All Chapters of Zaika The Packless Alpha : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
60 Chapters
Chapter 41 Family Demon Outcast
Zaika's povWhen Atlas and I reappeared back at Asher's house it was deathly quiet. The scent of blood was strong and Atlas groaned loudly."I shouldn't have helped his demon. Asher has fed from his supposed mate and has grown stronger," he said firmly."What does that even mean? Did he kill that poor female?" The reaper eyed me candidly."You're going to have to defeat him I'm afraid," he muttered and I frowned. I wanted to just live life with my son and Sasha, the issue with my demon brother was annoying to me."Shouldn't my father deal with him? I mean he is better equipped to deal with a demon than I," I muttered. Atlas laughed sarcastically while shaking his head."It's not his destiny but yours. You are the one that should be dead technically." Hearing a whimper, I turned from the smart ass and searched for the source of the sound. Heading through the dark hallway I walked into a black-painted bedroom and saw Esmerelda, bruised and nude in the fetal position on the bed. Her fac
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Chapter 42 My Grief
Zaika's pov"Let me get linen to wrap the child then we can bury him," Faelon said firmly. I didn't respond and was drowning in my sorrow. Glancing over at Sasha I could see she was being comforted by my mother and Esmeralda. "The females will help her with her suffering," Einar whimpered in my mind."What about me? My heart is shredded and I feel like I'm drowning," I responded harshly. Einar quieted in my subconscious and my father returned."We are going to prepare the body for the burial. Atlas you are in charge of the digging." Faelon lifted Cailean's body and told Sasha and me to follow him to one of the bedrooms. Wiping my eyes I held my hand out to Sasha. She clasped my hand, her bottom lip trembling."Aspen told me that we would have more children but losing our first hurts too much to think ahead," she said softly. Nodding, I told her that Einar had told me the same thing."I feel the same," I replied somberly. When we entered the bedroom my father was removing the clothing
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Chapter 43 The Dire Wolf Challenges
Zaika's pov"I left the harness at Vossler's!" I announced firmly.Atlas nodded, disappeared, and returned with the ornate item. Taking it from his hands I took off my clothes and buckled it on before redressing myself."Are you both ready?" The reaper asked.Nodding I held Sasha's hand while Atlas grinned smugly and placed his hand on my back. We vanished suddenly. When I opened my eyes I was on a beach full of huge Dire Wolves. The large area was tied off in sections and challenges were being announced for several kingdoms. "How many Dire Wolves are there?" Atlas side-eyed me and said, "You need to go to the gentleman there and make your challenge known before the challenging time for the royalty ends!" Following his finger I frowned at the long line before the man he said I had to speak with."Take the queen with you and cut the line. Your challenge is more prevalent than those others." Pulling Sasha along with me, the pair of us weaved our way forward. "Your name sir and the chal
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Chapter 44 The Challenge
Zaika's povStanding with Sasha I watched both challengers on either side start to undress and shift into their Dire Wolves. Bryce explained that one was a King from some province in the Americas, and the other was his Beta. Shocked by that, I watched both of them circle each other. Fur began to fly as they tore into each other."That Beta is a fool if he thinks he can overpower Nathan but the odds were in his favor," Vossler chuckled.I side-eyed Vossler who was rooting for the king.The larger Dire pinned the other and the match was called for the King. Bryce and Vossler high-fived each other. "What was that for?" Sasha questioned watching the two celebrate. Shrugging I told her I had no clue until I overheard them talking about the next challenge."Who did you place our money on?" The king asked Bryce. "On the younger male Seth, his wolf has gained the use of his metal jaw so his chompers are powerful and the king he is challenging is long in the tooth like you!" Bryce told Vossl
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Chapter 45 Filled With Disappointment
Zaika's povGallum had been weak and it bothered me that he would simply sacrifice himself so callously. I felt angry with myself for being hurt by my backstabbing best friend's sudden death. I had won the crown yet wasn't thrilled. Tucking the document in the inside of my shirt I glanced around. Seeing all the chaos Gallum had caused by his explosive death was heartbreaking. Vossler and Bryce seemed unaware of the devastation going on around them until I shouted at them both to look around. Taking their eyes off the stacks of bills they held they glanced around. Both their eyes bulged and mouths fell."Yeah, take it all in! The highest-ranking Dire Wolves are injured and some I am certain are dead but all you care about is money," I scolded them both. "We heard the explosion but we were collecting our win from the back over yonder," Vossler asserted. Shaking my head at the pair I tilted my head hearing several shouts for a medic. Bryce knowing I was gifted and could heal, led me to s
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Chapter 46 Meeting With My Advisor
Zaika's povJustin Grayson was not who I expected. He was a Lycan and rather young to boot. Sitting behind a large desk with stacks of papers and a multi-line telephone nearby it was apparent that he was who ran the kingdom."We have already been notified of your new position Zaika and I have taken care of all your meetings for the next week so you can get familiarized with what your duties will be. I do hope that you will be more responsible than the former family that was in charge here," Justin asserted while rubbing his eyes.Grinning slightly at the male I was curious about why he hadn't just taken over completely so I asked."I'm not a Dire Wolf silly boy," he growled. I raised my brow and eyed him candidly."But you have been running this kingdom…seems rather strange that you haven't just taken over completely. I mean Lycans sort of rule over the rest of us, don't they?"Justin sat back and laughed."You are a powerful wolf, rare even. I think you and I will work well together.
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Chapter 47 My Lustful Queen  
Zaika's povThe next day I awoke with Sasha's nude body draped over mine. Grinning at recalling how we had made love for hours brought me much happiness."She is surely seeded and probably carrying a pair of pups," Einar chortled in my subconscious. Pecking the top of her blonde head, I tried to scoot out from underneath her to go to the bathroom without waking her. Sasha blinked her eyes and peered up at me with a smirk."Morning sweetie, how are you feeling?"She stretched her arms around my head and sighed."I feel perfectly content and exactly where I should be. Aspen also tells me that we are having fraternal twins, a male and female pup," she said softly. Grinning smugly I pulled her up closer."Then we will name them Callie and Will!""Calli with just an i" she giggled and hugged my neck. A knock sounded at our suite door and Sasha hurried to the bathroom while I donned a robe and went to see who it was. Gerald stood there with his head bowed."Sorry for disturbing you Highness
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Chapter 48 Preparing Ourselves For Our Guests
Zaika's pov"I think Justin is a great person but far too old for our unborn pup," Sasha said abruptly. I watched her brow crease, certain that her wolf Aspen was telling her that we didn't have a choice in the matter."He damn well better wait until she has reached her maturity," she growled. Watching her I chewed on my bottom lip wondering how she was going to shop amongst the humans with her nonhuman yellow eyes. I would consult with Justin to see if he had a solution. "Let's go to our advisor and get our things to go shop," I teased and my queen grinned as she grabbed my hand. We made our way back down to where Justin resided, laughing at how ridiculous we both looked. Knocking once again Justin said enter and kept an eye on us as we waltzed inside. "Won't Sasha's eyes give the humans pause?" I questioned him in concern. Grinning smugly, my advisor shook his head."The town you will shop in is well aware of our existence and won't even bat an eye, they are all werewolves. There
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Chapter 49 My Kingdom
Zaika's povThe vehicle pulled into the garage and Gerald cleared his throat to gain our attention. Sasha and I broke apart with embarrassment over our intimate moment. I buttoned up my shirt and Sasha adjusted her blouse."Wish we could continue," she giggled and looked up at me with sultry eyes. Grinning, I told her that we had to deal with our kingdom before anything else. Sasha pouted. Brushing my fingers against her cheek I told her I love her and was going to go speak with Justin. Sasha smiled coyly and nodded."Your items will be delivered in a few hours until then I can suggest that the queen meet with the kitchen staff to discuss meal preparation and preferences," Gerald said firmly holding the car door open for us. I watched Sasha pat her hair down and chuckled."You look adorable, dear," I told her then pecked her cheek before I climbed out."I'm going to see Justin," I informed Gerald as I passed him. Going to my advisor's office once again I knocked firmly on the door. Jus
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Chapter 50 Coming to an Agreement
Zaika's povAfter settling several disagreements the new Dire Wolves Creed was rewritten by the official scribe and all of the Dire Kings were satisfied. "You did well with negotiations, Zaika. You are wiser than I first thought," Justin said with a smirk."Ha ha, Thanks. Honestly, I am shocked that it went so well," I replied as the room was clearing out. Vossler and Bryce came up to me to congratulate me on my accomplishment. I introduced them both to Justin and then suggested that we go have some dinner since the negotiation had taken all day. Several of the other kings had decided to return to their provinces so only a handful retreated to the dining room to indulge in the savory meal my cooks had prepared."You two and Sasha should come back and visit," Vossler asserted.I politely declined and told him that I would after Sasha had her pups. Wide-eyed, the northern king chuckled."Already producing heirs and two at a time," he chuckled and I nodded. "Speaking of the queen, where
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