All Chapters of Memories undone : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
161 Chapters
Bethany’s Pov I couldn’t contain my smile as I looked around the resort. It was nothing like our small hut and I couldn’t help but be gleeful knowing that I would get to stay here for the next few weeks. “I love it.” I murmured as I sat down on the brown sofa that had a huge tv in front of it. “I knew you would.” Adams murmured lowly. I looked over at him and couldn’t help but notice the bags under his eyes. “Maybe you should get some sleep.” I said softly. He only smiled at me as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. “How can I do that when my wife is here?” He asked lowly. My lips pursed as I looked at him with a stern gaze. “How do you plan on us enjoying ourselves when you are tired?” I couldn’t help but ask. “I don’t need sleep as long as you are here.” He declared in a groggy voice. Even though I wanted to argue I knew it would be pointless since all it would lead to us stress and Adams being even more stubborn. I would allow him to stay up and wait un
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Wife’s memories
Lucas’s Pov (2 days later)“Are you sure this time will be the last?” I couldn’t help but ask Robert as I grabbed my toasted roast beef sandwich and took a bite of it. He chuckled as he stayed silent. I glanced up at him as I chewed slowly and of course he was paying more attention to his food than me. We had went over what was needed for hours yesterday and still I didn’t trust that this would work. It seemed like even when I was happy with Bella someone else had to ruin it. So either she wanted to go and explore the world or someone else wanted to cause me problems. I just couldn’t catch a break. “You need to relax.” Danny mumbled in annoyance. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him in irritation. “It’s hard to relax when my wife’s memories have been erased numerous amounts of times.” I grumbled as I took another big bite of my sandwich. “We said relax, this time will be different.” Robert finally stated with a clipped tone. I groaned internally as I rubbed my face from irr
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Let it go
Penelope’s Pov “How is the world okay with this?” I asked as I threw the paper onto the living room couch next to my father. My father looked up from his laptop and over at the paper that had been delivered to my house. He only took a glance at it before sighing as he looked away from it like I was being ridiculous. “Sweetheart you need to let this go already, please.” He said in frustration. “Let it go?” I asked in frustration not understanding how my father was okay with this. “Yes Bella is Lucas’s wife, so I need you to get over this before we lose everything.” He said in exasperation. “But he keeps erasing her memories and that’s not fair. She doesn’t even want him.” I cried in frustration. How was it bad for me to be in love with him to the point where I drugged him but okay for him to continuously erase Bella’s memories? My father slowly looked up at me with a hard gaze that had me narrowing my eyes at him. “You can’t be okay with this, it’s not right.” I stated stubborn
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Win Lucas over
Penelope’s Pov “Enough.” He yelled loudly. The shock that my mother had was quickly replaced by anger. “Don’t tell at our daughter.” She screamed back at him. “Shut up, I am done with Penelope’s obsession over Lucas. Lucas is married and what he does with Bella is his business and if she can’t understand that than I will disown her.” He said with so much aggression that I knew he wasn’t joking. His words had me paling as they slowly settled it. “You’ll disown me because of Lucas?” I couldn’t help but ask as I took a deep breath and grabbed at my chest. My father was suppose to love me but instead he planned on disowning me for Lucas. “No, I’ll disown you because of your obsession that is ruining this family not because of Lucas.” He exclaimed with narrowed eyes. “I am not obsessed.” I stated defensively. Even though I knew that the love I had for Lucas had passed being normal I refused to admit that I was wrong. “Really than why do you care about what he does with his wife?”
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Questioning everything
Lucas’s Pov I tried not to react as Bella looked at me from across the table. She was suppose to still be sleep but somehow she was awake and now staring at me with a questioning gaze. “Why, why don’t I remember anything again?” She asked as she grabbed her iced tea and slowly drank it. I gave a forced smile as I looked at Robert for the answer because I wanted to know the same thing. She was suppose to know who I was but for some reason she woke up and remembered nothing. Robert who had been silent the whole time bared his teeth as he looked down at the papers that one of his workers brought to him when she had woke up. “It seems like the accident you got into has given you amnesia.” He forced out through the anger that seemed to be brewing slowly. “Amnesia?” She asked in confusion as she set her glass down delicately. “Yes, it seems like you lost all your memories because of the accident.” He ground out. I didn’t have to ask him if he was upset because it was clear as day t
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What my uncle said
Bella’s Pov I stared at Lucas in confusion not understanding how even though he could make me blush I didn’t remember him at all. I couldn’t lie and say that he wasn’t handsome. He had a charm to him that I thought was perfect and I could only assume that’s why we married. When he looked up at me from his food a small smirk formed on his lips. He gently wiped his mouth off with his napkin and smirked as he licked his lips. “So do you like your food?” He asked as he looked down at my chicken lettuce wrap and back up at me with a raised brow and a smile. My cheeks brightened as I looked back down at my plate that I had forgotten about. I hadn’t even realized that I was staring at him for so long. He was the definition of perfect and I could only grab my food quickly and take a big bite. Eating was better than talking. Especially since he caused butterflies to attack me every time he talked or looked at me. How had I ended up with someone so perfect? “So I take it that it’s good
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Kind of ridiculous
Bella’s Pov (3 days later) I tightened my hold on Lucas’s hand and stared at all the people that were walking around in pretty dresses. Lucas had told me that there would be no more than a couple of people but from what I could see there was at least 100 people walking around. I used my free hand to tug on the black dress that Lucas had me wear. He told me that black was my favorite color dress but after looking at all of the colorful dresses that scattered the room I could almost guarantee he was lying. “Next time I want to wear a yellow and purple dress.” I stated as I realized that my two favorite colors were them. “Yellow and purple?” He asked sounding surprised. “Yes. I like them colors and nobody seems to be wearing one of them colors.” I said as I looked around one more time. “That’s because then colors don’t go well together.” He stated in a matter of fact tone. Had I had my memories I would’ve argued with him but since I wasn’t sure if he was lying I could only pur
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Speak up
Bella’s Pov I watched as Lucas put different kinds of food on my plate. “What’s that?” I asked as he grabbed what looked like a boiled age but cut in half. I had had boiled eyes with my soup yesterday and I couldn’t lie and say that it wasn’t delicious. “A deviled egg.” Lucas stated as he put it next to the cut up pieces of steak and bread. “A deviled egg.” I murmured to myself. “Yes.” He murmured as he grabbed some rice. “Is it good?” I couldn’t help but ask as I leaned closer into him. “Yes.” He stated confidently. “What are you guys doing?” A female asked from behind me before I could ask more questions. I looked over my shoulder and narrowed my eyes as Monica and my uncle walked up to us. My uncle Theodore was walking causally next to my sister which had me furrowing my brows. “Why are you here?” I asked in annoyance. My uncle gave a smile while my sister only rolled her eyes. “I decided to take your sister down for something to eat.” My uncle Theodore stated. I gave
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Was mine
Bella’s Pov “You can sit next to me.” My doctor said nearly instantly. The way my sisters face morphed to one of pure anger had me confused and annoyed. “But I want to sit here.” She said as she looked back at Lucas. “Why do you keep looking at my husband?” I couldn’t help but ask as I narrowed my own eyes. She clearly had her own husband but acted like she didn’t. She didn’t even treat him like he was her husband. Lucas told me it’s because she didn’t remember him but that didn’t matter because I didn’t remember Lucas and I didn’t act like her. Monica looked at me and frowned clearly not liking that I asked her that question. “I can look at him.” She retorted with an attitude that had me pursing my lips together.“I said eat.” Lucas murmured as he leaned in closer to me. I looked at him through my lashes and blushed a little as he stared at me with a stern gaze. “But she keeps looking at you.” I couldn’t help but say. “Is her looking at me hurting you?” He asked lowly. “Yes.”
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You can’t do that
Lucas’s Pov The irritation I felt as I glanced at Theodore was tangible. We had decided that we would keep it simple and make sure that Monica was pacified along with Bella but for some reason Theodore had seemed to have forgotten. “Don’t you guys have a prenup?” Robert added to the conversion. My brows furrowed as I looked at him with a questioning gaze. If not for Bella and Monica I would’ve asked both of them what they were doing because it seemed like they were trying to sabotage my marriage again. We had clearly agreed to make it seem like Monica didn’t get hardly any inheritance and that’s why she married Theodore but for some reason they were both being reckless. “No we don’t have a prenup.” Theodore stated confidently. I internally chuckled as I forced myself to look at Bella. “Didn’t I say to eat?” I asked as I grabbed one of the deviled egg with the fork and brought it up to her lips. She looked down at the egg and over at me with a meek expression on her face. I
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