All Chapters of The Forgotten Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
98 Chapters
A Stranger
As I stood before Liam, his gaze pierced through me, but not in the way I had hoped. It was a gaze devoid of recognition, a gaze that shattered my world into a million fragmented pieces. The man I loved, the man I had sacrificed everything for, was now looking at me as if I were a complete stranger.I cleared my throat, my voice quivering as I tried to find the right words. "Liam, it's me, Bloom," I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.His brow furrowed, and he took a step closer, scrutinizing my face. "Bloom? I'm sorry, but I don't know any Bloom."The words hit me like a tidal wave, a cruel and relentless force that threatened to drown me in despair. How could he not remember me? How could he not remember the love we had shared, the moments we had cherished together? It was as if our history had been erased, our connection severed.I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. "Liam, please," I implored, my voice trembling. "Think back, try to remember. We've known each othe
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Sudden Decision
The council chamber was a place of gravitas, where decisions that shaped the fate of our pack were made. I had been summoned there along with the council members, my heart heavy with uncertainty. Liam, the pack leader, stood at the head of the long, polished table, his expression stern and unyielding.I sat among the council members, feeling like an outsider in my own pack. The news of Liam's memory loss and his rejection of me had spread like wildfire through the palace. Whispers and curious glances followed me wherever I went. But now, in this chamber of power, I hoped for some clarity, some resolution to the turmoil that had engulfed my life.Liam cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping over the assembled council. "Thank you all for gathering here today," he began, his voice steady but devoid of warmth. "As you are aware, my memory has been compromised. I am unable to recall important aspects of my life, including my relationship with certain individuals."The council members exchang
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Mate swap
Leah's heart pounded with excitement as she lounged in her lavish room, the maids bustling around her. They had news, and it seemed to be something that filled them with joy."What is it, my dears? You look positively gleeful," Leah purred, leaning back on her plush bed of furs.One of the maids, a young woman with bright eyes, stepped forward, her voice quivering with anticipation. "Lady Leah, it's the most wonderful news. Alpha Liam has chosen you to be his mate!"Leah's eyes widened, her heart soaring with triumph. She couldn't believe her ears. It was as if the moon goddess herself had answered her prayers. "Are you sure? This isn't some jest, is it?"The maid nodded eagerly. "No jest, Lady Leah. The council announced it. You will be the Luna, by Alpha Liam's side."A triumphant smile curled on Leah's lips, and she clapped her hands in glee. "Oh, this is the moment I've been waiting for! Prepare a grand feast! I want the entire pack to know of this honor."The maids hurried to ful
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The Rejected Stone
Leah's excitement was palpable as she practically skipped to Stasia's room. She just couldn't contain the big news that she had to share. She knocked on Stasia's door, her heart filled with anticipation.Stasia, her trusty friend, opened the door and looked at Leah, curious about her enthusiasm. "Why are you so happy, Leah?" she asked, noticing the big smile on her face.Leah couldn't wait to share her news. She grabbed Stasia's hands and burst out with joy. "Stasia, you won't believe it! Alpha Liam has picked me to be his mate, his Luna!"Stasia's eyes widened in surprise before turning into a wide grin. "Seriously? Leah, that's amazing news! I'm so happy for you!"The two friends couldn't contain their excitement and started dancing around the room. It was a moment they had always talked about and hoped for, and now it had come true. Leah was going to be the Luna, and Stasia couldn't be happier for her.After their initial excitement settled down a bit, they began to discuss their p
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Heartbroken words
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the palace courtyard as Austin entered its grand gates. He had heard troubling rumors about Bloom's plight, and worry gnawed at his heart like a persistent, biting insect. With each step, the heaviness in his chest grew.As he ventured further into the palace, the sights and sounds around him only deepened his unease. The grandeur of the place, once so captivating, now felt oppressive in the face of the suffering he feared Bloom was enduring.Then, he saw her. Bloom, the vibrant and strong-willed friend he had come to know and admire, was a mere shadow of herself. Her skin bore the marks of violence, her eyes reflected pain, and her spirit seemed broken. His heart wrenched at the sight of her, and he rushed to her side."Bloom," Austin uttered her name with a mixture of sadness and anger. He knelt beside her, his eyes searching her face for some sign of hope, a flicker of the fierce spirit he knew so well.Tears streaked down he
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Maybe One Day....
I was going about my daily chores, the weight of each task bearing down on me as I moved through the palace's corridors. The routine was a familiar comfort, a way to keep my mind occupied and my thoughts from drifting into the abyss of despair. But today, my world would shift in a way I couldn't anticipate.As I scrubbed a particularly stubborn stain from the hallway floor, a commanding voice echoed through the palace. "Bloom!"My heart skipped a beat, and I dropped the cloth I was holding, not caring about the dirty water splattering onto my tattered dress. Liam had called my name. His voice had an undeniable authority, and it sent shivers down my spine.Without a moment's hesitation, I abandoned my cleaning and ran toward my cell. I couldn't deny that fear coursed through me, that I dreaded what Liam might want from me. But I couldn't ignore his summons either.Ana, who had been helping me, shot me a worried look. "Bloom, be careful. I don't trust his intentions."I nodded, my throa
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Deceit Unveiled
Deceit UnveiledThe palace had always been a place of secrets and intrigue, but it seemed that lately, those secrets were growing darker, and the intrigue more malevolent. I had grown accustomed to the relentless cruelty of Leah, but what unfolded next left me stunned, even in the face of all I had endured.It began with the disappearance of a valuable heirloom necklace belonging to one of the noblewomen. The necklace was adorned with exquisite gemstones and had been passed down through generations, its value immeasurable both sentimentally and monetarily. As soon as it was discovered missing, the palace erupted in a frenzy of whispers and accusations.Leah, seizing the opportunity to torment me further, wasted no time in pointing the finger at me. She claimed that she had seen me near the noblewoman's chambers the previous evening, a claim I vehemently denied. I had not been anywhere near those chambers, and I knew that I was innocent.The noblewoman herself, Lady Isabella, was in t
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The sun hung high in the sky, casting its warm rays over the palace grounds. It was another day of laborious chores and endless drudgery. I had grown accustomed to the routine, the never-ending cycle of tasks that kept me bound to the palace as a slave.As I swept the courtyard, the coarse broom in my hands scraping against the ground, I couldn't help but daydream. My mind wandered to a time when my life was filled with dreams and hopes, a time before the shackles of servitude had bound me.My reverie was interrupted by a voice, a voice that was both unexpected and strangely charming. "You there, with the broom!"I turned to see one of the palace guards approaching me. He was tall with a strong build, his uniform crisply pressed. His eyes sparkled mischievously as he continued, "You have the most enchanting smile I've ever seen. It's a shame to see such a lovely face marred by menial labor."His words caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but chuckle. It had been so long since anyo
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The Conspiracy ( Narrator’s pov )
Chapter: The Conspiracy UnfoldsStasia's arrival at Leah's palace was marked by an air of malevolence that hung like a dark cloud. She had come not for a joyful reunion but for a sinister alliance. The two women shared a whispered conversation in Leah's opulent chambers, their eyes gleaming with mischief."You see," Leah began, her voice a venomous hiss, "Liam has taken a peculiar interest in our dear Bloom. He wants to spend time with her, even at night."Stasia smirked, understanding the implications of Leah's words. "And I presume you're not thrilled about this newfound affection?"Leah's face contorted with disdain. "Thrilled? I'd rather be surrounded by a pack of rabid wolves. But fear not, Stasia, my dear friend, for we shall put an end to this madness. We will make Bloom's life in this palace a never-ending nightmare."As they plotted, the two women laid out a series of sinister schemes designed to torment Bloom. It began innocently enough, with subtle pranks and small acts of
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The Seer ( Narrator's POV)
akened frame was becoming undeniable.One day, the palace healer, a wise and experienced woman named Elara, approached Liam with a solemn expression. She knew that the situation had become dire and that desperate measures were needed."Liam," she began, choosing her words with care, "I fear that we've reached a critical point with Bloom's illness. The poison's origin eludes us, and without knowing the specific toxin, I'm powerless to find a cure."Liam's brow furrowed as he looked at Elara. He had always been a decisive leader, but this predicament had him feeling utterly helpless. "Is there anything we can do, Elara? I can't bear to see her suffer like this."Elara paused, carefully considering her next words. "There is one avenue we haven't explored—a seer. They possess unique abilities to see what others cannot, to pierce the veil of the unknown. A skilled seer might be able to identify the poison and reveal its antidote."Liam's eyes widened at the suggestion. The concept of cons
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