All Chapters of THE MAFIA KING'S TRAP. : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
60 Chapters
Thirty one
BREA POV.The edgy feeling was gone and in its place was a feeling that I cherished. Liberation- the peaceful feeling that made me feel all floaty as if I was riding a high. Killing the people who had done bad stuff to Nicolai felt in a way as if I was killing some of my demons, and the way Nicolai had stared at me, even though I'd been covered in blood, it set my blood afire and I never wanted it to end.He'd told me to work with him, and I'd done just that, almost too easily. It was like I knew where he was going to puncture once he raised his dagger, and I followed suit, working in perfect symmetry."This is not your first kill" Nicolai broke the silence as he stalked toward me.I watched every step he took, my hand tightening by my side, my gaze straying a little to the dagger laid covered in blood at my feet. I could pick it up before he got to me. I was quick, and nothing was holding me captive. I could stab him once I got my grip on the dagger, but I paused, not wanting to do
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Thirty two
BREA POVHe led me to his room. Then pushed me into the red high chair at the corner of it, with an order not to move.My eyes followed his movement, his earlier words ringing in my head. I watched him enter the bathroom, then he turned on the tap, drowning me out.I took a deep breath and made myself relax into the chair before closing my eyes and breathing in and out deeply.Nicolai was serious about keeping me with him, so that meant that in the meantime, he wasn't going to kill me- yet I still feared his unpredictability.But he had been right in his assumptions when he said I was already considering staying with him- smug bastard. But did I really want to stay or not? Then again, Was there really anything waiting for me back home? Thinking about it- deeply - made the idea of running back to my parents not so appealing. And judging by how sloppy I'd been at disposing of the body of Markus, I wouldn't be surprised if they found his remain already. They probably would. He was Mom an
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Thirty three
BREA POV I waited all night, my eyes fixed on the door and as the hours rolled by, I concluded that maybe Nicolai was not the only one obsessed, because why was I waiting for him to come to me?"This is so frustrating!" I yelled at the wall, then flopped unto the bed, and a familiar scent wafted up my nose. It was Nicolai's. I inhaled greedily before I forced myself to stop."You have completely gone off the deep end Brea," I told myself then dragged my hand through my hair, before tugging on them viciously. It reminded me of Nicolai's hand in my hair, the power that had radiated from him."You need to stop. You need to fucking get a grip, Brea." I groaned. Even if I stayed, I couldn't live locked up and be treated like some sort of furniture. And now that he was considering eating me... Ugh. Even the thought of that didn't scare me. This was what I feared was going to happen. I couldn't have it. I wanted some normalcy. I wanted to be able to walk around with no goddamn shock collar
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Thirty four
BREA POV I was so going to lose. I could almost feel it, but I had to prove him wrong. Needed to just hold on for five minutes. I could do that. It shouldn't be that difficult to resist him right? Right? Nicolai's expression tightened as he dipped a brow. Tilting his head to the side, he hooked his fingers into the top of my shirt and then tore them down in one go, just like the last time.The rough action burned my skin, leaving me exposed. Every movement from Nicolai stirred the air around, making me feel hot in the chilly room. I tried to calm down, tried to regulate my breathing. If I was all worked up when he hadn't even started touching me, what was going to happen when he did? Nicolai’s wide and cool palm landed on the center of my chest right against my heart, and he stilled, listening to its beating.His left hand framed my head. His thumb brushed over the pulsing veins on my forehead and temple, then drifted lengthways down my cheekbone and crawled over the soft swells o
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Thirty five
BREA POV The sound of a phone buzzing insistently reached my hearing and I blinked my eyes open and slowly came back to reality. I was lying on my side with Nicolai wrapped around me from behind. And the memory of the previous night came to my mind unbidden. I ached everywhere and the bite he’d left on my neck throbbed in time with my heartbeat, yet all I felt was contentment. Which was odd. I wasn't even mad I lost. Just like before, all I felt was relief. Now he could have me and I could pretend to bitch. But he would know. He always knew. I could feel his heartbeat syncing with mine and vibrating through my back. It was soothing. And I felt safe. The thought had me tensing. Nicolai made me feel safe. I didn't want to believe it but everything seems to point in that direction. I already trusted him, and even though I knew he could cut me up with a knife or choke me to death in the heat of the moment, I'd surrendered to his desires without feeling endangered. Not even once. A
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Thirty six
BREA POVRyder yanked me through the gardens, his grip on my wrist merciless. A little gate at the back that I was sure was locked when Nicolai had let me survey the house was wide open and it led into the woods. All the guards were probably trying to stop whoever the attackers were because there was no one guarding them. The night was still a fucking maze to me. I'd been sleeping contentedly and now I was living a freaking nightmare. Shot rang out, explosions rocking the very ground we ran on. The gravel beneath my feet dug in making me wince, and I ached all over from the stress my body had been through, but Ryder kept pulling me to match his pace, completely oblivious to my discomfort. There had been so much blood when Ryder had dragged me out of my room. The men stationed in the hallway had all been shot, and severely too, so how was Ryder even alive and dragging me through the woods? I tried to pry his hold off but he was relentless and the farther we ran, the more my heart le
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Thirty seven
NICOLAI POVThe air tonight felt strange. Was it because I was away from Brea, or because there was something exhilarating about to happen, or maybe it was just the way the men that sat around me were staring at me? The vultures. I could see their hate for me glowing in their eyes. I wondered what they came up with now, why they had called for an urgent meeting.The silence was aggravating, and as it stretched, I felt my temper slowly ticking. I could think of a thousand things I'd rather do than be sitting with people like Klaus, Hagil, Askari, and Yahid. "You killed Xavier Genovese and sent his body parts around, then you took over his territory" Klaus started grimly. He was always the first to speak at this type of meeting and most of the time I fantasized about carving the skin off his face. I wanted to see the skull beneath all that wrinkly ugly skin... It might even be the perfect look for him."Xavier had connections. You do not know how many feathers you have ruffled just by
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Thirty eight
NICOLAI POV Fire burned around me, heating the air, but the heat of anger that pierced through my veins was fiercer. All I saw was red, and the blood of the men I'd spilled clung onto me, dripping down to the floor as I walked up the stairs toward the one room that truly mattered. Bodies lay strewn everywhere, most of them the invading soldiers. They had attacked my mansion knowing fully well that they were all going to die. But why?Was it the Angrav? Did they plan the attack, because the Black organization had tipped them off I would not be around... But the tattoos on most of those men had been familiar... They were Xavier's soldiers. The soldiers I'd told Vicente to get rid of. I strode towards the hall where I'd kept Brea, and seeing the dead men that littered my path made the rage that poisoned my blood spread. I'd assigned them to keep her safe and here they were, lying dead on the floor. If Brea was dead... I paused, refusing to accept it. She couldn't be. I wasn't done wit
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Thirty nine
LUCAS POV Brea was still unconscious, yet watching her sleep still made me feel giddy. It was a thrill to have so easily acquired something I knew Nicolai would kill for. I felt fucking powerful. Ryder had been a good puppet till the very end, and I was sure Nicolai was going to have him killed, especially when he saw that he'd been the one to get Brea out of her room.The soldiers I had were all dead, but it was all part of the sacrifice for a greater cause. They were all aware that infiltrating the mansion would lead to a massacre, but the promise I'd made to take care of their families and their quest for revenge for the death of Xavier was all the push they needed to risk their necks.They had created a diversion and I'd been able to get out of the mansion undetected. Not that I planned to keep any of the promises I made tho, but I was sure they wouldn't feel bad, after all, dead men can not hurt. The thought made my grin stretch wider. Everything turned out just the way I plan
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BREA POV.I was counting the seconds and every noise I heard made the hope in my chest flare to life, that Nicolai had come to rescue me, but it was always Lucas, and each time he came into my room, I couldn't help my blood running cold even though I feigned indifference.I knew he was going to snap soon. All his words had been to disarm me but he was foolish if he thought that I believed any of it.Love. I doubt he even knew what the word meant. The way he watched me though, I knew he wanted me, and that scared me. I didn't want him to touch me. Waking up to his hand grazing my thigh had made my skin crawl so bad, I wanted to cut my freaking flesh off. He was trying to act kind, but I knew how ugly he could get, how evil he truly was.Thinking about how he'd touched me- like he had a right to- made me see red, and if I'd had a weapon, he would have been dead in the blink of an eye, and it would be because of his nasty wondering hands. Just like Nicolai, Lucas was unpredictable, and
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