All Chapters of The Forgotten Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
98 Chapters
A Plan??
Leah's steps were quick and purposeful as she made her way through the palace corridors. Her mind was consumed by a burning desire for revenge, and there was only one person who could understand her need for vindication—Stasia, her partner in crime. Stasia had always shared Leah's disdain for Bloom, and Leah knew she could count on her for support.Finding Stasia was not a difficult task; they had secret meeting spots they used over the years. Leah's heart raced as she approached their designated meeting place. She pushed the thoughts of Bloom's return to the back of her mind, focusing instead on the plan she had hatched.Stasia was waiting, leaning against a wall with a nonchalant expression that masked her curiosity. As Leah approached, Stasia raised an eyebrow. "Well, well, look who's here. What brings you to this secret corner of ours?"Leah wasted no time. She launched into her story, recounting every detail of her encounter with Bloom earlier. Stasia listened intently, her expre
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Your Little Obsession
Leah stormed into Austin's room, her face flushed with irritation. She had a purpose, and she was determined to get what she wanted. Without waiting for pleasantries, she cut straight to the chase. "Austin, I need to know what's going on with Bloom."Austin, who had been reading a book, looked up at his sister with a mix of annoyance and exasperation. He knew Leah's nosiness all too well. "Leah, can't you see that I'm busy? And what's with this sudden interest in Bloom?"Leah's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms, her frustration bubbling to the surface. "Don't play dumb with me, Austin. You know exactly why I want to know about her. She's causing problems for us, and I won't stand for it."Austin sighed heavily, closing his book and setting it aside. He turned his full attention to Leah, his voice tinged with annoyance. "You need to relax, Leah. Bloom is back, and that's all there is to it."Leah's temper flared, her voice rising as she retorted, "Relax? Are you kidding me, Austin?
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The Missing King
As days turned into weeks, the absence of Liam cast a heavy shadow over the palace. Bloom's worry deepened with every passing moment, her heart heavy with a mixture of fear and longing. She had returned to the palace with a glimmer of hope, hoping to reunite with Liam and find solace in his arms. But the reality was starkly different, and the uncertainty gnawed at her like a relentless ache.The palace, once bustling with activity, now felt eerily quiet. The usual sounds of laughter and footsteps were replaced with an unsettling stillness that hung in the air. Even the guards wore somber expressions, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of their missing alpha.Bloom stood by the window of her small room, gazing out at the expansive courtyard below. Her thoughts were a tumultuous storm, each passing day bringing a new wave of emotions. She had missed Liam deeply, and the void he left was becoming unbearable. Questions swirled in her mind – where was he? Was he safe? And most im
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A New Found Strength
Bloom stood atop the mountain, her gaze fixed on the silvery glow of the moon. She had come here to seek solace, to pour out her heart's wishes to the goddess above. The night air was crisp, carrying with it a sense of peace that she desperately needed."Lady Luna," she whispered, her voice a mere breath carried away by the wind. "Please watch over him, protect him in his time of need."Her heart ached with the absence of Liam, his absence a gaping hole that seemed to consume her very soul. She prayed for his safe return from the battlefield, for him to be shielded from harm's way. She felt a connection to the moon, as if it held the answers to her unspoken pleas.As she descended the mountain and began to make her way back to the palace, little did she know that danger lurked in the shadows. Unseen by her, Leah had orchestrated a sinister plan, enlisting a pack of rogue wolves to attack her on her way back.The moon's glow cast an ethereal light upon the path, illuminating the surrou
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A new leader??
The palace was abuzz with a sense of urgency and unease. Multiple elders, their faces etched with worry, had gathered in the grand chamber. The absence of their alpha, Liam, weighed heavily on everyone's minds, casting a shadow over the once-thriving palace. Whispers filled the air as they debated the best course of action, their voices hushed yet tinged with anxiety.I stood at the periphery of the chamber, my heart heavy with concern for Liam. He had been gone for days, and every passing moment only deepened the sense of unease that permeated the palace. Ana stood beside me, her expression a mirror of my own apprehension.Elder Roland, a stern and dignified figure, stood at the center of the gathering. His voice carried authority as he addressed the council, "We cannot ignore the fact that our alpha has been missing for days. The safety and stability of our pack depend on strong leadership."Murmurs of agreement rippled through the chamber, a chorus of worried voices expressing thei
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The Pressure
The palace seemed quieter than usual, as if it were echoing my own thoughts and fears. I wandered the halls aimlessly, my heart heavy with worry for Liam. The days without him had been a blur of anxiety and unanswered questions. With each passing moment, the fear that he might have taken his own life gnawed at the edges of my mind.The weight of guilt settled heavily on my shoulders. Maybe I had been too quick to leave, to go on my own journey of self-discovery. Perhaps I should have stayed, supported him through whatever he was going through. The thought that I might have been the cause of his pain was almost unbearable.As I walked through the grand corridor, my steps faltered, and I leaned against a pillar for support. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggled to hold back my sobs. I felt overwhelmed by a mixture of emotions – fear, guilt, and an overwhelming sense of loss."Hey."The soft voice cut through the chaos in my mind, and I turned to see Austin standi
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Anarchy Land
The palace was in a state of turmoil. The decision to appoint a temporary leader in Liam's absence had not been met without resistance. Many members of the pack were still holding onto hope that Liam would return, and they were hesitant to accept any other leader.As the appointed leader, a respected elder named Elder Grimes, tried to address the pack in the central courtyard, he was met with murmurs of discontent and skepticism. The pack members had grown accustomed to Liam's leadership, and the idea of someone else taking charge was met with reluctance.Elder Grimes raised his hand for silence and began to speak, his voice firm but understanding. "I know that these are challenging times, my fellow pack members. We all miss Alpha Liam and are deeply concerned for his well-being. But we must ensure the pack's stability during his absence."A member of the council, Elder Turner, stepped forward to address the crowd as well. "We have not given up on finding Alpha Liam. A dedicated sear
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It came as a shock
My heart pounded erratically in my chest as I stood there, my eyes locked on Liam. It had been an eternity since I last saw him, and my soul had ached for this moment. But now, as I took a tentative step towards him, my heart filled with an odd mixture of hope and trepidation, he pushed me away as though I were a stranger, his eyes clouded with confusion."Liam?" I whispered, my voice quivering with emotion. "It's me, Bloom. Don't you remember?"His gaze shifted between Ana and me, as if searching for answers in our faces. His brows knitted together in deep thought. "Bloom," he echoed, as if trying to unravel a riddle. "That name... it sounds familiar, but I can't quite..."My heart sank like a stone in my chest. How could he not remember me? How could he forget the countless moments we had shared, the love we had nurtured, the trials we had faced together? It felt like our bond, once unbreakable, had been severed, and I was left standing on the precipice of an abyss.Ana, her eyes fi
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The days that followed were a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions. It was clear that Liam's memory had partially returned, yet the inconsistencies in his behavior perplexed me. He would smile warmly at me one moment, and in the next, he would become distant and detached.The most painful part was when he instructed that I should join the slaves in their daily duties. It felt like a cruel, undeserved punishment, as if he were trying to erase any trace of the past we had shared. The humiliation was unbearable, and every step I took towards the slave quarters was laden with the weight of rejection.As I approached the area where the slaves were diligently toiling away, I felt a lump form in my throat. These were the same people I had once overseen, now looking at me with pity and sympathy. I knew they couldn't understand what had transpired between Liam and me, but their empathetic glances only intensified the pain in my chest.One of the older maids, a woman named Eliza, approached me caut
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More Pain
The days turned into weeks, and my life as a servant felt like a never-ending nightmare. Each day, I awoke with the heavy burden of rejection and humiliation, knowing that the man I loved had pushed me away without explanation. Liam's demeanor remained inconsistent – one moment, he would be distant and cold, and the next, he would look at me with a mixture of sadness and confusion.My duties as a servant were monotonous, my days filled with menial tasks and servile responsibilities. I scrubbed floors until my fingers were raw, laundered clothes until my hands were chapped, and catered to the needs of the pack members with a forced smile. It was a stark contrast to the life I had once known, a life of privilege and responsibility as the Luna.The other servants, once my subordinates, now regarded me with pity and sympathy. They couldn't fathom what had transpired between Liam and me, and I had no answers to offer. Their murmured whispers and hushed conversations only added to my sense
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