All Chapters of TAINTED DESIRES: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
ANYAI spent another three days in the hospital before finally being allowed to go home. Stepping out into the fresh air, I relished the escape from the hospital's distinct smell, which had become increasingly nauseating.Vincenzo, true to his overprotective nature, treated me like a fragile egg throughout our ride back home. I understand he cares deeply, but sometimes it feels like he's fussing over me too much.“Would you stop frowning already? It doesn't suit you,” he remarked, his eyes on the road.I snickered and shot him a mock glare. “I'm not sick, Vincenzo. I'm pregnant, pregnant!”He glanced at me and chuckled. “Do you think I don't know that?”“If you do, then you must know that it is not necessary to do this,” I retorted. He had placed a small pillow behind my back and adjusted my seat so that I was reclining slightly.“It's just for safety measures. We
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ANYAI felt as if the ground beneath me had crumbled. Staggering backwards, I stopped breathing for a moment. Vincenzo's hands reached out to steady me, but my attention remained fixed on my uncle. This couldn't be real; he must be lying. My parents were my real parents, this couldn't be true.“You can lie to yourself by choosing not to believe it, but the truth won't change,” he sneered, his words laced with venom. “You are not a Chirkov, not by blood or any measure. You don't even have our blood running through your veins.”His words were like a dagger to my heart, each one piercing deeper. Anguish flooded my chest, threatening to drown me. “You're lying!” I spat, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation.I swung my fist at him, my knuckles colliding with his battered face, and I hardly noticed the blood now trickling from my own hand.Blow after blow, I unleashed my fury upon him
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VINCENZOShe was taking longer than expected, and my worry grew with each passing minute. When I entered the room, I found her on the floor, her face etched with misery and tears streaming down her cheeks. Seeing her like this twisted something inside me."Anya, why is it that every time I see you, you're in tears?" I asked, concern filling my voice as I knelt in front of her."It... hurts so...much." She looked at me with eyes filled with pain, trying to speak but struggling to find her words amid her sobs. I felt a pang in my chest, a deep empathy for her suffering."What hurts?" I asked, placing a hand gently on her arm. Her pain felt like mine, a shared burden I wished I could lift from her."Here, it hurts here," she managed to say, clutching her chest as if trying to physically contain the emotional turmoil within her."Anya, what's wrong?" I felt a knot of unease forming within me, a sense that something truly distres
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ANYAEverything had gone relatively smoothly for the past week. I spent most of my time taking care of Alessia and Erik, as Vincenzo seemed to be occupied with some matters he referred to as "cleaning."To be honest, I had no idea what that meant, but I trusted that he knew what he was doing.Our nights together remained passionate and intense, but I noticed a change in his routine. He would slip away in the early morning hours, leaving me to wake up alone. I missed him terribly during those hours, but I understood that his responsibilities were vast.Now, though, an entire day had passed without any word from him, which was unusual. Even Matteo and Carlo hadn't heard from him, which definitely set off alarm bells. Vincenzo wasn't the type to disappear without a trace, especially not for this long.Two weeks later and my worries had grown into full-blown panic. His absence felt like a gaping hole in my life, and the uncertainty of
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ALESSIALosing someone was very unfamiliar to me. It wasn't just a mere void; it was like the universe had collapsed in on itself, leaving behind an immense darkness that enveloped my entire being. Vincenzo had shielded me from this raw pain when we lost our parents, but now, he was the one I had lost.The memories flooded back, the ones I had tried to bury beneath the surface. I had been there when Mom died, witnessed the brutality first-hand.The image of those men, the glint of their knives, the desperation in Mom's eyes – they were etched into my mind forever. Vincenzo didn't know I had seen it all; I had kept that hidden, locked away deep within me.I didn't want their pity. I didn't want them to see me as fragile or broken. I didn't want Vincenzo to blame himself for not protecting me from the harsh realities. I had lost my parents in a way, and now, I was losing the one who had become my everything.Tears flowed freely
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ANYAI groaned as I opened my eyes, the harsh light from the window momentarily blinding me. Three days had passed since I received the devastating news of Vincenzo's death. In those three days, I hadn't ventured out of the confines of our room. Alessia, Cosima, and the guys had all tried to coax me out, but their efforts were in vain.My reason for existing, for smiling, for living, had been taken away from me. How could I possibly go on, smile, or find any meaning in life without him? I had cried until my tears ran dry, mourning the irreplaceable loss of the man who held my heart.This room, the one we had shared so many memories in, now felt like a void. I yearned to breathe in his scent again, to feel his presence, even though I knew it was an impossible wish.The realization that I would never see him again, never hold him or hear his voice, cut through me like a knife. Life without him seemed meaningless, an empty and painful existe
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ANYAIn the days that followed, I worked on keeping that promise. I embraced the waves of sorrow when they came, allowing myself to grieve, but also learning to balance it with moments of self-care and determination.I had made a pact with myself – to ensure that our child knew about the incredible man who had filled my life with love. I would weave his memories into the fabric of our child's life, ensuring that Vincenzo would always be present in some way.But alongside the grief and the determination to honor his memory, there was a growing fire within me. A thirst for justice. Vincenzo's death had to be avenged. I was done with being a vulnerable pawn that others could exploit. I wanted answers, and I wanted those responsible to pay.And that began with finding Matteo. I needed to know where Vincenzo's body was laid to rest, to bid my final farewell. I searched for him, questioning everyone I could, until I finally found him down
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VINCENZOTHREE MONTHS LATERPain was all I could feel, a relentless ache that seemed to infiltrate every fiber of my being. The torment I endured was beyond anything I'd experienced before. Days melded into nights, a haze of suffering that blurred my sense of time.My body was a canvas of bruises, each one telling a story of brutality and torment. Dried blood streaked my arms and legs, a gruesome testament to the violence inflicted upon me. Nausea gnawed at my stomach, a constant companion in this hellish ordeal.I struggled to piece together the events that had led me here, to this nightmarish existence. The memories were fragmented, like shards of glass in my mind. One moment, I was driving, the world spinning around me. And then, I woke up in this wretched place – a grimy, dimly lit room that reeked of despair.The people responsible for my captivity were shrouded in masks that concealed their identities.
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ANYAIt had been three months since we discovered that Vincenzo was still alive, and despite our best efforts, his whereabouts remained a mystery. Every day, his absence weighed heavily on my heart, and the longing to see his face again was a constant ache.The presence of our growing baby was the only thing that anchored me, preventing me from completely succumbing to despair. Nights were the hardest – the loneliness and grief seemed to intensify when the world was cloaked in darkness.I spent most of my time in the penthouse. It held memories of our time together, a place where our connection had deepened. It was where I saw him at his most vulnerable, and it was there that he touched my heart in ways I couldn't explain.The search for him consumed me, but no matter how hard I tried, his trail remained elusive.Standing before the mirror, I took in my reflection. My baby bump was gradually becoming more pronounced, a sign o
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ANYADays turned into weeks, each passing day a painful reminder of his absence. My heart ached incessantly, yearning for him. My baby bump had grown noticeably, a constant reminder of the life growing within me.I wished he could witness this journey, be by my side to share in the anticipation and joy.I had exhausted every avenue in my pursuit to bring him back. My visits to Emiliano's house proved futile, met with his adamant refusal to help. He had even turned me away during my last attempt, his rejection a heavy blow to my hopes.Sometimes, the doubt would creep in – what if Vincenzo wasn't really alive? Why would he stay away for so long?The pain of his absence was almost too much to bear, my world feeling incomplete without him. I was living day to day, finding solace only in the life growing within me.Alessia's persistence wouldn't allow me to wallow in my sorrow. Reluctantly, I got up from the bed and headed
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