All Chapters of Memories undone : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
161 Chapters
Perfect wife part 2
Lucas’s Pov I sighed as I glanced over at Bella and watched as she looked at her cards and hummed loudly. Clearly she had drank too much and the alcohol was slowly starting to pull her into a drunken state She slowly rocked side to side as she watched as they made side bets for the next turn. Thousands of dollars on whether or not sally would have a card to play. Bella kept looking at her cards than looking up like she was concentrating or trying to create a strategy. If not for her horrible game play I would actually think that she was coming up with the perfect strategy. Unfortunately she was clueless on what to do. “Okay the bets are over.” Lenny said as he pushed the money to the side. Bella’s eyes went wide as she looked down at her hand and grabbed a card. “I’m going to win this time.” Bella screamed as she lifted up her arm and threw a king on the table. My brows furrowed because it was clearly not her turn and she couldn’t play a king of hearts. Everyone froze fro
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Bella’s Pov Everyone was chatting away and seemed extremely excited and I could only smile brightly as I looked at all the crazy foods that were on the table. Everything from pizza with what looked like fish and olives on it to a bowl of dark red sauce with a black chip in it. The food combinations were endless and so was the different types of drinks and I loved it. “This is going to be fun.” I whispered as I looked over at the waiters that were bringing in different colored crates that had hundreds of different colored envelopes in them. “Let’s hope the dares are good.” A guy grumbled loudly. I glanced at the guy but instantly looked away when he leaned in and kissed the girl that was on his lap. “Are they all food dares?” The girl on the guys lap ask with a high pitched voice that had my brows furrowing. What other type of dares could there be? “They have all types of dares. My assistant helped set it up.” Lucas stated as he grabbed one of the crates and brought it closer.
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Bella’s Pov “Dr. Hickory.” Lucas mumbled causing me to furrow my brows. “It doesn’t say that.” I knew what Dr. Hickory’s name looked like and it definitely wasn’t this. “His first name is Rupert.” Lucas explained lowly. I paled even more as I looked over at Dr. Hickory who was now smirking at me like this was somehow funny. “Why is he even here?” I couldn’t help but ask in frustration. I clearly wasn’t going to kiss him. Why was this even a dare? “Because he’s my guest.” Lucas stated sternly. “But he’s old and my doctor.” I mumbled in anger. “You have to kiss your doctor.” Someone blurted out causing dread to fill me. I didn’t care that Dr. hickory was looking at me with a murderous gaze, I refused to kiss him ever. “I don’t want to.” I stated in defiance. I refused to ever kiss Dr. Hickory even if he wasn’t ugly. I couldn’t stand him, especially because even after I fired him he was still here. “Bella if you don’t do this than you’ll have to do a punishment.” Danny explained
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The punishment
Lucas’s Pov The anger radiating off of Bella was tangible and I could only groan internally because I knew the punishment that we came up with would have her acting up. I just didn’t have time to deal with Robert and his never ending problems. So instead of arguing with them I let it play out and now I had to deal with my immature wife. “Baby it’s not how you think, I don’t care about Monica.” I stated in exhaustion. “Let me go now.” She demanded forcefully refusing to listen to reason. She kept twisting and turning every way possible with no luck in breaking free of my hold. “Baby you aren’t stronger then me.” I deadpanned. Instead of stopping she grabbed ahold of my hands and scratched them. “Relax now.” I gnashed out as she dug her nails into my hands. It seemed like I would have to have Janet take her to get them trimmed. “Not until you let me go.” She exclaimed forcefully. “I’m not letting you go until you calm down.” I declared. “We are no longer married. So let me lea
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Ice cream
Bella’s Pov I knew everyone was looking at my bright face and that only helped to fuel my nervousness. Why did they have all these ridiculous dares and why did everyone have to watch? Still I refused to miss out on the fun just because of my husband having to kiss me. “I don’t get why I can’t just eat the ice cream without kissing you.” I mumbled as I shimmied off of Lucas who had conveniently let go of my waist. “They would be no fun.” He murmured as I stood up. I tried not to allow myself to be shy as I awkwardly reached for the ice cream. I didn’t have it in me to walk and grab the ice cream. “Here.” A guy said as he grabbed the bowl and handed it towards me. My brows furrowed as the heat from the bowl brought warmth to my arms nearly instantly. I hadn’t even realized I was cold until now. “Let me help you.” Lucas’s deep and hypnotic voice sounded right as my waist was grabbed and I was pulled back into his lap. The warmth of his body hit me instantly but it wasn’t enough t
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Both punishments
Bella’s PovI couldn’t help but feel dreadful as I drank the last of the melted ice cream. Fortunately for me the thought of getting naked and jumping into the sea had me not caring if my face got sticky or not.I ignored the way I started to to feel sick and pushed away the need to gag. I tried not to panic as I quickly chugged it down. As I drank the last little but I sighed and pulled the bowl away. “How is it not gone?” I asked in frustration as I looked at the side of the bowl that still had ice cream on it. “That’s good enough.” Lucas mumbled as he grabbed the bowl from my hands. A blush formed as I moved my sore neck. Who thought of crazy dares like this? “I’ll take that from you.” The guy next to us said as he grabbed the bowl and put it onto the table. Part of me no longer wanted to play this game. I could go upstairs and take a shower without a care in the world. Unfortunately I wanted to watch everyone else do their dares. “Here you go Mr. Connery.” A worker said fr
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Don’t mind jumping
Lucas’s Pov “She’s sleep.” I said as soon as Bella softly started to snore. “Finally.” Robert mumbled in irritation. I turned my attention towards him and instantly knew that he was on the verge of killing someone in this room. His brows were narrowed and jaw was clenched as he stared at Bella with a sharp gaze. I could only assume that her constantly threat of breaking up with me was pushing him over the edge. He may have not planned on hurting her but that didn’t mean he didn’t have other plans. I could only thank Janet for the herbal chocolate milk because Bella was on the verge of having her memories erased by him again and I definitely didn’t need that. “Now that she’s asleep how about we discuss what happened just now.” Danny demanded in annoyance. He looked at me than at towards Dillion with the same irritation. Robert turned his attention towards Dillion and his scowl only intensified. “I did specifically warn everyone about the importance of Bella being happy.” Rob
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Bella’s Pov I jolted awake as someone screamed loudly. “It’s burning my mouth.” A familiar voice cried dramatically causing my brows to furrow and me to slowly peel my eyes open. I had tried to ignore the noise because in my dream I had heard someone yelling and instead of waking up I stared at Lucas as he slowly took his shirt off as I laid out on the beach. Of course the screaming only got louder and had to ruin my dream. I had looked away from Lucas and before I knew it I was jolted awake. “Please help, I need water.” The female cried again. I eyed were a little crusty and seemed to be just as blurry from the slumber I was woken up from. I blinked my eyes and wiped off the crust as looked around the room at everyone that was staring at the same spot. I rubbed my eyes again and blinked a few times to help clear up the fog. “Next time keep your mouth shut.” Dr. Hickory ordered. A turned my attention towards him and furrowed my brows as Janet stared up at him in desperation
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Mixed emotions
Bella’s Pov My eye went wide as I stared at Dr. Hickory as he put 4 spoons into the sauce without a care in the world. Were they actually eating the sauce with spoons? It took over 30 minutes just for my mouth to stop burning and that was with the help of Dr. Hickory and Lucas. The milk they gave me was far from enough because as the time went on it got worse. They had to give me everything from ice to lemons just for my mouth to slowly cool down.So I could only pity everyone that had to do this dare. Clearly the spoons that Dr. Hickory had provided told me that it was not going to just be a small taste. It was going to be so much worse and I was glad I didn’t have to be involved. “Are we really allowing this?” I asked Lucas as I looked at Janet who had collapsed against the wall and was now panting like she was a dog. She didn’t get any help from anyone and had to deal with the heat on her own. “Yes.” Lucas said lowly. I pursed my lips as Janet rubbed a towel over her face.
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Eat three
Bella’s Pov So as I looked at Lucas I decided it was best to speak my mind with all of the confidence that I could muster up. “If everyone wouldn’t cause so many problems in my life I would be happy all the time.” I stated confidently. A small smirk formed on his lips as he raised a brow. “Is that so?” He asked lowly. I don’t know whether he thought I was joking or not but I didn’t care. “Yes.” I stated confidently. “Than how about we go upstairs so I can make your life a little more enjoyable.” He murmured seductively. My face went slack as I stared into his smothered eyes that didn’t hold an ounce of humor in them. “Im still sore from earlier.” I mumbled in annoyance as I lifted my nose in a sigh of defiance. His brows jumped and a few chuckles and giggles went around the room that I ignored. “Anyways I want to watch them complete their dare.” I added as I looked at Dillion and Katy who had yet to eat their chip. They were just staring at the bowl of sauce like it would kill
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