All Chapters of The Charismatic CEO Wants His Ex-wife And Babies Back: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
131 Chapters
Unbearable reality
Jace was slumped in his office chair with his shoulders weighed down by an invisible burden, and his mind constantly plagued by his disturbing thoughts even if he was trying to focus. He hated that as much as he was trying to get Ava out of his mind, the image of her kept coming back to his head. His normally vibrant eyes were dull and clouded with disappointment and frustration. He repeatedly adjusted his tie which seemed to be constricting around his neck and clamming his skin, as each inhale of his breath carried the weight of his suppressed anger. It was the first time since he and Ava had known one another, that they had been so far from each other without speaking for so long. The communication and relationship were still smooth and pretty good after she left the hospital, but Ethan's presence kept ruining everything in the long run. With Ethan in the picture, everything was becoming messed up between them. He couldn't get his mind off it so much and it disturbed his mind eve
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Years Ago………."What…what?" Jordyn stuttered with great shock, the moment she heard what her husband said as he entered the house, and dropped a huge basket on the table in the living room. "It is as I have said. Why are you shocked? Have you never seen a baby before?" He asked her with irritation forming a crease around his eyes, as his forehead knitted into a huge frown. "What are you saying, Felix? You bring a baby home, and tell me to raise her. And you are asking me questions like a person who doesn't know what she is doing," Jordyn responded to him immediately, trying not to get angry at the manner in which he was talking to her. She could never get used to his absurdity. Ever since they had been married for months, there had never been a moment of happiness for her. She was always so sad because of the kind of man she had gotten married to, and because her breast was still aching from not breastfeeding her daughter again. It took extra effort to hide it from him since they we
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It never ends
Things seemed to have gone back to normal with everyone, even if it was more or likely not to be the same. Regardless of whatever had taken place in the past weeks and months, routines had to go back to being their usual and work had to be done. It was the first time in a long time after her accident that Ava was officially returning to her position, and she was given a grand welcome by every one of her workers in the company. The ambiance around was different with their boss back after surviving a near-death accident, and it meant more work was coming for them because of some shifted plans that were overdue already. Cassey had the most to tell her. "I cannot express how much I missed you, Ava. I mean, how could one miss their boss so much? You must have charmed me," Cassey chuckled widely as she sat on one of the chairs across from Ava with so many files safely secured in her both hands."I guess my personality has enticed you. And we were still speaking on the phone till last week,
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Only you
"I heard what you did, cousin," Dali mentioned with a smirk as she made her way into Ethan's office, carelessly and freely the way another person could never do. However, she was surprised to see Ethan slouched tiredly on the couch in his office, instead of working with a serious face as usual behind his office desk. He just cast a lazy look at her as she walked to take her seat on the couch across from him, wondering why he was like that when he should probably be occupied with a piled up office job after missing days because of his vacation with Ava. "How is everything going at the company? Did you sort out the issue with your boss?" Ethan asked, ignoring the fact that Dali said another thing as she entered his office. "Don't try to get out of the talk. I heard what you did," she snapped and emphasized on what she said again, hoping that it would put him in an excited mood to talk about how everything was going with Ava, "Why do you look sad though? Are you okay? Shouldn't you be
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As the elevator doors slid open on the top floor of the towering corporate building that led to the third floor, all eyes turned as a tall figure emerged from the elevator, exuding an aura of charm and confidence. Ava stepped forward with her white slipper clacking softly against the polished marble floor, as her poise and grace captured the gaze of all her workers who were scurrying carefully to their rightful seats to get their job started. Obviously, with the way things had turned out at the head office in Singapore, they were not expecting that she would not come around to the office, while looking for a way to solve the issue. However, she looked unperturbed. Dressed in a perfectly tailored white suit, her style and attire accentuated her feminine allure, and her lips which were painted a subtle shade of red rose, were curved into a captivating smile that radiated confidence. There was a brief exchange of pleasantries between her and all of the workers, before she strutted pas
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"What is going on with you? You don't sound too fine," Ethan's voice came from the other side of the phone, wondering what was wrong with Ava after she picked up the phone. He had hesitated a few minutes before calling her after he got home for work, and had braced himself for another disappointment if he called, but was surprised to see that she picked up his call almost immediately. "Nothing, I just feel a little under the weather," she answered, standing up slowly from the bed as her legs landed barefooted on the dark, intricate patterned carpet in front of her bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, trying to push the conversation forward more than intended since she seemed to be giving him attention. "Hmmm. I don't know. I just don't feel really good right now," she said honestly, allowing her feelings to supersede the desires that she was trying to succumb to, as she strode to the open balcony of her room in her nightwear. "I am really trying to not talk about it, bu
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"Wait, Ava," Ethan called to her before she walked away from his sight, as he scurried behind her with the bag and bottle they left behind. "What? What do you want to say?" She asked him, suddenly getting angry for no reason at all. 'Maybe because she was weirdly embarrassed about what she just did, when she should for a fact be staying away from him.' "Let me get you a jacket. You look cold," he said calmly when he got to where she was walking towards the spot where he had parked the car. "Why did you even bring me here in the first, Ethan?" She asked him with a grumpy voice as she continued waiting even after he tried to help her to where she was going by holding her shoulders. Quickly, he opened the trunk of the car, brought out one of the sweatshirts that he usually used for sports, and walked over to her side immediately to put it over her shoulders. "Don't get angry, okay? You can sit in the car if it is too cold out here," he stood in front of her with a towering body, an
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A snitch
Ava finally turned on the phone inside the cab that was taking her home, only to find out that Dali had called so many times and dropped countless messages because she was so bothered. She wanted to know how well Ava was feeling even where she was, and also wrote that she hated that couldn't be with her at the most important moment when she was facing a problem. It made Ava happy as she dropped an email back to Dali. However, with the crazy memories that hung up to her head like glue, Ava tried to keep her mind and body together because of the mortification that had washed her when she met Ethan's gaze at the beach. She knew she must have lost her mind for her to allow him to do those things to her. To take control of her body. Quietly with a calculated tiptoe, she snuck into the house after she got to the main door to be undetectable, so that she would avoid unnecessary questions from the kids in case they were awake already. However, they were sitting at the dining table already
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Ethan strolled through the open-plan office and commanded attention as he entered the first floor, while exuding an air of confidence and allure as a radiant smile played upon his lips. Every inch of his perfectly tailored suit hugged his muscular frame, as his polished black leather shoes glided effortlessly across the floor to every worker's attention. The atmosphere seemed to illuminate with extreme surprise and silent gasps from around, because of the positive energy emanating from him, as conversations hushed while he made his way into the elevator. The buzz of chattering workers gradually subsided around, all of them with an aim to quickly get to their office and get work started. They were all astounded. They had never seen their boss like that in a very long time, in a mood that was a direct contrast to the demeanor he always had whenever he came in. Everytime, he was always aloof, and his eyes were always dark and impassive. Even Jesse could not help but notice that Ethan
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Wild morning
A heavy unease settled upon Ethan ever since realizing that something was wrong somewhere, as a sense of restlessness consumed him in fear that Ava was oblivious to what he had just discovered. He paced back and forth in his room as he called her phone repeatedly so that he could talk to her about it, with his thoughts racing and colliding in his head and mind. The mere possibility of harm befalling Ava and the kids because of someone's actions sent shivers down his spine, as his imagination conjured images of the worst-case scenarios that could be attached to the stalker's obsessive behavior. 'The person could be stalking her real life too.' he feared. With each passing moment into the cold nights, his worries intensified because she was not answering her calls and text messages. He had to curb the urge to pick up his car keys and drive to her house that instant, and was unable to sleep the entire night till the next morning. Ethan didn't take the long minutes that he spent in fr
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