All Chapters of The Forbidden Reverse Harem : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
134 Chapters
Back up, Sharon
A cursed Wednesday arrives.Zayn and Cassandra could feel their hearts pounding harder and harder every minute that passes by in their lives. Every minute closer to Louis Johnson's death time. They didn't want to lose any of the hints ever given. And as a result, they bunk their classes even if attendance was mandatory and important for their classes. As for Zayn who was having an internship at his brother's office, he insisted that he or her stay close to Louis all the time.It was around 3 pm when Louis finally gets off of some serious work and had some time to spare to eat. As he was eating his lunch, he senses the two hawks trying to eat his food. He blinks rapidly at them.To him, Cassandra and Zayn looked like two famished children who were trying their hardest not to pounce on him and steal his food. It was true that Louis makes his own food in the morning everyday. And considering Cassandra who could now eat a whole ass cow if hungry, he
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Someone against Louis
"Is it placed in the cockpit?""Yes boss, it's done.""Good. I transfered the money to your account. Don't let anyone know your financial status right away. Get out of New York first, then do whatever you want with that money.""Yes boss. Good deal."****Zayn quits the meeting after a while. He makes an excuse to use the washroom when he was actually heading towards Cassandra. "Cassie, you gotta listen to this." Saying, he quickly shuffles inside. Cassandra was listening to her class when she pauses to hear him speak. Muting herself, she goes towards him as he tells her everything, in soft whispers."There are cameras in here, right?""Yes. But I think this is the blind spot. Anyway, spill it.""He's going to California on 23rd as we were said. He's boarding the fucking private service which doesn't allow anyone else but him.""It's already so suspicious..." "I know right. do we prove it right? I don't wanna be told I'm a psychic or something.""Me neither, Zayn. But I th
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Lie after a lie
The duo rush down to the cafeteria. Quickly pointing out the VIP sitting with his boss, they call him aside to discuss."Actually sir, we would like to know if you told us about the aircraft which you are using for the private jet. The reason why I insisted for us to join our brother was because our sister is majoring in a-aeronautics. She would love to collect a model.""Sir, I'm afraid we won't allow that. It's a private—""We can't ask the same for public transport, right? Just the model name, and where it is stationed, sir. We will note everything under your invigilation if you'd permit." The man raises his eyebrow.He felt nothing wrong in accepting their request."Alright, sir. I will talk to my boss. Only because you're Johnsons and I will allow it.""Thank you, sir." David walks to his boss, mentioning about the aircraft situation with the Johnson siblings.The man was clever, but the lovers were even more clever."Are they calling us?" Cassandra feels her heart diluting to a
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Cassandra was driving on the highway all by herself. She had learned to drive a car as soon as she turned 20 a few months ago in April. Louis had been her driving instructor as he bought her a birthday present as well.A Land Rover that she always fancied.In the same Land Rover, she was feeling a presence behind her when nothing was actually there. She was afraid it was another horrid dream about the God of death again. She wasn't ready to see him.But she was wrong about his arrival.For he often arrived with a message to be etched on her palm."Cassie?" Cassandra presses the breaks with full force when she hears a voice in her head."It's me, Cassie. Louis." Her heart began to race as she stepped out of the car. There was no one using this road to the outskirts, especially when it was beginning to drizzle. Cassandra chose to drive around on the Sunday just because she was bored out of her mind and she'd saved Louis from dying, as instructed and wanted by the God of Death.When she
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What's wrong with Ravine?
Louis singlehandedly took care of the case. The CIA were kept on finding out who and how the investigation went. Hannes smoothly redirects the CIA to enlighten them that he and his team have run a diagnosis of the aircraft and did their best.A week passes.Ravine and Cassandra were quietly walking to their classrooms when they split at the corridor."I'll see you at lunch!" Cassandra enthusiastically waves at Ravine who keeps walking."What's wrong with her?" Shrugging her shoulders, Cassandra enters her class and forgets about Ravine's disinterested mood.At lunch, she gets a text from Zayn who was at the campus.[What are you doing here?][Louis wanted to take us all to Alaska out of the blue. Come with Ravine, we will explain everything later][I gotta take permission from the vice-principal fool] she texts him.[Ha, who do you really think Louis is, huh? Just come down] [Foine] texting him and chucking her phone into the bag, Cassandra goes to fetch Ravine from the class."Hey,
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An Alaskan night
It was her choice that she was crying against the wall.Her choice, that leads to her being sad for the rest of her life.She chose sadness over friendship, and it was her choice.And Alex was going to respect it.As Cassandra drove through the streets gently, keeping her emotions under check, she hears the teary-eyed man utter, "I love her too much now, Cassandra. If she chooses to abandon us, I'm not going to question it.""Do you want to see her suffer as well?" She asks later to which he responds with a sob. Halting the car to the side of the road, Cassandra pulls Alex into her hug. "I'm sorry. I can't believe she turned out to be so suggestive to her parents, Alex. You were right. You were damn right." "I've n-never been so defeated for being right in my life, Cassie. I love her so much..." Cassandra breathes softly. She was not the perfect person to console yet another broken heart. She thought it was best to deliver the boy to their family as they talk about his heartbreak.A
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A daring move
Ravine was at it again.But this time, on her own accord. She had no company and Darla was out of the picture completely.She began writing threatening notes for a week, building hate for the Johnsons as she stuffed Cassandra's locker with the notes.On the Monday, Cassandra was petrified to read such hateful notes. Who possessed such venom in their hearts for the words to flow through their pen like that?"Johnsons shouldn't have been made. They are cursed people." One letter read. "Family of sinners, a family full of lies and greed." The next one had read.Peter looks at the notes as well."I can't recognise the handwriting..." he thinks hard, nothing occurring to his memory. Cassandra tears the papers up, stuffing it into the dustbin as she comes back to her seat."I don't wanna think it could be Ravine. She doesn't stoop that low. But I'll ask the discipline head to watch over the corridors. Maybe we can find the culprit tomorrow." Cassandra says as the worrisome lad pats her sho
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Alex's death notice
"That was such a dick move." Saying, she fishes her phone out to call a specific powerful person. Louis lifts the call, "Louis, can you track back a picture who's cyber bullying me?""Cyber bullying? What the fuck happened again?""Someone posted a picture of me sucking someone's dick. I wanna know who that is. Right now." "What!? Jeez, I'm going to kill that bastard." Cassandra cuts the call.The second bell was rung as the classes commence all over the campus. However, Cassandra races down the hallway towards a specific target. She wanted to confirm if that person was behind everything that was happening to her."Ravine!" She roars her name. Interrupting the roll call, she enters the class as she dismisses the teacher asking her to leave. "You whore," Lifting Ravine by her collar, Cassandra makes a huge commotion out of the mishaps and false informations spread about her."Were you the one behind my photoshops and shit? The letters...I know it was you." Ravine doesn't answer. Pul
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The Match
[Alex's death day17th August 2023]The stadium was filled with cheerful people and the stalls for fast food were opened. The match was about to begin when the net of plastic was thrown over the huge stadium dome to keep the players safe from the heatwave. Cassandra and Zayn reach their seats as they were trying their best to be calm and composed. For the time until his death at 12:34 hours, precisely in the afternoon, Zayn and Cassandra wouldn't know what was peace.Alex's death, as per their imagination will be gory with his wind pipe being crushed, which will lead to his death.Louis and Jessica arrive after everyone else, they take their seats beside Framton and a few of Framton's business friends who have come to support the lad for his match."Oh, the broadcast has started." Cassandra lifts her arm up to see that a national TV channel was beginning it's broadcast. The cameraman was warming up with a few shots. The Johnsons have been made a centre of attraction as their faces on
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Feeling hopeless...
Cassandra places her expensive binoculars back on her lap as she sends him a text.[Fuck nothing on my side] Zayn, who feels the vibration of his text looks at his phone. It felt irritating to have something else in his vision which blocked the partial view of his sight. [Don't worry Cass be cool] He texts her back.Cassandra gazes into her wristwatch and finds the time to be 23 minutes far from his death time. She felt pressured and incredibly sick to the stomach. The guilt of not being able to detect a clue and the feeling of failure was making her heart pound like a drum.But she had to do this by hook or crook.There was a small foil coated fast food which was lifted in the air by a person in the audience, far to the north. The sunlight subtly reflects on something shiny on the football ground.Cassandra notices something sharply blinding on her eye. She furrows her eyebrows and lifts her binoculars back up. She tries to trace the little shiny object that was projecting out from
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