All Chapters of THE MAFIA KING'S TRAP. : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Forty one
LUCAS POV."You'll always be the one in the background, unseen and useless because you do not matter! Her words rang in my head even as I walked out of the room. She was playing with fire and she didn't even know it. She thought she had hurt me... she did hurt me, judging by the twisted way I felt. I wanted to smash something up so bad, I shook with it. She was lucky I was choosing to walk away because I knew if I stayed, I was going to do something crazy like put a bullet in her head and watch those defiant eyes of hers that swirled with different shades of bright vivid colors close forever.I had been kind and patient with her when all I'd really wanted to do was to use her until every twisted fantasy I had of her in my head was sated, yet she'd chosen to turn a blind eye to everything.Even when I told her the truth about my childhood so that she could see what sought of monster Nicolai truly was and how he didn't deserve anyone's love.He'd hurt her and yet, she was still holding
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Forty two
NICOLAI POVI was working around the clock, but the longer it took to get tangible Intel on where Lucas might be, the more furious I got. Brea has been with him for three days now, and even though he'd promised not to hurt her if I followed his order, I knew he was a lying bastard.And the longer I waited, the more horrible the feeling of fear and anger crept up on me... I tried not to imagine anything negative, but I couldn't. Couldn't even sleep, because how could I fucking rest when Brea was missing all because I failed to keep her safe. It was infuriating. "Where are you, Lucas? Where are you hiding?" I murmured to myself, clenching my fist. I shut my eyes, picturing Brea just as I remembered her. My attraction to her had been volatile, and with her gone, instead of that feeling burning out, it fucking raged. It made my skin prickle as if I didn't see her I was going to disintegrate into nothingness.I could give everything up for her. I will if I must. Her safety came first.I'd
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Forty three
BREA POVLucas walked back in to meet me eating the meal he'd brought in, and whatever dark look had clouded his face slowly disappeared."I thought you didn't want to eat," he said, staring at me as if I was some strange creature."I was starving" I confessed and he came to seat beside me."How does it taste? I made it myself" he asked staring at me, waiting impatiently.I could see it now. He just wanted to be seen, appreciated, or maybe even revered. My words from earlier must have hurt him more than he let on."It's very delicious," I said, and he tried not to smile, but I could see his lips curving a bit. "I learned online. I am very good at mastering things in one go" he bragged and I nodded, agreeing with him.And to show him I appreciated his effort, I made sure to eat every last drop.Lucas looked pleased as he watched me."Did you enjoy your meal"?"I did" I answered and his brows dipped again."Is this some sort of tactic of yours... Do you think you can trick me into lett
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Forty four
NICOLAI POV.There were fresh tire tracks on the damp forest floor. Did Lucas leave? Or was he still inside? The cocky bastard, he'd thought he could hide away forever. Too bad, everything was going to be freaking over before it even got started. Gabriel scoured the area, but I could already tell that we were alone. I walked towards the panel that led down to the underground house and noticed that it was open. Alarm bells flared in my head even as I tried to remain calm.Did Lucas somehow find out that I'd already discovered where he was hiding, and left? It was impossible. I was just being paranoid.I pulled out my gun as I descended the stairs, making the littlest noise possible. Gabriel followed behind me. But It was quiet, too quiet.I stepped toward the first room, while Gabriel walked to the door on my left.I gave him a signal and then simultaneously we kicked open the door, our weapon aimed and ready for any action. It was empty, but I could see it was a bedroom, and Lucas p
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Forty five
TWO YEARS LATER."Let go, Brea. Let go, he tapped out" The voice of my coach reached the grunting sounds of my opponent that had risen to a crescendo in my ear, and I let go reflexively, the buzzy hazy place I'd slipped into clearing away. I blinked rapidly, struggling to clear my vision and take in the extent of the damage I'd done. The man's dry heaves and cough reached my ear and from the painful sound of it, I knew I was going to get my ear full from the coach's tirade."Sorry man," I apologized and helped my sparring partner to his feet. His face was bloated, dark bruises starting to make an appearance on his pale skin from all the punches I'd thrown at him, and on his neck that I'd held in a chokehold. "I got a bit carried away".The man managed a smile, his throat working as he tried to speak. He rubbed at his throat as if to get the blood flowing back through it. "It's fine. mistakes happen" his voice sounded rough and scratchy, and I worried that I'd damaged his windpipe. He
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Forty six
BREA POV.My hair was getting longer, I noticed as I parked it up, and I made a mental note to cut some of it once I got back from wherever we were going for drinks.I applied a bit of gloss to my lips then I stared at my reflection. I looked really pretty but I wasn't feeling it.Glancing down at the top I wore, the name of Nicolai branded unto my skin gleamed at me, and I cussed, whipping off the cloth and changing to a longer one that covered it all the way even when I raised my arms.The cut had healed nicely, but it was always a reminder... A reminder that Nicolai owned me.Would he show up if he found out I was getting sexually attracted to someone else, would he feel it no matter how far he was... Would he know that I was planning to explore so that I could finally get rid of his touch, his brand?I should have done it a long time ago but I could still remember his words, and the look in his eyes as he threatened me, it was just as if he was whispering into my ear now."I was y
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Forty seven
BREA POV.I splashed cold water on my face and gasped as the drunken haze I was in cleared a bit, then I stared wide-eyed at my reflection, blinking as some of the water droplets dripped into my eyes. I pressed my hand against my forehead and the side of my face and felt just how warm my body had gotten. I shouldn't have drunk so much. Now I was literally seeing Nicolai when he wasn't even there. I'd left Zeus to search for him blindly, convinced that I'd seen him before whoever it was stepped in front of my vision, blocking him from my view. The level of my desperation had me cringing but I could have sworn on my life that he'd been watching me, except I was freaking drunk, so my eyes must have been playing tricks on me. I dropped my hand on the zinc and took a deep breath. "Stop obsessing and thinking about him, Brea. He is never going to come to look for you. He already forgot about you and you need to move on and let it go" I told my reflection, then turned away sharply from the
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Forty eight
NICOLAI POV I wanted to wrap my hands around Brea's throat and squeeze until she wasn't breathing. Just thinking about what happened tonight was blood-curdling. She'd kissed him even though she knew I was watching her. She had to know I'd been there, so was she testing me? She'd seen me at the club and still, she'd pressed her lips against his and allowed him to grope her as if she belonged to him. I growled, my heart bleeding crimson. I'd wanted to pull a gun and shoot the bastard. He'd dared to touch what belonged to me. The screeching sound of my gritted teeth filled my ears as the image of them pressed together flashed before my eyes. My blood boiled, my chest tightened, and my pride bled out with darkness. It had taken everything I possessed not to step forward at that moment and break Brea’s arm, so it would never touch anyone else again, but me. She knew how to piss me the fuck off without even making an effort.My gaze fixed on the dagger on the table. It was a favorite wea
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Forty nine
BREA POV"Focus Brea, focus" Andre yelled and I growled, slamming my fist into Zeus's gut when I got the opening that I had been aiming for, but then his fist connected with my jaw, sending me to the floor and knocking the air out of my lungs.I lay there, trying to catch my breath while simultaneously savoring the burn from all the punches I had taken so far.Zeus reached for me, but I smacked his hand away and got to my feet.My gaze met those of Andre's exasperated ones."You keep losing focus Brea, if you don't work on that then this match might end with very disastrous outcomes" he warned, his tone serious and I sighed, wiping the sweat off my brows. He really needed to take a chill pill sometimes because he was starting to annoy me. "I am sorry Andre. Like you said, I guess I am just a bit distracted today" I said, repeating his words and he noticed the sass too, but he ignored it. "You don't have that luxury, Brea. Your match is in two days. You need to do better, be better"
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BREA POV"Do not underestimate Killian, he's a maniac when it comes to totally destroying his opponent, so when you get in there, do not give him any opportunity to attack you or it will be all over before the match even starts" Andre got out, anxiety rolling off him in waves."I got it, you don't need to worry. I'll make sure to bring the trophy home. I am going to win this" I said and he nodded, but his gaze spoke volumes of his doubt. He didn't think I was going to win, but I didn't care about that, all I wanted to do was to fight and get it over with.Zeus's hand touched my shoulders. "I believe in you, Brea. You've got this" he said confidently and I grinned."Thank you, Zeus. Should I win this one for you?" I asked and he smirked."That would make me feel special" he grinned and Andre grunted."Zeus" Andre snarled and Zeus backed up, apologizing quickly.I could hear the announcer's voice bellowing and the sound of the raging crowd doing their best to drown him out as my entranc
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