Semua Bab The Forgotten Mate: Bab 41 - Bab 50
98 Bab
She's a slave.....
As the days passed after the victorious battle against Magnus, a new tension began to brew within the pack. It started with a simple conversation between Liam and the council, but it had the potential to change everything.I had been going about my duties as usual, trying my best to put aside my worries and focus on serving the pack. But something felt different. Liam seemed distant, lost in his thoughts, and I couldn't help but wonder what was bothering him.One evening, as I was helping Ana in the kitchen, I overheard hushed voices coming from the Alpha's study. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist eavesdropping."I've made a decision," Liam said firmly. "I want to mark Bloom as my Luna."There was a moment of silence before the council members began to protest."But she's a slave, Liam," one of them said. "It's against our traditions and rules.""I understand that," Liam replied. "But she's more than just a slave to me. She's proven her loyalty and bravery time and
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The Loss
Liam and I found ourselves in a delicate situation. After his proposal to mark me as his Luna was rejected by the council, we were left to navigate our relationship without the official recognition we had hoped for. It was a challenging time for both of us, but we were determined to make it work.One evening, we sat together by the fireplace in Liam's quarters. The atmosphere was tense, and I could feel the weight of his disappointment and frustration."I'm sorry, Bloom," Liam finally spoke, breaking the silence. "I should have fought harder for us."I looked at him with understanding eyes. "It's not your fault, Liam. The council's decision was not in our control.""But I can't bear the thought of not being able to call you my mate," Liam admitted, his voice filled with frustration. "You mean so much to me, and it hurts to know that we can't be officially mated."I reached out and gently placed my hand on his. "Liam, we don't need a title to know how we feel about each other. We can s
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The Break....
I walked into Ana's quarters, my heart heavy with grief. She looked up from the book she was reading, and her eyes widened in concern when she saw my tear-stained face."Bloom, what's wrong?" Ana asked, quickly getting up and embracing me in a warm hug."I lost the baby," I whispered, my voice breaking with sorrow.Ana's eyes filled with tears as she held me tighter. "Oh, Bloom, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice trembling. "I can't imagine how painful this must be for you."We sat down on the bed, and I told her everything that had happened – the miscarriage, the guilt, and the pain. I didn't hold back, and Ana listened with a gentle understanding."It's not his fault, Bloom," Ana said softly after I finished. "Liam was hurting too, and he didn't know how to handle it. He loves you deeply, but he was also trying to protect you from the judgment of the pack.""I know," I replied, wiping away my tears. "But I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear the thought of him worrying more about what
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Leah and Stasia were seated at a corner of the palace, their eyes darting around as they spotted Bloom walking away with tears in her eyes. A wicked smile played on Leah's lips as she leaned in towards Stasia."Did you see that?" Leah chuckled, a cruel glint in her eyes. "Poor little Bloom, losing her baby. I can't help but wonder if it was even Liam's fault in the first place,I heard she lost the baby because of the strong labor" Stasia laughed, joining in on the heartless mockery. "Oh, come on, Leah. We all know she was just a toy to him, a little distraction. He probably doesn't even care that she lost the brat."Leah's laughter grew louder, drawing the attention of a few passing maids. "Exactly!" she exclaimed. "And now she's probably desperate for his attention, but he won't give her the time of day."Stasia nodded in agreement. "I heard she was begging him to mark her as his Luna, but he rejected her. I guess he finally realized she's just a worthless slave."Stasia liedThey bo
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The Slave To Be Marked
Bloom's PovAs I walked through the palace gardens, my heart felt heavy with grief and pain. The recent events had taken a toll on me, and I found it hard to bear the burden of my loss. The memory of my miscarriage was still fresh, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness inside me.I needed to talk to someone, to share my feelings and find some solace. Ana, my closest confidante and friend, was the first person that came to mind. I knew I could trust her with my deepest thoughts and emotions.I found Ana sitting by the fountain, her eyes glistening with worry as she noticed my tear-streaked face. She immediately stood up and rushed to embrace me."Bloom, what's wrong?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.I took a deep breath, trying to find the strength to speak. "I can't bear it, Ana. I can't bear the pain of losing our baby. It feels like my heart is breaking into pieces," I whispered.Ana held me tighter, rubbing soothing circles on my back. "I know it's incredibly h
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I was going about my chores, trying to keep my mind busy and distracted from the pain that still gripped my heart. The loss of my baby had left an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. Every step felt heavy, every task a reminder of what I had lost.As I wiped the table, I heard hushed whispers nearby. I turned and saw a group of maids huddled together, their faces filled with concern. Sarah, one of the maids I often talked to, approached me with a gentle smile."Bloom, are you okay?" she asked softly, her voice full of empathy.I tried to put on a brave face, but the tears welled up in my eyes, betraying my attempts to hold them back. "I'm... I'm trying to be," I managed to choke out, my voice quivering.Another maid, Emily, came forward and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to be strong all the time," she said kindly. "It's okay to let it out."And just like that, the dam burst. The tears I had been holding back came pouring out, and I felt a mixture of relief
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My Decisions
As I walked through the palace corridors, my mind was in turmoil. The events of the past few weeks had left me feeling lost and uncertain about my place here. The breakup with Liam, the loss of our baby, it all felt like a heavy weight on my shoulders.I found myself standing by the large windows, staring out at the moonlit night. The stars twinkled in the sky, and a soft breeze rustled the curtains. In that moment, the idea of leaving the palace in secret began to take shape in my mind.The thought was both daunting and enticing. A part of me yearned for a fresh start, away from the constant reminders of what had happened. But another part of me was hesitant, tied to the memories and the people I had grown close to.I closed my eyes, trying to imagine a life beyond these walls. A life where I could heal and find some semblance of peace. But as I pictured it, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Guilt for leaving Ana, for leaving the friends who had supported me through thick and th
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Missing Bloom
Ana awoke to the morning light filtering through the windows of the maid's quarters. She stretched and yawned, expecting to see Bloom beside her as usual. But the spot next to her was empty.Confused, Ana sat up and looked around the room. She didn't see Bloom's familiar figure anywhere. Maybe she had already gone to start her chores, Ana thought. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and got up, heading to the kitchen area to join the other maids.As Ana arrived at the kitchen, she noticed something was amiss. The other maids were gathered in hushed conversations, their brows furrowed with worry. Ana's heart began to race as she approached them."What's going on?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.One of the maids turned to her, her expression tense. "Ana, have you seen Bloom?"Ana's eyes widened. "No, I thought she had started her chores early."Another maid shook her head. "We've searched everywhere, Ana. She's nowhere to be found."Panic surged through Ana's veins. Bl
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Alone in the woods
yI was alone, utterly alone, surrounded by the vastness of the wilderness. The unfamiliar landscape stretched before me, an endless expanse of uncertainty. Confusion consumed me, and I couldn't stop the tears that welled up in my eyes. They spilled down my cheeks as if a dam had burst, my cries echoing in the emptiness around me."Why?" I whispered to the wind, my voice choked with anguish. "Why is this happening to me?"My heart felt heavy, burdened by the weight of my emotions. I sank to the ground, my hands clutching the earth as if seeking some kind of anchor. My breath came in ragged gasps as I tried to make sense of the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings inside me."Why did I have to lose you?" I cried out, my voice breaking. "Why did I have to lose everything?"I cursed my fate, the unfairness of it all. My sobs were raw and unrestrained, echoing through the emptiness. I had never felt so small, so insignificant in the face of the vastness of the world.As the tears continued t
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The Grieving lover
Liam's emotions were a raging storm, crashing against the walls of his heart and tearing at his sanity. His hands clenched into fists as he stared at the crumpled letter on the table, the words etched in ink searing into his mind like a brand. His chest heaved with every labored breath, and a sense of helplessness gnawed at his core.Beside him, Austin watched with concern etched across his face. He reached out, gently resting a hand on Liam's tense shoulder. "Liam, you need to calm down. Getting worked up like this won't help Bloom."Liam's eyes were wild, a mixture of fear, anger, and longing. "She's out there somewhere, Austin. Alone. I can't just sit here and do nothing."Austin's grip tightened slightly, a silent plea for Liam to listen. "I know you're hurting, but you need to think rationally. Bloom left that letter for a reason. Maybe she needs time to sort things out."Liam's jaw clenched as he struggled to hold back the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "I can
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