All Chapters of The Charismatic CEO Wants His Ex-wife And Babies Back: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
131 Chapters
Ethan had been feeling so distraught by the turn of events that was playing in his life, and every fiber of his body was in high-stress tension because of what he read from Jordyn's timed email. It was almost two days already, and everyone was put in a total rush of actions to be taken for things to be sorted out. Search teams had been going out doing their jobs as well as the others, but it had not been easy because they could not put out an order that Ava was missing because of Ethan's refusal. However, it was all over the press and news already that Jace Scott was wanted for many illegal things. With partnership with more investigators from Germany's FBI agents, they had out a search for Jordyn too because it seemed like Dali's guess was truly right at the end of everything. There were also thorough investigations going on in every one of Jace's companies, as well as full information on his past and how he was able to take another man's identity for years. Further investigations
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The last straw
Jace's men began to direct both Ava and their boss towards where the priest was waiting already, for the marriage to be blessed and for the marriage papers to be signed. Ava's heart was ladened with so much distress as she followed behind Jace, and there was weariness in her step which was a struggle against the weight of her emotions. Inside the depths of her, was a storm that raged within her heart which brought her deep angst. Her throat was parched with dryness and pain as she suppressed the urge of trying not to cry, while biting hard on her lips till they bled. They finally reached the beautiful garden of the island which was already decorated, and Ava gritted her teeth in pain at the sight which was before her. Her hope had worn thin and she was tired of fighting back the fate that was about to meet her. The priest was standing patiently at the altar after he had been threatened to obey their bidding, and he made Ava step into the altar first before Jace followed. He began wi
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Over the moon
The faint beeping of machines filled her ears together with the distant hum of conversation and footsteps echoing down the corridor, as her eyes struggled to part open and recognize where she was. The light of the hospital room pierced through her hazy vision which caused her to squint, as a dull ache throbbed in her head when she finally adjusted to her surroundings. "Babe. You are awake. Oh my God. You are awake," Dali cried as soon as she watched Ava's eyelids flutter open to the consciousness of her surroundings. "Is that you, Dali?" Ava asked as soon as she realized where she was, and was taken aback when Dali suddenly hovered over her and hugged her so tightly on the bed. "I thought you were never going to wake up again," she cried as she sniffed, still not letting go of Ava, who thought her neck was going to snap if Dali kept hugging her longer than one minute, "I missed you a lot," she sniffed again and wiped her tears, as she finally let go of Ava. Ava heaved a sigh of re
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Drowning in Euphoria
Ava felt a soft, warm feeling on her cheeks which made her stir awake, as she let out a childish giggle when her eyes opened to realize who it was. Her eyes opened widely with an enamoring smile dancing on her lips, and the next thing she did was pull Ethan's neck closer to her nose. "Oh, Ethan. I love your smell very much," Ava muttered under her breath as she sniffed him tenderly, while feeling the softness of the sheets caressing her skin. Ethan grinned while tongue-tied in happiness because of her words and actions, and how she has been constantly taking him by surprise with her overt display of affection. His head went blank for a few seconds about what he was about to say, as she continued to gaze into him so intensely with passion dancing in her eyes. "You make it difficult to act normally around you," Ethan breathed gently as he sucked in his breath, and began to cradle her face gently with his hand playing along. His fingers traced the contours of her cheeks down to her ne
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His, Alone
As the first rays of dawn moved warily across the skyline and cast a gentle glow upon the peaceful waters, Ava stirred from her sleep as her eyes slowly fluttered awake, while adjusting to the soft, filtered light that peered through the scuttle of the luxurious yacht cabin. With a contented euphoric feeling that erupted within her, she turned her gaze towards the other side of the bed where Ethan was still sleeping in a peaceful repose, with his arm wrapping safely around her. A gentle smile graced her lips as she watched him while her heart swelled with love and gratitude. He looked so utterly peaceful and pretty in his sleep, and she felt so much happiness just by looking at him. As she thought of the wild night that she had with him, shy smiles grazed her lips as she bit them sensually, while trying to live the wondrous feeling he had given her again. It was the first time in her life that she had enjoyed the beautiful feeling, with the same man that she had her first with even i
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Till the end
"It is so nice to have everyone care for me. I mean, Ethan is literally asking every minute if I'm breathing fine," Dali chuckled from where she was lying, with an IV being passed into her arm and a nasal cannula attached to her nostrils. "He truly cares about you. He bothers every minute," Ava answered. "It is not like I asked for it. I already told you guys to leave me and continue with your business," Dali frowned and rolled her eyes. "Stop it, Dali. Stop taking your health for granted," Ava cautioned her with a heavy voice and sad heart, hating that Dali was taking the fact that she barely survived a big illness with levity. "I am not dying, okay. I want everyone to understand that," Dali rolled her eyes with a serious face, as she stretched her hand to pick the bottle of juice on the table next to her which Ava rushed to pick for her quickly, "I can do this myself too you know," she hissed. She didn't want anyone to help her and act like she was dying. "Please, Dali. Just
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Ethan was sitting comfortably on the chair with his fingers interlocked into one another, as he waited patiently for Jace, who was being guarded by the prison guards, to the prison visiting room. He was trying to hold back the anger in him concerning everything that Jace had done to try and hurt his family. As they sat across one another with the close watch of the guards that were outside, Ethan's eyes narrowed as he stared at Jace who looked unremorseful of his actions. As they sat in silence, the room seemed to shrink in on them with the suffocating weight of their emotions "So you wanted to see me," Jace finally broke the silence as he remained flinty-eyed, with his arms neatly folded beneath his chest. "It is so surprising to see how well you can talk after everything that you have done," Ethan remarked with a malicious smirk, trying to make the conversation slow and minimal so that he would not end up doing the evil things he wanted to do by himself to Jace. He was so glad t
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It doesn't just go away
Two months had passed by just the fleeting turning of days into weeks, and things had changed more than Ava could have ever imagined. In the best way. Dali was fully out of the hospital already and was only on meds, while sticking with her sweetheart, who refused to leave her side. AVARSON had launched their new collections for a new season, and gained more recognition than ever in global markets. And she was now recognized as the wife of billionaire, Ethan Walton all over the city which increased her popularity. They made a few public appearances after the news about them came out, and it had now become known that they were indeed married to one another. It came as a shock to everyone, and it took the entire media industry by storm because it was too hard to believe. It got even crazier to comprehend when it was confirmed that they had twin children who were five years of age, even if people didn't know more about them, because Ethan had used his affluence to block the media that
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Wish come true
The air was cool and crisp, carrying with it the earthy scent of damp moss and fallen leaves, while the gentle movement of a nearby stream added a soothing rhythm to nature. Fireflies flew around with their tiny lanterns blinking in the darkness, adding to the light that the moon reflected on the environment, making everywhere look bright. Ava and Ethan sat side by side with their hands intertwined on a fancy mat, and their gazes were fixed upon the horizon where the fading sun painted the sky in shades of pink and orange. The soft breeze tousled through their hair occasionally as a moment of silence passed between them, wordlessly expressing the deep connection they felt in that moment that they were by themselves. She also didn't forget to bring with her a picnic basket which she had put every food delectable in, and spent the entire evening eating, while enjoying the cool sight of nature with Ethan. However, she was tired of not talking. She wanted to complain to him. "Ethan. Do
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After ever happy
A leap over two years………"Oh my goodness, Ava. I am pregnant! I am carrying a life inside of me!" I cannot believe it. Come fast! I am waiting at the club," Ava read Dali's message with excitement, as she navigated her car dressed in a black sexy gown and heels, ready to party with her friend. "What pregnant woman goes to the club, Dali?" Ava chuckled as she and Dali clicked their glass of wine together, under the glowing lights of the club they were sitting in. "My type of woman!" Dali screamed happily, and chugged down the content of the non-alcoholic wine which she was drinking, "I am becoming a proud Mum," she declared blissfully. "I am so happy for you, darling. Congratulations," Ava pulled her tightly for an embracing hug. "I am so happy, honestly. Even if Lucio said it was fine, I feared that I might not be able to give him a child after many IVFs. I guess the lord still had many blessings for me," Dali expressed happily, beaming with smiles. She was wearing a simple red dre
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