All Chapters of Ugly Princess? Break the Spell, Fairy Goddess: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
200 Chapters
Chapter 112: One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen
“Wow! Wow! The judges will decide and tomorrow we will be down to three beauties,” said the stage master. The next day Ruby and two other women made it through to the next stage. Samantha on the other hand did not. She was shouting in rage that the whole judging system was rigged. "Eric! Eric!" exclaimed Samantha. She was running to Eric, wanting him to seek justice for her. She was stomping mad and yelling at the top of her lungs. Ruby on the other side was enjoying Samantha’s tantrum and anger. She laughed at Samantha as she was becoming hysterical. “Fairy Princess, that woman is so crazy,” said Tabitha. “Of course, she is,” replied Ruby. “Fairy Princess, are you going to try to win tomorrow?” Eric looked startled at Samantha's tantrum. Have she always been like this? She was making such a big scene that it was becoming rather embarrassing. How had he never seen this side of her before? Eric frowns at Samantha. Samantha stopped her stomping and blushed red immediately. "What
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Chapter 113: Number One Beauty of the Southern Border
“But now it’s too late for him. It’s his loss,” said Elijah. “Yes. It’s fair game now,” said Crown Prince Adam. “Ruby, you are indeed a beautiful woman. Sadly, someone didn’t see it before,” said Adian. Eric frowned. “Ruby do tell me if you find any man suitable to your taste, I will send words and arrange the wedding myself,” chuckled Empress Dowager. “Ruby!” shouted Theo. He hugged her and said, “I knew you won!” “Godfather, what are you doing here?” “Finding you a good husband.” “Huh?” “Well now, you will have many suitors coming to ask for your hand in marriage, the palace won’t be at peace for a while.” Ruby laughed. "Oh." Eric couldn't believe that she was accepting his grandfather's ridiculous idea. Hearing his grandfather's words caused him immeasurable pain. He clenched his hands tightly into a fist. He was trying to keep his cold appearance so as not to show his emotions. That night Ruby was finally able to escape the crowds and went back to the Forbidden Mount
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Chapter 114: Say my name
BACK AT RUBY’S HOME Ruby was panting as Eric was behind her, thrusting vigorously into her. Ruby’s hands tighten on the bedrail. She was nearing her climax. “Please. Come,” moaned Ruby. “Call me Eric, and I will gladly fill you with my cum,” panted Eric. Eric leaned to her back and bit her peach blossom tattoo. “Ahhh. Ahhh,” groaned Ruby loudly, as she dripped on him. “You came,” whispered Eric into Ruby’s ear. Eric turned Ruby’s head to him and kissed her. He nibbled her ears and licked her shoulders, gently biting onto them. He can feel her juice still spilling onto him. “It felt too good,” whimpered Ruby as Eric grabbed onto her giggling breast. Eric squeezed tighter onto Ruby’s breast as he pounded harder into her. "Ahh. You feel so good, Ruby." "More. More. I want more." Eric laughed and he positioned himself at a different angle and hammer into her. "Ahh. F*ck harder." Eric gently pulled her hair, titled her head to him and tongued her. Ruby was nearing another climax.
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Chapter 115: Crown Prince Luke Purposes to Ruby
Their bodies were intertwined like that for days as if they couldn’t get enough of each other. The only time they took a break was when Ruby cooked them meals or bathroom breaks. After their breaks they went at it again like horny animals during mating season.The next week Crown Prince Luke from the Western Border came to visit.“Hello Emperor,” bowed Crown Prince Luke.“Hello there, Crown Prince Luke,” replied the Emperor.“I heard that you are here for a peace alliance through marriage.""Yes.""Oh. Do tell me, do you have anyone in mind?”Crown Prince Luke thought how direct the Emperor was as he didn’t beat around the bush. He smiled and said, “I am looking for one. I heard that a few days ago you have given the title to a woman whose now, known as the Great Beauty of Southern Border.”“Yes, I did.”“May I asked to see her?”Eric’s hand clenched into a fist. He knew it. He knew that the Crown Prince was looking for Ruby. Ever since Kevin told him about it, he was uneasy. He was h
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Chapter 116: Princess Lilia is Pregnant
“She’s still my fiancée,” said Eric with a stern voice.“You dare not give me the woman of my choosing for a marriage alliance. You want to start a war with us?”"What Prince Eric said is true. I have not sent out a decree to annul their engagement."Prince Eric smiled cockily. "What!" exclaimed Crown Prince Luke. "So, you're saying you're not willingly to give me the woman of my choosing?""I never said that."Ruby said, “Crown Prince Luke and I have not yet known each other. I would like to know him more before making a commitment.”“Fine. Well said,” said the Emperor.“A marriage is a lifetime. I want to know that the man I marry won’t betray me, be dishonest, or disloyal to me.”“And how would you test that?” asked Crown Prince Luke.“Time. I need time to get to know you,” replied Ruby.“Fine. I don’t mind staying here to see the rest of the Southern Border.”“As long as this man promise to love me, care for me, and never to betray me, I will acc-”“Wait!” shouted a woman. She ca
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Chapter 117: Can't Marry Him
Eric wanted to hold Ruby and tell her that it was not true. Not all men are like that. He would never do that to her. From when they were young to now, she was always on his mind. She was the only one he ever thought about. No matter how mean or cruel his words was to her, she was all he worried about. Even when he wounded her, he would go and look for her. Making sure she was fine before he left, he would secretly place ointment for her. Only to find that she was thanking someone else for his medicine. It made him upset that she wasn't grateful for his help. How wrong he was to misjudge her back then. When she got whipped by the Wild's clan even though he didn't stop her punishment, he still helped tend her wounds. She passed out and he helped bandage her up. Putting the healing ointment on her back. When she woke up, Eric went to hide in a tree. When Ruby came to, she was talking to someone. Eric felt insulted. How she was making fun of him by showing her gratitude to someone else
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Chapter 118: The Mystical Flower
Eric’s hands went to pull off her dress. His hand ripped off the side of her dress and her naked breast tasted the cold breeze. A FEW DAYS LATER “I got to leave for a while, promise that you will take care of yourself,” said Eric looking at Ruby. Ruby looked at him with a tender smile and said, “Alright.” Eric leaned in and kissed her. “Mmmph,” groan Ruby. “Ruby, I can’t leave if you make such seductive noises,” said Eric. Ruby’s hand curl around him and said, “Then hurry back.” Eric nodded. He hugged her tiny waist against him. “I’m going to miss you,” whispered Eric. “That’s good.” “What?" "It's good you will miss me." "Well, don't miss me?” “Hmm?” "What?" "Maybe not." “Say that again,” said Eric looking her in the eyes. “Well, what would you want me to say?” Ruby’s arm went to embrace him. “Tell me you miss me.” “How about I tell you something else?" Ruby sneered at him. Eric frowned. "Like what?" "Shall I tease you to miss me even more?" "Sure." "I guess.
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Chapter 119: The White Snake Bow to No ONE!
Eric and Simon headed towards the top of the jungle. That part of the jungle was so thick and dense that no one would be able to find it if not directed. Just as the man said the pool was indeed hidden in secrecy. The pool definitely looks deeper than it seems and very dark. As the days went on, he started to become restless. The mystical flower was nowhere to be found. The place was so dark and hidden that it didn't seem anything was able to grow. "Prince Eric, can anything really grow here?" "Who knows. The man claim everyone seen it here." "But nothing is happening. Should we continue waiting?" "Yes. Let's wait a few more days." Three days went by and still nothing happened. Feeling like he was wasting his time Eric became impatient. "Are you sure that man wasn't lying?" "I don't know. But if everyone claims to see it, I'm sure they wouldn't make up such stories." "Alright." "How long should we keep waiting? I don't know." "Hey, Prince Eric?" "Yes." "Why are we up i
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Chapter 120: I know what you are! NO, I know WHO you are!
“I bow to no one!”“You will bow to me.”“Never!” The white snake summoned a power ball and was going to shoot it at Ruby.Ruby being quicker held up her left hand and said, “Submission!” BOOOOMM! Her ice crystals went plunging into the White Snake. The White Snake screeched in pain. Continuing striking from midair her ice crystal continued plunging into it. The ice crystals landed all its hit leaving the snake heavily injured. Panicking it was trying to slither away, but Ruby’s ice crystal was faster. Pinning it down, the large snake could no longer move. Dust flew everywhere. When the debris cleared, Eric saw that the White Snake was rendered motionless. "Ruby landed the blow," said Eric. Eric stood up in amazement. Eric was surprised that Ruby was able to take it down in one magic spell. “I know what you are,” said the White Snake. He was bleeding everywhere, and his tail was swaying slowly. Ruby frowned. Eric who was watching Ruby's reaction noticed that she tensed up at the
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Chapter 121: Getting the Mystical Flower
They didn’t emerge out of the dense jungle for the next several days. For some unknown reason they seem to be in heat. Both of them went on for several days without rest. It was as if they were in their own world and no one else matters they made love to each other like there was no tomorrow. “Ruby, I got some unfinished business to take care of,” said Eric. “You should leave first.”Ruby nodded. “Alright, you take care as well,” replied Ruby.As Ruby walked away from the pool, a flower blazed beautifully in front of her.“The mystical flower,” said Eric. He ran to it.“Don’t touch it,” said Ruby.Eric flinched. “Why?”“Because only female can pluck the mystical flower.”"What?" asked Eric with his eyebrow raised at her."You don't believe me?"“Why is that?” “Because the mystical flower is meant only for a woman’s body, not men. So, only woman can pluck it.""Oh.""If you want it for a man, then that's the wrong flower for you.”“Huh?”“What?”“How do you know that?”“Because I rea
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