All Chapters of House of Lycans (After Dark): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 Chapters
Interview with the Lycan (1)
The streets of Hallow Grove, a quaint little town with charming cottages and colorful gardens, were quiet and still. The air was crisp and filled with the scent of dew-kissed flowers. Alexa, dressed in a knitted sweater and jeans, steps out of her front porch, her straw hat resting gently on her head to shield her from the piercing rays of sunlight.She took in a lungful of the refreshing morning air, her eyes sparkling with anticipation as she walked briskly down the empty street, her footsteps echoing softly.As Alexa strolls, she passes Mrs. Houston, an elderly lady with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, tending to her garden. "Morning Grandma," She greeted the old lady who turned her gaze to Alexa "Morning child, off to work already?," She inquired to which he nodded In affirmation. They exchange a friendly wave and a warm smile, a silent acknowledgment of the tight-knit community.Alexa's steps quicken as she approaches the main street. The sleepy town starts to stir to life,
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Interview with the Lycan (2)
"First question," She started seating across Lucifer who wore a devilish grin on his face, "Where are you from?,""Hell," He deadpanned earning a glare from Alexa."Look you have to be truthful and fucking serious pretty boy," She told, "Or else you leave,'Lucifer chuckled at her adorable pouted lips. She was anything but intimidating. Her round glasses gave her a cute and warm appearance, " Fine, I'm originally from Denver City,""Denver?" She repeated with a piercing gaze as though trying to ascertain if he was telling the truth, "It's a pretty big city," "It is," He agreed while Alexa took down points in her notepad."So judging by your looks, your expensive sports car, and being born in Denver, I'm assuming you came from a wealthy family?," "Hmm, I guess you could say so," He tapped the table watching her expression, "But you have it all wrong, my wealth isn't inherited, everything I own today is the result of my hard work and struggles in life,""Hard work?, struggles?," She p
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A Forbidden Kiss
"What the hell happened here?," Sheriff Byod asked Alexa who was spaced out from reality. The memory of Lucifer's kiss still lingers in her thoughts. Irked by her unresponsiveness he snapped his fingers across her eyes, "Alexandra,""Huh?, I'm sorry, what did you say?," The thoughts of Lucifer's kiss persisted in her thoughts. Their eyes lock, and the spark igniting between them felt strange to Alexa who was unable to react. It was as though the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them and the growing intensity of their connection. The kiss felt wild, yet electric, unlike Lucian's which felt like a tale unfolding from the pages of a novel.Alexa blinked, snapping back to reality with a faint blush adorning her cheeks. She glances around before settling them on the sheriff realizing that her fantasy had taken her miles away from the mundane routine of daily life."What happened to my son?, who the hell did that to his face?," She winced her brows rememb
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Dante (1)
A cloud of dust rises as a sleek black motorcycle roars down the desolate highway. Its engine growls with power, propelling the bike forward with unstoppable force. The rider, known to many as Dante the Lycan hunter, sports a rugged leather jacket adorned with countless patches and insignias. His eyes are hidden behind dark sunglasses, He exudes an air of mystery and danger.As he approaches a weathered roadside bar, the sound of his engine echoes through the open landscape halting at a bar."Welcome Dante," Said one of the men outside with a cigarette on his lips as Dante pulls up outside the bar, the bike's engine purring to a halt. The silence that follows is thick with anticipation, as the few people present turn their heads toward the Famed hunter. "Yeah!" Dante removed his sunglasses, revealing piercing green eyes that seem to hold secrets beyond comprehension as his black long hair at shoulder length fluttered against the wind. He had a little mustache and a well-defined jawli
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Dante (2)
"Well if it isn't the great Dante, to what do I owe the pleasure?," Her features were sharp and angular, reminiscent of a predator ready to pounce. High cheekbones and a strong jawline lend her an air of strength and resilience. A thin scar, barely noticeable, runs along her left cheek, a reminder of a previous encounter where she emerged victorious against a formidable foe.Adorned in a form-fitting suit of midnight black leather, she moved with a predator's grace, every step a calculated and deliberate motion. Her lithe and athletic frame is accentuated by her sleek outfit, emphasizing her lethal prowess and agility.Around her neck, a pendant of a snarling wolf hangs, a symbol of her allegiance to the ancient order of Lycan hunters. Claws made from sharpened silver extend from her fingertips, ready to strike fear into the hearts of the creatures who dwell in the shadows."Oh my! What a sexy gruffy voice," She told with a smile, "So?, what brings you here?,""Mason is dead!" Silence
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The night at the bookshop
A magnificent living room with tall windows bathed in the gentle, golden glow of the crackling fireplace. The room was tastefully decorated with elegant furnishings, exuding a timeless charm. Stepping into the scene was a stunning golden-haired man with starlight irises that held a universe of emotions, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit. He sat alone on a plush couch, his silhouette illuminated by the warm fire.Lucian's gaze was fixated on the dancing flames, but his mind wanders far beyond the reach of the room. His thoughts were consumed by a certain someone, the lady who had captured his heart, his mate, Alexandra.His face was a tapestry of emotions, a picture of longing and uncertainty. Slowly he reached up to touch his lips, almost feeling the lingering warmth of Alexa's tender kiss."Alexandra.. such a beautiful name," He whispered to himself leaning back with his fingers unconsciously tracing invisible patterns on the armrest."Fuck!" He cursed out loud frustrated by his s
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A few hours laterA nervous yet determined dark-haired girl with glowing hazel green eyes stood with a pacing heart, clutching a note book on her arm, standing outside the door of the Klaus brother's doorstep. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart beat, before mustering up the courage to knock. She hesitantly raises her hand and taps her knuckles against the wooden sophisticated door."It's going to be fine, it's going to be fine!" She told herself to muster the courage to stand between the two brothers who had both kissed her. She fought back the urge to run knowing something bigger than her feelings for Lucian was at stake. The safety of Hallow Grove was her driving motivation.And although she denied it, she wanted answers that would give her closure. All signs and suspicions pointed to the Klaus brothers, Still, she hoped, it was wrong. She has fallen for the handsome stranger and prayed for his innocence. No woman wants to love a serial killer.After a moment of
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You deserve nothing less
"Lucian!" She called out his name, knocking across the door. She held her breath in anticipation, it had been hours since they last saw each other. She felt herself longing for his presence with each passing second. The calm atmosphere was adorned with classical music playing softly in the background as the front doors creak open, revealing Lucian the strikingly handsome man in his early twenties. He exuded charm and confidence as he stood there, dressed impeccably in tailored blue sleeves. His piercing golden eyes seem to mirror the sunlight pouring in through the sky.Standing outside with her flowing red dress perfectly complementing her radiant presence, Alexa looked slightly nervous, clutching her book as she craned her neck to meet his gaze.Lucian took a few steps forward, his eyes fixated on the enchanting vision before him. Alexa gazed back at him, a gentle smile dancing on her lips. She had only just realized how much she had missed him."Well, well, aren't you the epitome
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Magical book
"I do," She listened carefully to his next words with a tense expression, afraid she might dread his next words, for some strange reason, she already assumed the worst."I threatened him to leave town," He told "You did what?, why?," She asked with a puzzled expression. What secrets did the handsome stranger have buried in his closets?"He isn't what he seems to be, he was here for me," He replied while Alexa listened with a keen attentive gaze, "He is a ghost from my past,""How did you both meet?""I can't tell least not now, but I need you to trust me," He said running his hands across her smooth delicate face, which held a glint of fear and uncertainty. It was like a stab to the heart seeing her reaction, nonetheless, he couldn't blame her."How do you expect me to trust me, if you won't do the same and tell me your secrets?," She asked, "I need to know if you are involved with the deaths in town..." She quickly placed her hands over her mouth. "Fuck! why did I say that?
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Hello Gorgeous
Lucian's eyes bulged in shock at the unexpected twist of events. His mate was a witch. He didn't know how to react. It was as though his world had shattered into pieces. It made it worse knowing Alexa's mother might be the witch he was searching for. The witch who had cursed him at birth. "Lucian?," Alexa muttered his name tugging him adorably across the arm. She sensed the tension and uneasiness that suffocated the air around her. "Is your mother in town?," Lucian asked earning a furrowed brow from Alexa. Why did he seem interested in her mother all of a sudden?"No, she died a few years back," She lowered her gaze as a wave of sadness washed over her. "Fuck!" Lucian cursed, way to spoil the mood he thought, "I'm sorry for your loss," He told sincerely cupping her cheeks. It seemed gus assumptions were wrong. Alexa's mother although a witch wasn't the witch he searched for. Judging the lycan hunter Mason Salvador's words, he was certain the witch was still alive.He let out a sigh
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