All Chapters of The Charismatic CEO Wants His Ex-wife And Babies Back: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
131 Chapters
The bull by the horn
"Hi……." Cassey flashed a smile as she made her way inside Ava's office, grinning ear to ear while tip-toeing like she was trying to avoid being heard by someone as she shut the door. "Oh, Cassey," Ava looked a bit startled when she saw her enter, as she tried to take her seat and organize herself while drawing in a few gasps of breath. She was nervous, or maybe tense. "I came as soon as I saw your visitor leave," Cassey said to her as she took her seat, trying hard not to smile at Ava, whose face was turning red already. "Oh, yeah. That's……" Ava's words suddenly became incoherent as she tried to find the right things to say. "The air here seems to be more concentrated than the last few minutes," Cassey pointed out as her nose sniffed the air in the room like a puppy, while Ava tugged her lips into her mouth in guilt, hoping Cassey would not dwell too much on what she saw. She had sprayed a redundant amount of fragrance spray to suppress whatever smell her and Ethan's quick makeou
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Ava sat in the long corridors of the operating room with her fingers anxiously tapping against her trembling knees, as the weight of worry pressed down on her chest like some kind of bad news would pop right before her and ruin everything. As much as she didn't want to be connected to Anna ever again in her life, she could never wish that she would die after meeting yet another unfortunate situation. After she went missing, it had everyone in charge of her looking around for her everywhere in the hospital, and in every place that the cameras caught her going to. It was amidst the hubbub and tension all of them had, that they realized the most shocking moment when an emergency patient was brought in by the paramedics about minutes later. It was Anna and she was heavily injured, unconscious, and in a terrible state which even put more fear in the nurses and doctors of what could have gone wrong. According to eyewitnesses, she was hit by a car that was on high speed when she staggered t
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My kids
"Oh, mother. You are here," Ava cried out the moment she saw Jordyn walk gorgeously into the hospital ward from where she was sitting down tiredly, as she stood up to go and hug her immediately.In the early hours of the morning when Anna was still in surgery, she rushed back home to take her bath and dress up in another cloth, while pondering on what she would do with the new information she had just stumbled upon. She checked on the kids to see that they were doing fine too, and dropped a note for them with Beatrice which contained the details of her apology to them for not spending their weekend morning with them.She knew her kids had been good on their own and had been so strong with the change their life had taken after moving to New York, and she was always so sorry every time she felt like something else was taking the time that she was supposed to be spending with them. But she realized that her life was too hectic than the one she had in Singapore, before she moved to New Y
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Friend SHIP
"I cannot believe we will meet here. I mean what are the chances? I have been thinking of you lately, and here you are, boom before me," Ava smiled brightly as she took her seat before Jace. They met coincidentally when she was sitting alone, while Jordyn went to talk to the doctor if they could transfer Anna out of their hospital. It was a surprise to meet him in a place like that, and she agreed to a talk at the gourmet dining of the hospital since it had been long since they last spoke. She dropped a message for Jordyn that she ran into him too, and would spend some time with him till she came back. "You thought of me?" He asked her incredulously while smiling with his eyes shining brightly. His face aligned perfectly with his chiseled jawline, which gave him a more charming look than he usually was. "Of course, I did," Ava insisted with a chuckle, staring at her friend in disbelief at the fact that they were finally seeing each other after being separated for the longest time wi
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Out of breath
After completing everything they wanted to do at the hospital, Ava and Jordyn left with an agreement that Jordyn would go to her house first for a rest, because she looked terribly exhausted from the journey and everything else. Ava drove her home in the car, and they were able to talk about the time they have missed in each other's life on their way back. She was also able to tell Jordyn about the perpetrator, the progression of involving the police and trying to get her arrested, which would make the case easier than expected. It took her quite a lot of convincing to do so that Jordyn could go home first for a rest, before coming to see her grandchildren that she had been missing so much. She stopped to buy some groceries on the way so that she would prepare lunch for Jordyn, and also bought some pain relievers from the pharmacy since Jordyn insisted that it was what she wanted. They both had lunch together after Ava was done fixing everything in the house, and she made Jordyn lay
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Stepping boundaries
"Now that you have checked that I am doing good, shall we proceed?" She said and directed him out of the room, shutting the door to the kids' room as silently as she could before calling after him, "Would you like dinner?" She asked casually, as she swallowed her saliva repeatedly. "Are you really asking me if I would like to eat?" Ethan asked her with great surprise etched upon his face, because it felt like something so surreal that she would care about his stomach or his well-being. Though he prepared something nice and ate with the kids already, he told her that he had not. Ava checked the pots in the kitchen to see if there was still food, and the cooker was shimmering with warm food because Beatrice had just prepared it less than an hour ago. She served some out for Ethan and arranged the desserts from her fridge, in the perfect way that she usually did for him in the past, and also served some for herself too before taking her seat across from him. Ethan was so grateful when
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Dali halted her car in front of Ava's house and alighted while carrying big and heavy gift bags, with the thought of surprising Ava and the kids since she hadn't told anyone that she was back in the country yet. Being used to their house, she entered freely because her biometrics were registered already, and it was easy to enter the main house because she knew the passcode. As she stepped into the house, she shut the door silently and tiptoed to the living room while grinning from ear to ear, only to meet a surprising arrangement of her cousin, Ava, and the kids sitting in the living room like they were involved in some serious discussion. The moment Autumn sighted her first, she ran to hug her immediately with a scream as her brother followed suit too. Ava and Ethan were equally astonished when they saw her as they both stood up simultaneously. Ava went to give her a tight hug as soon as she got the chance too, while the kids went to their rooms immediately with the big box of gi
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A leap to truth
Following the new week, Ava had her schedule so tight that it was almost impossible to return home by the end of the day at all. It was their launch week, the week their case was adjourned, and the week they won the case too with a tough stance for victory with help from different sources for Ava. Though it wasn't an easy battle with the frames and lies that FASH-XE came up with, they were able to find Amelia in Cuba where she ran to for a vacation, which ended the case and exposed the truth. She confessed that she did it because of the huge money that she was given, and pleaded that she be looked upon with mercy. Though the case wasn't totally solved that week, AVARSON was able to have a head through to positivity. To make things even better, they were to receive millions of dollars in compensation for damages. With all their activities for the launching event being pushed because of the problem the company faced, it got every worker tons of overtime and overnight work to make it
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"No, Ethan, do not tell me that! I do not want to hear anymore!" Ava raged angrily as she stormed away from his sight, but he ran to stop her from leaving the room by shutting the door immediately before she could walk out. "You have to listen to me Ava, and believe what I say because I am not making anything up," he stood his ground in front of the door making it difficult for her to pass, which made her turn away from his side and walk to the other side of the room. "You cannot turn me against my friend just because of your delusions and assumptions!" She snapped at him momentarily when she thought of the conversation they just had a few minutes ago again and again. "My assumptions and delusions?" He asked incredulously, as a profound sense of disappointment washed over him and pierced his heart. He didn't like that she could not trust his words. "And perhaps it is your insecurity," Ava corrected with irritation in her eyes for him, which even made it harder for him to bear, "Yo
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Ethan was sitting with a calm disposition even if his insides were burning with intense scorching anger, because of the knowledge of the most bizarre situation which had never happened. To make things worse, he and Ava were not on talking terms because she was angry at him. It seemed like everything was working against him. They were being investigated for tax evasion, kickback, and slush funds because of some unexpected paperwork that they said was found in the company. Things had been hectic since morning and the netizens were not taking the news well either. Everyone wanted to slander and curse at a wealthy billionaire who had the rights to things they could never get to have, as a way of releasing their stress. However, he was unperturbed by whatever was going on in his company downstairs as the officials rummaged through everywhere, bringing out files that were never there which pointed to the crimes that were never committed. He was waiting patiently for them to finish whateve
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