All Chapters of The Forbidden Reverse Harem : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
134 Chapters
Fear is a blissful feeling, right?In that moment of fear, suddenly, a person begins to lose all morality and tries to equal himself to God. The person hopes for miracles, "I wish someone can save me", "I hope something happens to him","I want to live...""I want to die..."The person suddenly thinks someone or a something shall come to rescue them or eventually, remove the fear factor from their lives altogether.Fear makes the body weak and the mind incredibly strong. The mind becomes durable to every thought as it is filled with hope and miracles, an oasis of anxious thoughts.Something similar happens to the two as well.Cassandra gives in to the demands of her mind.The dire need to feel rested takes over her body as she fell to her knees. She barely kept her eyes open. And if she did, she was viewing the dead body of a stranger in front of herself."Shit..." mumbling, she falls asleep."STOP THE MATCH!!" Zayn yelled into the mic so loudly that every member in the audience had
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Making our lies work together
[3 hours agoJohnson siblings residence]"Cassie, if we have to do something stupid to save his life today, let's do it together, alright?""Yeah. It's better to stick together." "But I feel like Grandpa has the power to see through our lies. And I don't know how to make him believe that we aren't anything suspicious." Zayn recalls the moment where Framton said he found someone else in him, someone who wasn't Zayn Johnson, his son."We gotta have a foolproof plan for that." Back at the scenario where both the lovers lie down facing the ceiling and listen to soft whispers of their family, Cassandra makes an excuse to go to the bathroom.Before that, she taps Zayn on his shoulder as she subtly hints for him to stay alert on the phone."Guys, I'm bored." Zayn says."Entertain yourself with your phone, Child. I can't believe you're stating that out." "Thanks doc." He chuckles at Jessica. It was so easy.[I'm online] He texts as he switches tabs to watch social media content without his
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December's delight
"Happy holidays!""Happy holidays, fellas!" It wasn't a Happy holiday for Cassandra. She walks out of the campus as Peter watches her from a distance. He wanted to go wish her the same, but couldn't find the courage to do that. He would rather be chained to the tree, watching her walk in desolation than talk to her and invite people to bully him again.College life was tough.Especially for the weak folk who couldn't stop being kind with no courage.Cassandra reaches her car and drives off to her house. Louis was troubled with yet another scandalous photo of Cassandra.Cassandra couldn't give a shit to anyone. If that made someone horny or happy, she left it at that. She couldn't bring herself to bother about low lives who had fun watching and making other people suffer.She was chilling on the couch again when her siblings arrive back home one after the other.She was answering them patiently, the same concerned question repeating five times.Zayn was the mist concerned of all.He
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Framton's death notice...
[17th December, 2023]The siblings were shocked to hear his story. It had happened yesterday on the calendar. He was heartbroken and slept through the break up for the whole night and half of the morning.The next day, he couldn't go to his office as he crashed into his siblings' house with his shattered heart pieces in his hand.His siblings slowly mend his broken heart. Their presence was more than enough for the eldest to find peace and solace in them. And at 3 am again, the God of Death appears in their lucid dreams where he drops a letter and itches the date on their palms.Waking up in sweat and tension, Zayn reads his part of the letter while she reads hers. "He will be attacked.""He will be rescuing." The absurd amalgam of the clues bothered them."He'll be attacked and he will be the rescuer of someone as well? I don't understand a bit of this, Zayn.""Yeah...this looks like a tougher nut to crack." Zayn presses his lips in a thin line as he assures Cassandra to stay calm
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Riding the clouds with my family
A/n: I'm not a poetic author I'm sorry—Enjoy!When the trees were wilting and drying up in the weather, the Johnson siblings have gone out for shopping and celebrating the weather on the 20th of December.The CEO of Autoc Empire was on a much needed vacation for himself. His siblings were his peace, an abode of tranquility.As he watches the younger ones play enthusiastically with the snowballs they make, he captures true moments of their happiness with his phone. He wanted to treasure them for the rest of his life.As he moved towards the youngest two, he was smacked by a snowball on his back.He turns around to find Alex and Dan smirking at him."Guys," he takes his gloves to wear, preparing for an upcoming battle. "Let's divide ourselves into teams." And the siblings begin to relish their inner child with the snowball fight.Louis, Zayn and Cassandra form one team and the three boys Dan, Alex and Nick form another.Nick throws a sure shot at Cassandra— the weakest member or team
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An Old Acquaintance
A/n: Let's keep her name as Charlotte Enjoy~Everyone was having fun at the party. All business delegates, rich guys and their wives were invited. If I were in the old Era, I'd like to think of it as a noble ball. Framton had met his long borne colleagues and had old men talks with them. He couldn't stop bragging about his children, his lovely children whom he loves so much."Haha! You are obsessed with your own children, Framton! Let them live a little on their own!" "Huh? Guy, I gave them permission to live in their own mansion, separated from me. Do you know how sad and lonely my life has been since they shifted?" The old men gossip worse than old women.However, Framton notices someone of keep interest looking in his direction.He could feel her gaze, she had such big and bright eyes even now. He was 48 and she is still 47 years young. Framton widens his eyes in surprise.The woman was walking towards him.He couldn't stop staring at her undying beauty. She's grown into the mo
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His Angels
At the dinner counter of the party."Wait, you aren't divorced to her papa!?" Cassandra bangs on the table as she expresses her surprise."We didn't, darling." "It was a waste of paperwork." Charlotte says after Framton, repeating his words.Louis seemed unhappy that the woman was sitting at the table with them. Charlotte could feel his dangerous vibes in the air as she leans towards Framton to express herself."I think your eldest hates me.""Ignore him. He's always been protective of us all." "In that case, I cannot ignore him." And an hour or so passes with the woman interacting and chatting with the younger ones who were enthusiastic, unlike Zayn and Louis.Zayn makes a mental note of how his grandma looks like. He was studying her like a book, trying to figure out if she had any bad pages to read.Well, ex-grandma if he can say.Charlotte leaves the table as Cassandra energetically waves at the woman."Thank you for joining us! Have a great life ahead, Charlotte!" Cassandra ye
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Fright and Fear
Nick was skeptical of the two who slept for a long while until afternoon. He wouldn't want to believe that his step siblings have slept together— they weren't even related, and he had his doubts.He watches the male come from the corridor while yawning and rubbing his head."Had a good sleep?" Nick asks Zayn."Yeah man. Cassandra is such a strong sleeper. She kicked me to the edge all night." Zayn chuckles at his own words, however Nick felt the lies through his words."Are you sure you two were sleeping?" Dan turns to look at Zayn as well. He turns his head back towards Nick to make a 'what the fuck' face to his depthless questions. "I don't know about her, but I almost considered sleeping on the couch. Jeez." His lies came one after the other. Nick jumps his eyebrows as he goes back to gaming on his phone."What's wrong with him?" Dan whispers when Zayn comes to him."I don't know bro." Sitting on the table to eat, Zayn quietly eats his breakfast, more like brunch.After awhile, a h
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Fright and Fear pt.2
"Who are we waiting for, papa?" Zayn says when he sees Framton talking to the important cabinet members about the absence of a person."He has my files. And his phone is here as well. How do I contact him now?" Framton was mumbling. The advertisement team could walk in any minute."I guess I have to cancel it. I cannot take actions without that file." Foolish Edith, he thought.The man with an unusual name was driving towards the Johnson's siblings residence. The dense white snow to the sides of the roads were making him lose patience, the cars were moving slow too.He was afraid his plan may foil if the Johnson siblings come back home.And at last, he stops the car.The strong headlight of the car reflects from the front yard all the way until her room's window."They're home?" Excited that her brothers have come back from shopping, Cassandra throws her phone on the bed and runs to answer the door.There is supposed to be no one outside, other than her siblings. But that's what she t
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Framton or Cassandra?
Zayn bangs on the steering wheel in frustration. He was tugged between choosing two of his family members. He could only save one of them. They lacked knowledge and he specifically locked power. Even though he had ruled in that Edith could be one of the suspects, he couldn't quite pinpoint on him because Cassandra was a beautiful woman and countless number of men gave her the same kind of stares.What he could control was his desire to save only one of them.And he regrettably chooses to save Cassandra.His reasoning was a forcible one, because he wanted to return to his own home with Cassandra than go back to 2057 without her.He was considering the huge sacrifice she made to his family by letting her own brother to disappear from existing in the future. If they failed to save Framton here...might as well return home to Louis and Ravine lost from their lives forever. And the more horrific thing about this deal and this mission was...everything would spring back to how it was in the
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