because it didn't make sense to him. But Kathryn's teary look didn't seem so bad, somehow.Kathryn quickly gulped down some water, the coolness soothing her a little. In the meantime, Cara had gotten some ice. "Put this in your mouth, Madam."Chris took the ice bucket, picked up an ice cube, and passed it to Kathryn. "Open your mouth."When Kathryn did, the burning sensation in her mouth got some relief once she had the ice cube inside. The soup had really burned her half to death."It hurts," she said to Chris pitifully."So you do know it hurts? Are you going to pay attention while eating from now on?" Chris said seriously. He
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Chapter 168
"When will you get rid of that stutter?" Chris thought he'd probably have to wait until she wasn't scared of him anymore. As for why she was scared of him, Chris had no clue. Hadn't he been treating her well? Why was she so terrified of him?"I-I'll try my best!" Kathryn said with a smile."Have you packed everything?""Mm-hmm!" Kathryn nodded.Chris started drying her hair, which shocked Kathryn so much that she didn't dare move. He'd previously helped style her hair, but the two were so close right now. She was practically enveloped in his scent, and her heart suddenly felt full but also shaky at the same time.After a while, her hair was dry. "Go to bed," Chris said."Okay." Kathryn got up hastily and headed for her bedroom.Chris frowned at the direction she was going in. "What if you get another fever?"Kathryn stopped in her tracks and turned to say, "I won't.""Go to the master bedroom!" Those five words left no room for argument. Kathryn pouted. What if she ended u
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Chapter 169
Just like that, Kathryn drifted off and fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was because Chris' alarm was ringing.She opened her eyes while half awake. But when she saw Chris in front of her, her eyes snapped open. She couldn't breathe for a while.She felt utterly hopeless. She wondered why she was in Chris' bed again. She thought she might die this time."Mr. Albert …" Kathryn buried her face in her blanket. She didn't dare look at Chris' face at all. As she burrowed into her blanket, she realized her leg was resting on Chris' leg.Worst of all, Chris' palm was right on her slightly swollen belly. That warmth felt like an electric shock to her. She was worried that Chris might squeeze her belly.She heard Chris' cold voice say, "Are you getting up or not?" "I'm up. I'm up!" She hastily got off Chris. Half of Kathryn's body had been on top of him. When she scrambled to get out of bed, her pajamas lifted as she moved. Chris noticed her stomach was a little bigger. He
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Chapter 170
When the two of them finished their breakfast and went out, dawn was just breaking. The driver was waiting for them outside, but Kathryn was walking very slowly with her suitcase. Chris turned around, then stopped to wait for her. "Why are you so slow?" He didn't know what to do with her walking pace.Whenever she held anything, she'd become as slow as a snail. Chris found Kathryn useless. Kathryn huffed and puffed as she walked. "It's heavy."But when Chris took her luggage, it wasn't heavy at all. "Let me do it, Mr. Albert," Kathryn said. She felt bad about it and wanted to take Chris' luggage. Usually, assistants helped their bosses carry their things on business trips. Yet here she was, needing help from her boss.In the distance, the driver hastily got out when he saw them. He even shot Kathryn a strange look when he took Chris' luggage from him. Clearly, some people still weren't used to their marriage. After all, Kathryn had always been his assistant. That was why t
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