All Chapters of Zaika The Packless Alpha : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Chapter 11 Infected
Zaika's povNick led me to an enormous suite that was fully furnished with every amenity. I even had a full kitchen stocked full of food. The colors were slate gray, black with stainless steel accents. It fit what my insides were feeling. "If there isn't anything else needed from me, Zaika. I will leave you to explore your living quarters. That door over there leads to Bryce's room but I'm certain that it is locked from his side," Nick chuckled as he waited for me to dismiss him."I should be fine, you may go," I replied. Nodding, he paused before the door."Your training will begin tomorrow around ten so try and get rest. The first days are grueling." I nodded and waved him off. After the door shut I glanced at the modern clock on the kitchen wall and frowned. Seeing the time, I realized that I had sat in the red room for several hours."Your thoughts were consumed with Sasha as the time flew past," Einar whimpered, causing me to frown. Going to the refrigerator to search for someth
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Chapter 12 Interesting Revelations
Zaika's povEnjoying the meal I had prepared while sitting at the counter my ears perked hearing a door opening from behind me. Assuming it was Bryce I continued digging in my food and ignored him when he meandered inside of the open kitchen."Good to see that you are an early riser. No coffee brewing though which sucks," he huffed as he headed to the cupboard and started preparing a pot."So day one I get to chase psychotic rodents?" I asked with a smirk."No, you don't chase them, you will learn how to move quietly without making a sound as your wolf," he replied with a snarky grin. Rolling my eyes I exhaled."I already can move in silence if I want, Bryce. Can we skip ahead if I prove it to you?" He sucked in his bottom lip and glanced at me."I was looking forward to a slack day. So NO we won't be moving ahead. If you can show me that you can pass those little rat bastards WEARING THE HARNESS we will have the remainder of the day for ourselves," he said chipperly. I curled my lip
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Chapter 13 Ruben Roderick's Visit
Sasha's povSitting on the couch I watched Gallum walk slowly into the ensuite then heard the shower turning on."He didn't bring a change of clothes in with him…he will prance out of there and try to entice you with his manly appeal," my wolf howled in my mind. Pffying, I muttered, "He has no appeal, Aspen. I don't know what is going on with you recently but stop trying to force him on me. He may be handsome but he is well aware that he is. His personality is just disgusting." Frowning I heard a knock on the bedroom door and hissed. Getting up I headed toward the door. I didn't ask who it was. I opened the door and I was staring up at the frightening Southern King Ruben Roderick. Lowering my eyes quickly I bowed. His thick fingers tilted my chin. I swallowed uncomfortably seeing his eyes narrow at me and the insidious grin on his face."Well, what do we have here? Little Sasha Baranov has grown into a lovely young female," he said in his deep rough voice. I shivered and stepped back
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Chapter 14 Unwanted Opportunity
Zaika's povVossler was very concerned about Bryce and had already sent his guards out to locate his friend and champion. I was sitting in his office area which was a large intricately carved wooden table with several chairs surrounding it. Resting my hands on the tabletop Vossler cleared his throat."I don't know if Bryce explained his health issues with you since you have not been here long but he…he is very ill and susceptible to the cold. Being in this location has not been ideal for him and his health," he said sullenly. "Bullshit, he went for a swim after we passed the lemmings, why would he do that if he was gravely ill?" I questioned. Vossler grinned and muttered, "That crazy ass probably got distracted by a she-wolf he smelled on his way home." I nodded as I sat back. Nick scurried in, apologized for the interruption, and went to the king. I watched him whisper something into the king's ear that caused both men to frown and eye me with concern. Once Nick stepped back Vossler
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Chapter 15 Rogues Settlement
Zaika's povI carried Sasha past racks of drying deer hide, roasting venison, and small pups chasing each other around. It made me smile to see them so carefree. I also felt that these wolves weren't rogues at all. They had formed a pack under the female Alpha. It was impressive."I wonder how Boris knew that they were east of Ivan's land?" I mentioned it to Einar and he huffed but did not reply. Scarlett led me to a large round turf hut. "Everyone OUT!" She snarled. I watched several men and women quickly leave. Lifting the flap she gestured for me to enter. I carried Sasha inside the cozy dwelling and watched Scarlett lean the rifle against the side post."I will heal your female if you tell me who murdered my son," Scarlett stated briskly. I swallowed uncomfortably. I wouldn't give a name but would give a simple clue, I decided."It was the eldest son of Ruben Roderick," I said as I watched anger and sorrow fill her eyes. "Lay her down on the furs," she ordered. Doing as she aske
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Chapter 16 Broken Dreams
Zaika's povGetting rudely awakened while I was embracing Sasha caused me to growl threateningly at the person responsible."Wake up!" A familiar male's voice ordered. Cracking my eyes open, I looked up at my adopted father's head servant and curled my lip. Sasha nestled closer to my bare chest making me smile triumphantly. The flashlight he carried suddenly shined in my face."The Northern province king's messenger stopped at your father's house in search of you. Vossler is requesting that you return immediately," he said firmly. Boris glanced down at me and Sasha and shook his head."Ivan's going to have a vein burst in his forehead," he muttered. I scooted out from under Sasha and searched for my sweatpants."Shine that light over that way, I need my clothes. Also, did the messenger mention anything about the king's champion returning?" I questioned. Boris told me that the messenger hadn't mentioned Bryce."You want to explain to me how you just walked into the Rogue Alpha's camp an
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Chapter 17 The Engagement
Zaika's povAfter getting sick in the toilet, I turned on the shower. "You should keep practicing transportation so the illness stops," Einar suggested. Rolling my eyes, I grunted, "No shit, wise furball." Stripping and climbing into the shower, I leaned against the wall with both hands while the hot spray doused my head. Grinning slightly at losing my virginity to the woman I truly loved made me feel exuberant. Not being able to claim her as mine was eating at me."Why do I have to be a nobody with an ancient wolf? Seems stupid to be an Alpha without a leadership role," I mumbled sourly. Einar growled back at me in response."I will carve a path for myself one way or another," I swore as I started scrubbing myself.Afterward, I wrapped a towel around my waist and went into my bedroom for my duffle bag. Not finding it where I left it, I headed into the closet to see all my stuff hanging or folded nicely on the shelves."Nick must have arranged them because you are lazy," my wolf teas
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Chapter 18 Feeling Betrayal
Zaika's povBryce entered my suite after Vossler left and waved for me to follow him. "I'm taking you to the exercise room. Also, explain to me how you appeared in thin air. You freaked out that hole I was pounding," he laughed with callousness. "My wolf told me I can move with just a thought but it makes me ill afterward," I told him honestly. He eyed me oddly and grimaced."You're a scary creature. You should ask Vossler to get a vampire to taste your blood to figure out your DNA," he suggested. I shook my head, uncertain if that was a good idea."What if I find out something awful? I'd rather not know besides Einar would inform me if it was important," I concluded. Bryce shrugged as he opened the double doors to a huge room full of everything a muscle head would drool over. He gestured to the weights on a bar in the corner."Start on those, do a hundred," he ordered. I sighed and went. I lifted the weight bar over my head for the fiftieth time and glanced over at Bryce deadliftin
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Chapter 19 Experience Heartbreak
"Please don't start a fire in my room, I have a lot of nice things," he chided. I told him I wouldn't while wiping my eyes. My entire demeanor was changing as I entered his room. Seeing articles of women's clothing strewn about I looked at Bryce wondering who or what had hurt him. Gritting my teeth I followed him into his living room area and sat down on his leather sofa. Lifting a red lacy thong between my thumb and index finger, I eyed Bryce. "Is this couch safe to sit on?" I questioned as he yanked the panties from my fingers. He grunted, yeah. I sunk into the buttery soft leather couch and rubbed my eyes."How can your true mate betray you?" I asked pointedly. Bryce was pouring two glasses of liquor and huffed."Because of the creed. Since Dire wolves were such a rarity, the creed was written to state that we don't have true mates and are instead coupled with other Dires to increase the population. There is a clause in it regarding offspring as well, females are coveted, while th
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Chapter 20 Should I Move On?
Zaika's povAfter returning from seeing Sasha, I felt completely devastated. She had been poisoned as the whore Asia had said. The smell of both males on her caused my gut to churn. I was certain that she would be carrying a pup after both royals released their seed in her. Rubbing my forehead, I glanced over at my bed to see both females still fast asleep. Not wanting to join them I decided to head to the exercise room and pump iron. If anything I would increase my muscles and become the perfect royal guard. Retracing Bryce's early steps I made it to the empty room. It was still early so the other guards were all fast asleep. I glanced down at my wrist to see the bracelet Bryce had given me and grinned internally because it was working. I scolded myself for forgetting that I could travel with thought and could have just appeared within the room."You don't want to flaunt your gifts," Einar growled in my subconscious. I laughed and went to the weight bench."I should have taken Sasha
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