All Chapters of TAINTED DESIRES: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
85 Chapters
AnyaI smiled victoriously as I stared at the woman who had thought she could flirt with my man. Her expression was a mix of horror and desperation.Turning to me, she begged with her eyes. “Please, help me change his mind. I had no idea he was the boss.”“Why should I?” I retorted, relishing in my newfound power. “Get out of my sight."She then directed her plea to Vincenzo. “Please, sir. Forgive me just this once.”“You heard her,” Vincenzo motioned towards me, his tone cold as ice. “Leave before I lose my patience.”Her eyes welled up with tears as she walked away. A sense of satisfaction washed over me. She deserved that.“Next time, be more careful about who you hire to work in my restaurant. If you can't do your job properly, I can find someone who can,” Vincenzo's gaze remained icy as he addressed the man.“I apologize, sir. I'll exercise more caution from now on,” the man stammered before retreating.The incident left me feeling oddly drained, my appetite waning. I didn't quit
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ANYAAfter we finished eating, I washed the dishes while Vincenzo dried them. It was a simple domestic task, yet it felt strangely intimate. We moved to the sitting room afterward, and I found myself pleasantly surprised when he suggested watching a romance movie with me. I rested my head on his lap, savoring the comfortable closeness between us as I munched on a cup of tasteless fries.I could feel his gaze on me, our eyes meeting every now and then in unspoken understanding. It was a peaceful moment, and I felt a sense of contentment settle over me.“Anya?” His voice broke the quiet, pulling me from my thoughts.I looked up at him. “Yeah?”He took a deep breath, his eyes searching mine. “I've told you how I feel towards you. What are your feelings towards me?”A flush crept up my face, and I sat up, meeting his intense gaze. It was a question I had been both ant
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VINCENZOI revelled in the sight of her, her stunning form laid out before me. My hungry eyes traced every curve of her body, unable to resist the allure she exuded.Our lips pressed together in a heated, passionate kiss, igniting the flames of desire between us. I savoured the taste of her, the way she responded to my touch, the way her fingers tangled in my hair. Her moans and whimpers spurred me on, pushing me further into a frenzy of lust.My lips blazed a trail down her belly, acknowledging the scars that told her story of survival. She was a warrior, a fighter, and her resilience only added to her irresistible allure. I couldn't help but marvel at her strength, my fingers caressing her skin gently.I removed her jeans, revealing her flawless curves and the delicate lace of her panties. Her beauty was staggering, and I couldn't help but admire the softness of her skin, the way it yielded beneath my touch. Her body was a canvas of des
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VINCENZO “You feel so good…” My words were soft, a murmured confession as I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. The aftermath of our passion was a beautiful haze, and in her presence, everything felt right.“Really? This was my first time so I am not sure if I did well.” Her voice held a hint of uncertainty, a vulnerability that tugged at my heartstrings.I turned onto my side to fully face her, my arm finding its place on her hips as my fingers continued their soothing caress along her lower back.“Why didn't you tell me this was your first time?” My curiosity was genuine, my gaze fixed on her as if trying to comprehend the depth of her emotions.Her eyes met mine, and she nibbled nervously on her lower lip before answering, “I was scared you wouldn't want to touch an inexperienced girl like me. I so much wanted you, so I couldn't tell you.”The confess
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ANYAI groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The room was filled with bright sunlight filtered through the grey curtains covering the glass walls. I rolled onto my side, only to find Vincenzo missing from the bed. I blushed as I realized I was still naked. My mind raced back to the incredible night we had together. It was my first time, and I couldn't believe how pleasurable it had been. Vincenzo seemed insatiable, waking me up in the middle of the night for more. I giggled at the thought of his relentless desire. Checking my phone, I noticed it was already 2:35 pm. I couldn't believe I had slept in so late. Vincenzo's passion must have exhausted me. My body felt sore, a sweet reminder of our intimate encounter.I headed to the bathroom, wincing at the pain between my legs. The warm water in the bath helped soothe the discomfort. I wrapped a white towel around my chest and returned to the bedroom. Realiz
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ANYAWe entered his car, and as we drove home, Vincenzo remained tense and focused. I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as I watched him, wondering what had happened to put him in such a state. It was unusual to see him like this.Glancing at the rear-view mirror, I noticed a red car following us. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it had been tailing us since we left the penthouse. The sight of someone on a motorbike driving beside the red car made my anxiety spike. I knew something was wrong.My fear escalated when the motorbike suddenly sped up and headed straight toward us. Panic set in, and I turned to Vincenzo, calling out his name in fear."I know," he said calmly and increased the car's speed.I was bewildered. How could he be so calm in a situation like this? The motorbike rider started shooting at us, and I screamed in terror.Vincenzo, seemingly unfazed, turned to me. “Little star, look
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VINCENZO Everything was happening so fast. I couldn't believe they had caught up to us so quickly. Normally, I'd be able to handle myself just fine, but this time Anya was with me and her safety was my top priority. I couldn't let her get caught up in any danger.This was my first direct move against Emiliano, a declaration that I was ready to take him on. Blanca had provided us with information about his impending drug deal, a massive supply that he was planning to distribute to some powerful individuals. My plan was to intercept this deal, leave behind traces, and let him know exactly who was coming after him. The disruption of such a significant deal would hurt him deeply.And now here they were, Emiliano's men sent to eliminate me. I studied them as they stood there, their expressions mixed with confusion and overconfidence. They clearly had no idea who they were dealing with. Facing a bunch of armed m
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VINCENZOI was parked in my car, a sentinel in front of the meeting place of these old men. Emiliano, De Lucchi, and Diego Marino had already arrived, leaving only the Russians to join the gathering. The meeting was being held in one of Emiliano's safe houses, an unexpected twist in their elaborate game.I waited patiently, my eyes on the entrance, watching for any sign of movement. The communication devices we all wore in our ears facilitated seamless contact among my team members.Matteo, always on top of things, was keeping me informed about the situation inside the building.“Boss, there's a considerable number of guards here. It might take a bit of time to neutralize them,” he reported.“You can handle it?” I asked, confidence lacing my words.“Absolutely. Carlo is right here with me,” he replied, a note of assurance in his tone.“Good. Hold off until Chirkov and Maksim a
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VINCENZOHis words struck a nerve. I managed to keep my exterior composed, but rage burned beneath the surface. So, he was the one responsible for the encounter at the shopping mall.I knew something happened at the mall that day because Blanca said Anya acted strange, but I can't believe it was because she encountered De Lucchi's man.Fury ignited within me. He dared to touch her, to threaten her. His life was forfeit. No one laid a finger on my Anya and lived to brag about it.Without warning, I stood up, my gun in hand. His eyes widened in terror, but he was too slow. A single, well-aimed shot ended his life instantly. The other men jumped to their feet, panic in their eyes, and their henchmen instinctively reached for their weapons.The red laser sight that settled on their bosses' heads silenced the room. "I warned you to drop your weapons," I said coldly, my voice carrying the weight of deadly resolve.I glanced at Mat
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ANYAAlessia decided that we should go clubbing since she was bored, and well, I had no real reason to object. We ended up dressing in matching outfits – same hairstyle, same makeup, and nearly identical clothes.We both donned leather skirts, turtle neck shirts, leather jackets, and boots. The only difference between our outfits was the color – mine was black, and hers was a fiery red."You look like a badass bitch," Alessia quipped with a smirk as she checked me out.I burst into laughter. "Funny, I was just thinking the same about you. You totally rock that bad-ass vibe."She raised an eyebrow playfully. "Oh really?"I grinned. "Absolutely.""Alright then, let's go blow up that club with our killer looks." Alessia giggled and linked her arm with mine, leading me outside.We were just about to hop into Alessia's car when one of our guards stepped in our way, blocking our path."Um, excuse m
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