All Chapters of Bright Future With Him: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1343 Chapters
Chapter 171
Kathryn wondered if drinking on his behalf was all she was good for. She wondered if she truly had no other use for him. Kathryn looked at Chris, feeling very conflicted.Chris looked at her coldly. "What?""Nothing!" Kathryn didn't dare tell him that she couldn't drink. If this really were her only purpose, she'd probably get fired if she told him.She still found it hard to believe she was that bad at her job. She was obedient, and she did her part. How could Chris deny her worth just like that? She felt miserable, but she didn't dare say anything.During the flight, both she and Chris sat in business class. The flight attendant gave them some snacks. Kathryn wanted to eat them even though she usually wasn't interested in them.Chris was still not interested in them, so Kathryn opened a bag with her teeth. The tearing sound woke Chris, who was napping, and he looked at her in an instant.Kathryn gulped and asked weakly, "D-Did I wake you?""Didn't I say you are getting fat?"
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Chapter 172
Kathryn took a deep breath, then asked, "You said I'm clumsy at work. How did I manage to survive this long without getting fired?"After all, his past assistants had never survived this long. She heard the previous record was three months, and even then, that one got fired for trying to seduce Chris.Compared to those previous assistants, her work skills were average at best. She was organized, but she wasn't exceptional in any way.If anything, she was worse than all of them. She seemed like a good worker, but she was capable of messing up anything. So, she always needed someone to check her work. Chris started thinking hard when he heard the question. When he didn't respond, Kathryn took another deep breath and asked, "Is it because I'm a good drinker?"Chris froze and looked at Kathryn in confusion. After some thinking, he realized that it was truly her only strength. He nodded and said, "Yes, that sounds about right." Kathryn felt like the word "miserable" couldn't even
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Chapter 173
After all, Wendy was still in jail, and with Jessica in such a bad situation, there was no way she'd give him any money. His only hope was Kathryn.If he knew this would happen, he wouldn't have spent so much in the past. Maxwell didn't know what he could do without any savings. Kathryn scoffed, "What are you supposed to do? What does that have to do with me?""Wait, Kathryn! You're my sister! You can't do this to me!" Maxwell was even more desperate now. If she didn't give him anything, he would probably starve in Harborlean.Kathryn wanted to laugh when he called her his sister. "You think of me as your sister?""Think of you? You are my sister," Maxwell hastily said."That's a shame. I never thought of you as my brother.""Hold on, Kathryn …"Kathryn hung up. The mention of her being his sister made her laugh. Kathryn had never considered Wendy her mother, so Maxwell wasn't really like a brother to her.After she hung up, Maxwell called her again, but she ignored it this t
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Chapter 174
Kathryn asked Chris with a straight face.Chris replied, "No, you're cute."Kathryn couldn't believe that Chris had called her cute. Was that a word Chris would say? Kathryn thought she was hearing things because Chris had always ignored the ladies in his office. In fact, he never said a word to them unless necessary, let alone praised their appearance. So what was he doing now?Why was he praising her so many times? Was she that ugly? Kathryn looked at Chris pitifully. "So, should I eat it or not?" Chris' words had caused her to develop eating issues.Chris pinched her face, which was full of baby fat. "When do you plan to wake up?""Why?" Kathryn was still half-asleep, so she had no idea what was going on.Chris glanced at his watch. "It's 6:00 pm. We need to go."Kathryn didn't know what to say. Upon hearing the word "go," she realized it was really time to get up. She couldn't have forgotten about tonight's meeting. But she still couldn't drink. Looking into Ch
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Chapter 175
Mia acted arrogant. She walked into the room and ignored Kathryn. She didn't say hello. She even bumped into Kathryn on purpose when she walked by. Kathryn didn't expect that. She stumbled and hit the wall with her back. Amelia gave Kathryn a fierce glare and then entered the room after Mia. "Chris, why didn't you answer my call?" Mia found a seat and sat across from Chris. She was speaking with a sulky tone.Chris' face darkened. He took a drag from his cigarette. Instead of answering her directly, he asked, "What brings you here?"Mia answered sourly, "I came here for you."Chris frowned. Amelia looked at Kathryn by the door and said coldly, "Get her a glass of water. She wants it with lemon. Thanks."Kathryn snapped out of her thoughts. There weren't any lemon slices in the room at the moment. She could only ask the room service for it. Kathryn nodded and said, "I'll ask for room service now.""They won't bring fresh lemon water. Go and buy one," Amelia said with a cold
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Chapter 176
Mia was speaking very cautiously. Chris shot her a frigid glare. It was a frightening look that Mia had never seen before. She wasn't sure when Chris had begun treating her with the distant demeanor he usually reserved for others. Mia felt a sense of injustice, yet she refrained from making a scene as she locked eyes with Chris' icy gaze. "I'm sorry. Go ahead," Mia said. "Have Markus arrange another room for you," Chris told her coolly and prepared to leave with Kathryn."Can't I just wait for you here?" Mia got to her feet. Her gaze was stubborn as it fixed on his back. Chris halted in his tracks. "No."His tone was so sullen with no warmth in it. Even Kathryn, who was trailing behind, was startled as well.Mia was stunned. She couldn't believe that he had refused her. She realized something had changed, causing her heart to ache. Chris, however, left straight away without a second glance. Mia and Amelia were the only ones left in the room. The arrogance on Amelia's
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Chapter 177
Amelia burst into a rage when she recalled Chris' attitude towards Mia. The way he treated her when Mia was so devoted to him makes Amelia believe that Chris was the one who left Mia without informing her instead."Don't do that! He'll be mad!" Mia hurriedly stopped Amelia when she saw how angry she was. She dared not let her touch Kathryn's things.No matter why Chris married Kathryn, Kathryn was legally his wife. Chris always protected things and people he thought were his. He would never let anyone hurt Kathryn. Mia knew this about him. Even though Mia wanted to throw Kathryn's things out too, she didn't let Amelia do it. She knew the consequences would be dire. Amelia, on the other hand, had already lost her mind. "Why should he be mad? You should be the one mad instead! It had only been three years, and he had already married someone else. I don't think he loved you back then." Amelia's rage grew as she spoke. She shook off Mia's hand and started searching for Kathryn's
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Chapter 178
Mia heard what the room service server had said to Amelia."Mia," Amelia said. "I never thought he would really ask me to leave this room," Mia said in agony. She had expected Chris to be happy when she came back, but he seemed to be avoiding her. Mia had assumed Chris would come to get her yesterday when Amelia called and told him she was drunk. Chris didn't come. He didn't even answer the phone when Amelia called him again. Mia concluded that Chris had stopped having feelings for her. Amelia got upset when she heard Mia sounding bitter. "That Michaels woman must have done something! How could she make Chris treat you this way!"Amelia was angry when she talked about Kathryn. Mia's face grew paler. No matter how displeased they were, they couldn't deny that Kathryn was Chris' wife. Their wedding was around the corner as well.Mia felt envious thinking about the venue's decoration. The wedding would be amazing. Meanwhile, Kathryn cast a cautious glance at Chris in the c
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Chapter 179
Even though Chris wasn't easy to deal with, Kathryn felt that meeting someone like Lloyd would be a waste of time.Chris was sharp enough to pick up on the emotions in Kathryn's voice. He looked at her with a faint smile on his face. "You don't seem too fond of him?""It's not that I dislike him. He just doesn't come across as respectable to me," Kathryn spoke honestly.Chris' face fell. He locked eyes with her, causing Kathryn to rein in her emotions. "I'm sorry.""You don't have to consider his attitude. Just focus on whether he can be beneficial to us." "Yes, I understand. Thanks for your advice." Kathryn pouted. She disagreed with him. She couldn't understand why a partner's attitude didn't matter. She believed a person's attitude was a crucial factor to take into account. Chris smiled when he saw her mumbling.Lloyd was already there when they entered the private room in the restaurant."Mr. Albert," Lloyd greeted with a smile, standing up. Kathryn had to admit that
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Chapter 180
"Mr. Robbins, I'll drink on Mr. Albert's behalf." Kathryn quickly took Chris' glass and raised it.Lloyd was taken aback by her action. He looked at Kathryn with confusion before turning to Chris. "Mr. Albert?""I can't drink, I'm afraid," Chris said calmly.Lloyd was an observant person. He didn't insist and respected Chris' decision. He said, "We'll leave it to you then, Ms. Michaels?"His tone had a flirtatious undertone. Kathryn's face fell. She would have glared at him if Chris wasn't there. Kathryn held back in his presence. Chris sensed the undertones in Lloyd's voice, and his demeanor grew colder.Lloyd actually had his plans. His intentions were evident when he asked Alexandra to pour a glass of wine for Chris. He hadn't anticipated Chris not being able to drink. He had to abandon his plan.The drink was strong. Kathryn could feel the burning sensation in her throat as she drank it."Very impressive, Ms. Michaels," Lloyd complimented as he saw Kathryn finish the glass
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