All Chapters of Ugly Princess? Break the Spell, Fairy Goddess: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
200 Chapters
Chapter 102: Peach Blossom Petals is Grandmother Willow's specialty
Soon the Empress Dowager’s place was full of colors as there were blasts of power coming from all directions.Ruby was standing in her same place as her petals surrounded her. Ruby’s petals were flying everywhere as it was taking in all the blasts and the swords coming towards them. Her petals split into multiple waves of petals and scattered around her protecting her. The enemies attack was not able to get through.Eric knew who was in danger before anyone else arrived at the Empress Dowager’s place. He saw something strange that caught his eye. Immediately catching his attention, was something drifting and floating around. It was pink and looked familiar to him. Soon he realized it was peach blossom petals, and Ruby was standing in the center of it. He was shocked that she had a spiritual power other than the Celestial White Dragon. This spiritual power seems to be stronger than her dragon. There was something different about Ruby. He frowned as he stared at her, noticing that she h
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Chapter 103: Who is this Assassination's Leader?
Ruby shouted, “Empress Dowager!” She dashed to her and helped block more attacks were aimed at her.“Grandmother! Ruby!” shouted Eric. Ruby's peach blossom petals flew in all directions trying to block the power ball that was coming for them."Ruby!" Eric tried to teleport to her but was stopped by the leader. The leader shot out a plasma magic at him. Eric was shocked that he was quick enough to stop Eric's teleportation. “You’re fight is with me General of the Four Great Warriors.”“You’re asking for it!” Eric chanted a magic spell and he moved swiftly towards the leader. The leader was caught off guard and was stabbed in the stomach.“He’s gotten quicker,” thought the leader. He took out Eric's sword grunting as the blood splattered on the ground. He stepped backward with an evil smile on his face. He looked at Eric and smiled as the blood dripped down from his lips.Eric frowned. "What a crazy lunatic," he thought.The leader summons a spell, and quickly healed himself.“You! Y
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Chapter 104: Run Child!
“I no longer have a FATHER!” “Ruby! Take care of Empress Dowager,” shouted Eric. "I got to take care of this pest." Eric was summoning spells to attack the leader. His spells started flying everywhere towards the leader. “Empress Dowager!” cried Ruby.Ruby gasped at the sight of the Empress Dowager lying on the ground. She tried to teleport to the Empress Dowager, but she was blocked by poison shots. Ruby stared at the assassin. Those poison shots were aimed at her vital organs. That assassin was trying to kill her.Angry, Ruby summon a spell and said, “Death shot!” The peach blossom petals gathered together and flew together in one go, but only one petal shot out to him. It hit him straight through the head. The assassin fell backward and died instantly. Being one of Ruby’s best skill shot, the spell ninety-nine percent of the time, will land it’s killed. Eric, gasped as he saw her spell of instant death. Ruby landed a critical shot. “Who is my woman? She's beautiful, talented, an
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Chapter 105: Obliterate!
“Obliterate!” summoned Ruby. The spell activated and the peach blossom petals all gushed out in and scattered around, killing everyone in one blow. The leader, who felt the powerful aura, stared in shock. He teleport and run. However, he didn’t run unscathed. One of Ruby’s peach blossom petals struck him in the leg. "AHHH!" he screamed loudly. He was going to be a limp for the rest of his life even if he escaped. "Humph, even if he survived your attack he will live in pain forever," said Tabitha flipping him off as he scattered into the portal. Eric was trying to summon his spiritual power but was stopped by Tabitha. “Prince Eric, you cannot disturb Fairy Princess,” said Tabitha. “Fairy Princess?” questioned Eric. “Yes. You know her as Ruby Scarlet.” “Who is she to you?” “She’s my master.” “You’re master.” “Yes. My master and my savior.” Eric looked at the gorgeous Ruby. Just as the Princes and Emperors arrived, they saw Ruby’s power in full display. The waves of her peac
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Chapter 106: Stepping on the ankle
Eric looked around for Ruby. He found her limping to a broken table. She was massaging her injured leg. “Ruby are you okay?” asked Eric who was running towards her. Ruby nodded. “Here let me help you,” said Eric who was kneeling down to help her take off her shoe. Ruby flinched at his touch. She was confused as he was trying to help her. He was not the person to show anyone any feelings. So why is he showing her kindness? Eric was startled at her withdrawal and looked up at her. He saw her worried face. "What's wrong?" In the past, Ruby remembered an incident similar to this. She fell and twisted her ankle. Instead of Eric helping her, he stepped on her ankle, injuring her even more. "Nothing," replied. "Then why are you withdrawing from me?" "I don't want you to hurt me." "What?" "When we were kids, I injured my foot. I took off my shoe to show you, but you stepped on my ankle breaking it.” Eric remember he was pushed from behind and stepped on her. He didn’t mean to, bu
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Chapter 107: Carried into his arms
Ruby who saw them together didn’t bother to look at them. Instead, she turned to look at Empress Dowager. She thought that it was a good thing that the assassins did come in when they did. For now, she is a lot closer to the Empress Dowager. It will give her a chance to actually ask the real reason why she look like her Grandmother Willow. No, to be exact, they look exactly alike. The only differences is their attitude, personality, and the way they talk.“Ruby?” asked Crown Prince Adam.“Huh?” answered Ruby who turned to look at him.Eric saw Ruby looking at Adam and he got upset. He didn’t want her to look other men, even if it’s his own brother.They were actively talking to each other. “I’m saying that you got quite a unique spiritual power.”“Oh, thanks.”“Who taught you?”“Taught?”“Yeah.”“Umm... I was born with it.”“Oh, I didn’t know that you had spiritual powers.”“Well, no one knows.”“She’s born with an imbalance of spiritual powers, that is why she was render a trash,” s
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Chapter 108: Sleeping together in their room
“Eric, you should let me take her,” said Crown Prince Adam.“Why?” gritted Eric.“Because Samantha is here.”“And?”“Well, don’t you-” He saw Eric's cold and decided not to say anything else. "Nevermind. Carry on." “We will take our leave now,” said Eric. “Eric,” said Samantha. “What about me?”“Go home.”“You heard him, now go home,” said Elijah.Samantha was boiling with rage as Eric carried Ruby away. She stomped out of the palace.“Good riddance. She’s being more and more annoying since the announcement of their marriage,” said Adian.“Yeah. Can’t believe Eric is going to marry her,” said Elijah.“Women.” “Say that again,” said Empress Dowager.They both looked at their grandmother.“You shouldn’t say that in front of a woman, especially your grandmother,” said Theo.They both laughed and turned away. “Hey! This calls for a celebration,” said Elijah.“What?” asked Adian.“The Empress Dowager is saved, found out we have a rare talent in Dragon Empire, and we beat the bad guys.”
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Chapter 109: Beauty Competition
“How are you feeling?” sigh Eric not wanting to argue with Ruby.“Exhausted.”Eric pulled her into his arm and said, “Then get some rest. I will be here.”Ruby thought it was odd of him to be nice to her. Usually after sex he would just stare at her, and they would both just end up falling asleep. There’s usually no words. If there was anything else, it would be more sex. Tired and exhausted she slept in his arms.The next following morning, Ruby found that her ankle was much better. Putting pressure on her feet, she was able to walk around without any pain. She got up and showered and put on her new dress. It was a light green color that brought out her blue eyes. The dress was showing off her slender body, and the opening of her dress was showing off her breasts.Ruby got out of the room, to look for Eric. He got up early in the morning and she didn’t get a chance to say thanks for his help yesterday. Touching her lips, she remembers how he kissed her passionately right before he l
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Chapter 110: Talented Ruby
The competition started with two hundred women, and one of them is Samantha. Each of the participating women have their own look, beauty, and talents. It was a furious battle among the ladies as some of them used wicked tricks and evil schemes to win through the filtering system. Some of them even went as far as cheating. Ruby was amazed that so many women would go to such extreme measures to obtain the Beauty Treasure Map. Ruby planned on winning the Beauty Competition, but she wasn’t interested in the Treasure of Beauty. Ruby knows that she have good genes, and already being so beautiful such small secret is worthless to her. It was useless to her, as it was created by her Grandmother Willow. She knew all the remedies to her Grandmother Willow's secret formula. Ruby did find some flaws in her Grandmother Willow’s remedies, but since Ruby is skill in alchemy and herbal skills, she perfected her Grandmother Willow’s remedies for her own use. She created a successful serum to use for
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Chapter 111: Down to only 10 Beauties
“Your woman, or your ex-fiancée is stealing the show,” said Adian.“What?” question Eric as his eyebrows raised up.Adian pointed to the stage. Eric, confused by his words looked up at the stage and saw Ruby.Ruby was playing her zither.Eric’s eyes widened with shock as she played the music beautifully. Her hands moved swiftly and gently with the rhyme. She looked stunning as she played her song. Her white and blue dress floated around her that she looked like a Goddess. Adian pointed to the stage. Eric, confused by his statement, also looked up at the stage and saw Ruby.Ruby was playing her zither.Eric’s eyes widened with shock as she played the music beautifully. She looked stunning on stage.“You should really close your mouth,” said Elijah.“What?” asked Eric whose mouth was gasping at her beauty.“I can see you drooling.”“No, I’m not. You’re drooling.”“Oh, Eric. Are you finally regretting? Because she’s all that everyone is talking about nowadays.”Eric’s face became cold,
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