All Chapters of TAINTED DESIRES: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
85 Chapters
ANYAIt was midnight, and once again, my Aunt had locked me up in the basement. The darkness engulfed me, suffocating and terrifying. In the pitch-blackness, I fought to steady my ragged breaths. I closed my eyes, trying to calm the storm of fear within me. Inhale, exhale, I repeated silently, seeking solace in the rhythm of my own breath.Tears streamed down my cheeks, evidence of the overwhelming terror that consumed me. The darkness played tricks on my mind, whispering haunting thoughts and conjuring phantoms in the depths of my imagination. "I am sorry. Please, let me out," I whispered, my words a plea to the uncaring void that surrounded me. Desperation laced my voice, hoping that somehow my plea would be heard.Curled up in a corner, I trembled uncontrollably, my entire body quivering with fear. Despite the chill of winter, sweat trickled down my forehead, a testament to the sheer ter
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VINCENZOI glanced out of my office window, my eyes drawn to the movement near the trees. The clock on the wall displayed 2:00 in the morning, and the torrential rain showed no signs of relenting. Curiosity mixed with concern as I observed the figure braving the elements. No one was supposed to be outside at this hour, especially in such a weather.Instinctively, my hand reached for the familiar weight of my gun. Grabbing an umbrella, I swiftly made my way out of the office, my footsteps purposeful and determined. The rain poured down relentlessly, soaking me within seconds, but my focus remained fixed on the mysterious presence near the trees.As I drew nearer, recognition washed over me. It was Anya. Her frail form stood amidst the rain, seemingly lost in her own world. Concern etched deep lines on my forehead as I called out to her, my voice barely audible over the pounding rain.“What are you doing in the rain?” I asked, m
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ANYAI woke up with a jolt, my senses instantly assaulted by the harsh brightness of the room. My head throbbed mercilessly, sending sharp waves of pain through my skull. Confusion washed over me as I realized that the covers I was wrapped in were not my own.Blinking away the discomfort, I surveyed my surroundings with a mixture of surprise and recognition. This room... it seemed strangely familiar. My gaze shifted, and a gasp escaped my lips as my eyes settled on Vincenzo. He lay beside me, his head propped up on his hand, wearing a gentle smile that sent a flutter through my heart."What... what... why am I lying on your bed?" I stuttered, my voice trembling with confusion and a hint of apprehension. I sat up, the covers sliding off me as I searched Vincenzo's eyes for answers.He sat up as well, leaning against the headboard with a casual yet guarded posture. His eyes met mine, and a small smirk played at the corners of his mouth. "Go
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ANYAI stripped and went into the bathroom. The warm water cascaded over my body, soothing my tired muscles and offering a brief respite from the chaos that consumed my mind.Thoughts of Vincenzo swirled within me, leaving me torn between conflicting emotions. His unexpected display of care had caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this change in his demeanour.As the water washed away the physical grime, my thoughts meandered through the labyrinth of possibilities. Was it my nightmare that softened his heart, reminding him of our shared vulnerability?Or was it the revelation of my anosmia, an unexpected glimpse into the depths of my hidden struggles? I couldn't decipher the true catalyst behind his actions, and that uncertainty both intrigued and unsettled me.Stepping out of the shower, droplets of water clung to my skin, mirroring the lingering doubts that clung to my thoughts. I moved towards th
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ANYAThe coughs and sneezes wracked my body, signalling the arrival of an unwelcome cold. I sat on my bed in my room, with Alessia by my side, offering her support."Can I borrow your phone, Alessia?" I asked, my voice slightly hoarse. I needed to know if Erik was safe, to ease the worries that gnawed at my heart."Why? Do you have someone you want to call?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her expression.“Mh- mhmm” I nodded.She pushed her face towards mine and grinned childishly. “Who? Your boyfriend?”I scoffed and pushed her away “Like I have one.”“Fine. So who do you want to call?”I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to reveal the depths of my concern. Finally, I nodded, deciding it was time to confide in her. "My brother."Surprise flickered across Alessia's face as she processed this new information. I could sense her genuine asto
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ANYATWELVE YEARS AGO"Mom, please," I pleaded, tugging at her hand. She sat on the chair, diligently weaving a shirt for little Erik, her focus unwavering."Come on now, Anya. It's too late," she replied, her voice gentle but firm.Feeling a glimmer of hope, I turned to my dad, who sat beside Mom. Maybe he would understand."Dad?" I looked up at him, my eyes pleading.Dad shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. I let out a pout and hopped onto his lap, determined to make one final attempt."Please, Dad. This is the only time I get to see Santa Claus. I'll die if I don't see him," I declared, dramatically emphasizing my words."Hush now, sweetie. Stop saying that, you won't die," Dad chuckled, his warm eyes filled with affection.Mom shook her head, unable to contain her laughter at my theatrical display. Her laughte
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VINCENZOShe was having another outburst, and this time, it struck me just how intense it was. Her gaze fixated on my car, her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment, the world seemed to stand still. In that fleeting instant, I realized that her pain ran deep, far beyond anything I had ever imagined.Her piercing blue eyes held an unfathomable amount of suffering, an anguish that sent shivers down my spine. The rawness of her emotions was palpable, radiating from her trembling hands, clenched so tightly that blood trickled between her fingers. The sight shook me to my core, leaving me with a myriad of questions.What had she endured? What tragedy had etched itself so deeply into her soul? The weight of her pain seemed unbearable, and I couldn't help but wonder what had brought her to this point of torment.Desperate to provide solace, I gently tugged at her hands, hoping to anchor her in the present moment. Her tear-filled eyes met
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VINCENZOAnya walked out of the doctor's office, her steps determined yet cautious. Concern etched my features as I approached her, wanting to ensure her well-being."Hey, are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with genuine worry."Yeah," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of exhaustion and relief. "The doctor said I need a lot of rest and I would be fine."I nodded in understanding, grateful to hear that her condition was not more severe. Together, we exited the building and made our way towards the awaiting car. I noticed a momentary hesitation on her part before she entered, a lingering reminder of the trauma she had endured.I reminded myself to be patient and understanding, knowing that it would take time for her to fully regain her sense of security.As I started the car's engine and pulled away from the curb, Anya reached for my hand, placing it gently on her lap. A comforting warmth spread through me as I intertwi
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VINCENZO"You say what?" I repeated, my voice laced with disbelief and anger."Emiliano has joined hands with the Russian boss and Chirkov to bring you down," he reiterated, fear etched across his face.The revelation sent shockwaves through the room, evident from the stunned expressions on the faces of my loyal men. Emiliano Giordano, a former ally, collaborating with the Russians and Chirkov. The magnitude of the betrayal was staggering."Why?" I demanded, my voice filled with a mix of anger and confusion. "Emiliano doesn't have anything against me. Why would he try to kill me?"The silence that followed hung heavy in the air, the weight of the truth yet to be uncovered. Blanca, always ready to resort to force, seized the spy by his hair, forcing him to look directly into my eyes."Spill everything," I commanded, my voice laced with an intensity that brooked no disobedience.The spy trembled under the pressure, his
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VINCENZO Her grip on my hand tightened, confirming my suspicions. The protective instincts within me surged to the forefront, a fierce determination taking hold.I vowed silently that if her father had indeed played a role in her suffering, he would face the consequences. No mercy would be granted. I would devise the most merciless and excruciating punishment that his twisted mind could never fathom. The thought of him causing her pain ignited a wrath within me, one that would be unleashed with unyielding force."I just said I don't want to talk about it. Let me just enjoy this serene atmosphere," she calmly reiterated, her eyes reflecting a peaceful respite from the weight of her past.We arrived at my penthouse just a few minutes later. This place was my sanctuary, where I sought solace and clarity whenever the weight of my responsibilities became too burdensome. It was a haven hidden from prying eyes, known only to my most trusted men
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