Semua Bab The Forgotten Mate: Bab 31 - Bab 40
98 Bab
Mixed Agenda
Elara rushed back to her pack, fear and anxiety consuming her as she knew the consequences of failing her mission. She found Evil Alpha Lucas in his grand hall, surrounded by his menacing guards. Lucas was known for his cruelty and ruthlessness, and Elara knew that she had to tread carefully."My Alpha, I have news to report," Elara said, her voice trembling slightly.Lucas turned his cold, calculating gaze towards her. "Speak," he commanded, his tone icy.Elara took a deep breath and began to recount the events that had transpired at Liam's pack. She told him about her attempts to seduce Liam, the trouble she had caused with Bloom, and how Liam had rejected her advances."And then I overheard some of the pack members talking about a spy from our pack being discovered in Liam's palace," Elara continued, her heart pounding in her chest. "They suspect that Liam is onto us, and they were discussing the possibility of war."Lucas narrowed his eyes, and Elara could see the anger in his exp
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The Narrator's Side Of The Story
Narrator's PovIn the grand hall of Liam's palace, the council members gathered around a large circular table, their expressions serious and determined. The topic of discussion was the brewing tension with Alpha Lucas and his pack, who had been showing signs of aggression and hostility towards Liam's pack.Liam, sitting at the head of the table, looked every bit the powerful and imposing Alpha. His sharp eyes scanned the faces of his council members, gauging their thoughts and opinions."I've heard enough rumors and whispers about Lucas's pack preparing for war," Liam began, his voice firm and commanding. "We cannot let their hostility go unanswered."One of the council members, Alpha Thomas, spoke up. "Alpha Liam, they've been challenging us for weeks now. It's time we take decisive action and show them we won't back down."Liam nodded in agreement. "I agree. However, we must be strategic about this. We don't want to escalate the situation unnecessarily. A full-blown war could have d
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The Kiss
I hesitated for a moment outside Ana's door, but I knew I needed someone to talk to about what was going on inside me. Taking a deep breath, I knocked softly, and Ana's warm voice called for me to come in."Hey, Bloom," she greeted with a smile, setting her book aside. "What's on your mind?"I settled down next to her, trying to find the right words. "It's about Alpha Liam. I... I think I might be developing feelings for him."Ana's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Liam? The Alpha?"I nodded, feeling my cheeks flush. "Yes, I know it's unexpected, but there's just something about him that draws me in."Setting the book down, Ana gave me her full attention. "Feelings can be complicated, Bloom. Don't be too hard on yourself. What makes you think you're developing feelings for him?"I explained to her how I found myself looking forward to serving Liam now, and how his presence seemed to affect me differently. "But it's impossible, Ana. He's the Alpha, and I'm just a slave. It could never be
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The Hide and Seek Game
After the kiss, my heart was still pounding, and I could hardly believe what had just happened. I quickly excused myself, feeling shy and overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. As I made my way back to my quarters, I couldn't stop smiling, the warmth of Liam's lips still lingering on mine.I found Ana in our little corner of the palace, and as soon as she saw the grin on my face, she knew something was up."What's got you looking so happy?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes.I sat down next to her, unable to contain my excitement any longer. "You won't believe what just happened," I said, barely able to contain the giddiness in my voice. "Liam and I, we... we kissed!"Ana's eyes widened in surprise, and she gasped. "No way! Are you serious?"I nodded, my heart still fluttering with joy. "It was amazing, Ana. I never expected it, but it felt so right."She clapped her hands in delight. "I knew it! I could see the way he looked at you. This is incredible, Bloom!"As we cel
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Bloom Is Missing
The air was thick with tension as the opposing forces faced each other on the battlefield. Alpha Liam stood at the forefront, his eyes narrowed in determination. He knew that this battle would be the most challenging one he had ever faced, and the fate of his pack depended on the outcome.Lucas, the ruthless Alpha of the opposing pack, was a formidable adversary. He had been plotting against Liam for a long time, seeking revenge for past grievances and seeking to expand his territory at any cost. He had gathered a large group of strong and ruthless wolves, all ready to fight to the death for their Alpha.The clash of metal and snarls of wolves filled the air as the battle began. Liam's pack fought bravely, their loyalty and dedication evident in every move they made. They were a united front, fighting for their Alpha and their home.As the battle raged on, both sides suffered heavy casualties. The ground was stained with blood, and the air was filled with the scent of sweat and fear.
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Find Me !!!
I was trapped, beaten, and bruised, held captive by the ruthless kidnappers who had no regard for my well-being or the life growing inside me. As I lay on the cold, damp floor of the dimly lit room, I couldn't help but feel a wave of despair wash over me. My thoughts kept going back to Alpha Liam and my friends at the palace. Were they looking for me? Did they even know I was missing?The days felt like an eternity, filled with pain and torment. The kidnappers showed no mercy, forcing me to do laborious tasks despite my weakened state. They seemed to take pleasure in seeing me suffer, taunting me with cruel words and leaving me with no hope of escape.One night, as I lay on the hard floor, I felt a sharp pain in my belly. I gasped, clutching my stomach, as I realized that the baby was kicking. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I whispered softly, "Hang on, little one. We'll get through this somehow."But as the days turned into weeks, my situation only grew worse. The kidnappers showed
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Clarifying Things
As Liam carried Bloom back to the pack, her head rested on his chest, feeling the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. Despite the bruises and wounds she bore, she couldn't help but feel safe and loved in his arms. The battle may have been brutal, but knowing that Liam had fought for her with such determination made her heart swell with affection.They walked in silence for a while, both lost in their thoughts and emotions. Finally, Bloom found her voice, breaking the quietness between them. "Liam, thank you for coming to save me. I don't know what I would have done without you."Liam tightened his hold on her, his voice gentle yet filled with determination. "You're a part of this pack, and I'll always protect what's mine. No one messes with my pack or the ones I care about."Bloom smiled up at him, feeling a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before. "I never thought I'd find a place where I truly belong. But with you and the pack, I feel like I finally have a family."
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Step Down Or What
Austin's PovAs I made my way back to my pack, my mind was filled with conflicting emotions. Seeing Bloom and Liam together had stirred something inside me that I hadn't expected. Part of me was happy for them, knowing that they seemed to care for each other, but another part of me couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and sadness.I had been friends with Bloom for so long, and over time, I had developed feelings for her that went beyond friendship. But I had always kept those feelings hidden, believing that she could never see me as more than just a friend. And now, seeing her with Liam, it felt like my chance had slipped away.As I walked through the forest, the pain in my heart grew heavier with each step. I couldn't help but wonder if I should have been more honest with Bloom about my feelings, instead of keeping them bottled up inside. But I had always feared that revealing my emotions would ruin our friendship, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her."Hey, Austin! You
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Confessing Feelings
Austin's PovAs the days went by, I couldn't shake off the weight of my feelings for Bloom. The more I tried to bury them, the stronger they seemed to grow. It was becoming unbearable, and I knew I couldn't keep it inside any longer. I had to tell her how I felt.One evening, as the sun was setting, I found Bloom sitting alone by a small pond, lost in her thoughts. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to talk to her. Gathering my courage, I walked up to her, my heart pounding in my chest."Bloom," I said, my voice slightly shaky. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"She looked up at me, her eyes curious. "Of course, Austin. What's on your mind?"I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I... I need to be honest with you. I've been feeling something for you, something more than just friendship."Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but she remained attentive. "What do you mean?"I looked down at my feet, struggling to find the right words. "I mean that I've developed feelings for y
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Divided Emotions
After witnessing the emotional encounter between Liam and Bloom, Leah couldn't resist the opportunity to mock Austin for his rejection. She found him sitting alone by the pack's training grounds, his head hung low in defeat. With a smug grin, Leah approached him, accompanied by a few of her friends."Well, well, well, look who's all sad and mopey," Leah taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Couldn't handle the rejection, huh?"Austin looked up, his eyes flashing with anger. "Leave me alone, Leah. This is none of your business.""Oh, but it is my business," Leah shot back, taking pleasure in his misery. "I mean, you actually thought you had a chance with Bloom? A slave? Seriously, Austin, you should know your place."Austin clenched his fists, trying to control his temper. He knew that engaging in a fight with Leah would only make things worse."You're just jealous because you know Liam cares about Bloom more than he could ever care about you," one of Leah's friends chimed in, eag
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