All Chapters of House of Lycans (After Dark): Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
He's the fucking devil
Lucifer sat by the crackling fireplace, surrounded by the warmth of the flames. Despite the comforting atmosphere, an aura of rage surrounded him. His hands clenched into fists, his jaw tight and his eyes burning with anger.Lucian's and Alexa's moans ignited the fire within him. His face twisted into a scowl as he seethed with frustration. He couldn't contain the fury that coursed through his veins. It took every bit of restraint not to barge into the room and sever Lucian's head from his body.The flames in the fireplace seemed to mirror the intensity of his emotions, jumping and dancing, casting wild shadows across the room. The sound of the fire crackling filled the air, but it did not soothe the man's rage.He brushed a hand through his black hair, the movement aggressive and erratic. His mind raced with thoughts of revenge, of confrontation, of letting loose the fury that threatened to consume him. He gazed at the bottle of wine placed at the center of the table. He knew Lucian
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The demon wolf
"Have you lost your mind, brother?" Lucian furrowed his brow, his disapproval evident as he reflected on the events of the past hour with Lucifer. The plan to poison his wine to bait out his inner beast and put Alexa's life in peril was something Lucian could comprehend, to some extent. However, crossing the line by killing a child was something not even someone as heartless and ruthless as Lucifer should entertain."Do you have any idea how stupid your plan was, I could have killed her," He glared at Lucifer who grinned in response. He couldn't wrap his head around how reckless Lucifer was. If he had arrived a minute after he did Alexa might be dead."Well, you didn't brother. Big brother Lucifer arrived just in time to play his part," He chuckled, "Relax Lu Lu, you're simply over reacting,""You fucking psychopath," Lucian stared in disgust which repulsed and angered Lucifer."Don't you dare lecture me on morals brother," He slammed his fist against the bars, "You know it's funny a
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As Alexa's consciousness slowly returned, she felt a gentle fluttering in her eyelids and gradually blinked her eyes open, revealing a stunning shade of vibrant green.The morning sunlight poured in through the window, causing her to groan and squint as she adjusted to the brightness, feeling the weight of the previous night's events. As she sat up in bed, her mind drifted back to the unforgettable experiences that had unfolded before her.The discovery of the existence of Lycans, the revelation of Lucian and Lucifer's curse, and Lucifer's and his heartfelt confessions all swirled in her thoughts. And to top it all off, the shocking revelation that she was the destined mate of both brothers. It was a lot to process, and as she took a deep, tired sigh, she knew that her life would never be the same again. She had been so exhausted and traumatized by the events she had fallen asleep the minute her back touched the bed."Alexa?," Mr Oliver knocked twice before opening her doors, "Where
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Stench of wolves
After breakfast, Alexa quickly left home for Mrs Hudson's adamant on uncovering the secrets of this town, and at the center of it was Ms Hudson.She nervously approached the old, decrepit door, her footsteps echoing softly on the ground. The rusty metal groaned under her weight as she hesitantly raised her hand to wrap her knuckles against the wood. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for a response.The sound of her breathing filled her ears as she knocked again, a little more urgently this time. The silence that followed seemed to stretch on for an eternity, and her nerves only grew more frayed with each passing second.Finally, the door creaked open a crack, revealing a pair of blue eyes peering out from the darkness within. Alexa held her breath, waiting for the unknown figure to speak or make a move. Although she had known Emelia all her life, learning about the weird history of this town, she didn't know who to trust."Who's there?" a gruff voice demanded, its owner hi
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Stay with me sunshine
The room fell into a heavy silence as the words hung in the air. The black-haired girl with striking green eyes stood frozen, her mind struggling to process the shocking news she had just received."No it's not possible, you're lying," She half yelled, "Don't you dare drag my mother's name to defend yours,""I benefit nothing from lying to you child," Emelia sighed, "No one hated the Lycans more than your mother, I mean who can blame her, she lost both her parents at such a young age to their savage kind,""It still isn't enough reason for my mother to kill Seraphina," She shook her head in disbelief unable to believe or accept the cruelty of her mother."Seraphina's death was an accident," Emelia said, "They both got into a heated argument after your mother discovered what Augustine was, she pleaded with Seraphina to call off the union and leave her children with their father,""Of course, Seraphina disagreed as any woman in love and mother would, it led to a heated argument," She sm
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As the sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across the luxurious bedroom, Alexa slowly blinked her eyes open. She felt a sense of disorientation as she looked around the room, taking in the ornate furnishings and elegant decor."Where the hell am I?"But as she shifted in the soft embrace of the silk sheets, a sudden, sharp pain shot through her abdomen, causing her to gasp and clutch at her stomach. Her eyes widened in shock as her memories began flooding back, and she remembered the sensation of a blade piercing through her abdomen, the sound of Lucian's gunfire, and falling unconscious soon after."That fucking old witch tried to kill me," She muttered as panic and fear gripped her as she lifted the edge of her newly changed shirt and saw the telltale red stain spreading across the fabric. She quickly sat up, her heart pounding in her chest, and looked around the room for any sign of Lucian. But the room was empty, and the silence only served to ampli
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Find the girl
"Oh my God! another murder?,""Isn't that Mrs Hudsons home?,""I don't understand, who the hell murders an. old defenseless woman?,""Do you think the town is cursed?,""It has to be, how else can you explain what is happening in town?, the murders and mysterious disappearances?"The town folks whispered as sheriff Byod stood at the threshold of the crime scene, taking in the sight before him. The small, modest home in the rural town of Hallow Groove was now the center of a gruesome murder investigation.The air was heavy with the unmistakable smell of blood and the harsh sting of gunpowder.As he stepped over the threshold, the sheriff's gaze fell upon the lifeless form of a blonde old woman, popularly known as Mrs Hudson by the folks in town lying in a pool of blood in the living room floor. Her once vibrant eyes were now vacant and lifeless, her face frozen in a mask of terror and pain. The room was filled with the eerie silence of death, broken only by the distant sounds of offic
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The Escape
Lucifer leaned back on the solid rocky walls, a smirk playing on his lips as he processed the information that Lucian had just revealed to him. "Well I'll be damned," he chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took in the tired and frustrated look on Lucian's face.Lucian had just finished recounting the tale of their shared history, as well as the story of Alexa. It was a wild and unbelievable account, and even Lucifer had to admit that he was surprised by the turn of events. Alexa, his mate, was the daughter of the bitch who had made his life a living hell? how could damnation and salvation come from the same place? he thought with a chuckleHe had always thought of himself as open to the impossible, but even he was caught off guard by the depth of the story.As he studied Lucian, Lucifer couldn't help but wonder about the man's thoughts and motivations. Despite his self-loathing nature, Lucifer doubted that Lucian had it in him to kill his brother. But, as he con
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This isn't my first Rodeo
"Alexa!" Tommy exclaimed as he burst into the house, the gun clutched tightly in his hand. His eyes darted frantically around the room, desperately searching for any clue that she had been there. His heart pounded in his chest, fear gnawing at him as he imagined the terrible things that could have befallen her. He couldn't bear the thought of her in danger, and he vowed to do whatever it took to find her and keep her safe."Alexa!" He called out again, this time louder than before."Alexa!"Raven, with a subtle nod of her head, silently communicated her orders to the hunter nearby. Without a moment's hesitation, the hunter swiftly pulled out a gleaming knife from his belt and delivered a precise, forceful blow to the back of the deputy sheriff's head, causing him to slump unconscious onto the nearby couch."Oh relax Dante, we both know we can't reveal our secrets to him," She chuckled noticing Dante's disapproving look."Lucian isn't here," Dante said ignoring her words, "His scent
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Where is Lucian
Warning this chapter contains vivid and graphic description of torture, readers discretion is advised"Lucian?" She awoke to a pounding headache and gazed at the unfamiliar surroundings. Where was she? It appeared to be a small cabin. Turning to her side, she spotted the beautiful golden-haired lycan shifter rummaging through a drawer, pulling out an assortment of weapons, guns, explosives, knives, and some that she couldn't even identify. What the hell was happening? And how had she ended up here in the first place?"Lucian?," He trailed his sights to Alexa and briskly moved over next to her, clasping her hands with his and placing a tender kiss on her arm."What's happening?, how did I get here?""I moved you while you were asleep. There wasn't enough time to tell you everything," Lucian said, gazing into her hazel-green eyes. He felt an undeniable pull towards her, getting lost in the sparkle and dazzle of her gaze. As much as he longed to run away with Alexa, he knew he couldn't
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