All Chapters of Betrothed to A Porn Star: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
126 Chapters
Mabel pov.I should up with Stefan and held his hand tightly as he took me around the garden. The garden had a varieties of flowers in it, like the tulips that were in line by line, sunflowers by it side, hydrangea too, there was lavender, peony, daisy, orchid, red rose and more, every kind of flowers were there, just name it!I was beaming with smile all along as we walked by the flowers. Stefan picked a rose for me."From my heart to you." He said and I laughed, that was the best gift I have ever been offered and it made it more amazing, seeing that it came from him."Do you know what this means Stefan?" I asked him with a raised brow and refused to collect the rose from him."Of course I do. I won't be here, doing all these if I don't know the meaning." He told me with a smile."Oh! Okay then, I'm collecting it because it is a rose, don't think otherwise." I collected the rose from him and sniffed it to perceive the pleasant intoxicating scent. "Now, this is satisfying.""I know yo
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Stefan pov.I stared at Mabel as she was returning back my stare, I bet she was speechless and I understood why. I was a pornstar and it was very rare for people doing my job to fall in love, especially one that recently got his heart broken because of the death of his ex but I couldn't helped it, I was so in love with Mabel and I had to confess to her immediately before someone else did and I would forever lose her which I didn't wanted."Please Mabel, say something please. I just pour out my heart to you right now, and I'm expecting you to say something." I said to her and made to get hold of her shoulders again but she took a step backwards, creating some meaningful distance between us."I....I don't think this is right, I.....I mean, are a pornstar, so you can't possibly love me." She said and I sighed, she just said what I had in mind.I took a step closer to her, closing up the space she created between us. "Look Mabel, I don't know what you believe but trust me, every
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Stefan pov.I was in the sitting room for a long time, just thinking of Mable's words, inasmuch as I wanted to shake her words off my head I just couldn't and for some reasons, I blamed my heart for falling in love with her. I wanted to call Owen and George to seek for advice but the both of them must be tired and I didn't wanted to disturb them. So, I just went to the visitor's room to sleep.__________When I woke up the next morning, I went to our room to dressed up and Mabel was still sleeping, though I was having an early morning work but I couldn't go as I was not feeling good, Mabel had successfully turned me to something else.When I walked out of the press after dressing up, I met her already awaken."Good morning." I greeted her and settled on the chair beside the breakfast table."Good morning." She replied back and gently added, "I'm sorry about last night, I guess I talked too much and I shouldn't have said most of the things I said last night, maybe because I was shocked
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Confused Hearts
Mabel pov.I looked at Stefan after his words and quickly stared away from him. He was right about everybody wanting us to love each other but he was wrong in the fact that I made him fall in love with me, I mean, when? How? I didn't even know and he was dead serious."Look Mabel, this is not my intention either, I tried to stop the feelings, trust me when I say I really did, but maybe we are just meant to be together, maybe I was destined to love you. Believe me, please." He said but I still didn't gave a reply.He sighed and stood up, he walked over to me and crouched to my side and turned my face to herself with his hands on my nape. "What should I do for you to believe me?" I was still speechless and couldn't replied him, "Okay then, I will just go to work, even though I know that I'm late, maybe before I come back, you could have think it through and give me a reply." He raised himself to my face and placed a lingering peck on my forehead. "I love you, a lot." He whispered to me
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Mabel pov.I left my mom's place in the late afternoon and went straight home. Stefan was not at home yet, so I ate and went to the room to sleep because I was tired of thinking so much.I went to my mom to seek some advise and to get the burden lifted off me but I went back home as a more confused being. I should do what my heart wants, she had said. What do my heart wanted then? I didn't know, and I didn't know how to asked my heart what it wanted. Would I say, 'heart, do you think Stefan is lying?' Or 'dear heart, is Stefan sincere with his words? Is he trying to play me just to get into me?' I didn't get it and I was so confused and the only option I had was to just sleep it off, and that was what I did. I slept it off.When I woke up, I felt myself feeling better and my head wasn't hurting like it was before I slept and I was grateful, I can be able to think straight. I realized that I don't wanted anything from Stefan, not even a single thing, but..... I knew that I didn't want
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Mabel pov.I held his face and tried to pulled away from him but his hands on my shoulders dropped to my side and he held my waist tighter and kissed me deeper until I became without a choice and just enjoyed the kiss. The kiss was slow and quite promising, I actually got lost in it and I didn't even regretted it, it was the best kiss ever.We broke apart after minutes and I stared at him in the eyes, while trying to know what he was thinking, but even with his sincere and innocent look, I still heard myself saying to him....."The kiss is simply a mistake, don't think much on it and I will really appreciate it if it doesn't repeat itself again." I felt an heavy load on my chest after I said the words but I made sure to keep a calm face, so that he won't notice that I said the words unwillingly. I was just trying to protect myself from heartbreaks."I don't really know how to tell you this again but I will say it the way I know. I love you Mabel, I love you a lot that it's driving me
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Stefan pov.I left the house for the hotel for the day's shooting and as usual, they were all waiting for me, the director, his crew and the models I would be working with."Yo Stefan, you're always in time, but today, I need to have a word or two with you before you begin the day's work." The director said and I sighed, I knew what he wanted to talk about already, even before he ask me. He walked out of the hotel to the hallway and waited for me along the quiet hallway."Stefan, I can see that you have not been okay since all these while, I only want to tell you what I'm thinking, it's either you take a break or you quit, or well, except you're having another idea." He said to me immediately I got to his side."I don't understand what you're talking about." I refused to understand. Of course I did understood him perfectly, but then, I was being so conscious of what I said because I wasn't ready to quit my job."You are always distracted while working and you always call out your wife
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Mabel pov.I left the house in the morning just after Stefan left and I went to Natasha's house just to stay away from home, it was beginning to suffocate and I was almost losing my senses, so I thought that the only thing I could do was to just leave.I got to Natasha's house and was just in time to meet her going out, I quickly rushed over to her to stopped her. "Hey, I can see that you're going out.""Oh hey, what are you doing here? I'm going to work but lucky you, I can take the day off and spend it with you, not like I want to go anyways." She said and I laughed. "Come on in." She said and turned back to the house while I followed suit."I will change back my dress and call my PA." She said and left for the room, while I made myself comfortable on the sofa.I can't blame her for being so lazy to go to work, she made her money either ways, she was a boss of herself.I waited for her in the living, staring at everything around and sighing at interval, until Natasha returned back.
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Stefan pov.I was so happy when she kissed me, but disengaged from the kiss, I wanted to hear her say the words to me, not the other way round, although, I loved the way she kissed me too."Mabel......""I love you too Stefan, and my greatest fear right now is losing you." She said and a smile crept on my face. There she said them, the words I've been wanting to hear from her for days.I hugged her tightly to myself for minutes, not wanting to let go, she had succeeded in bending me to the way she wanted. We disengaged after a while and she jumped down from me before staring around the room."I'm sorry for the mess, I actually didn't know that you would come back home earlier, I wanted to decorate the whole room." I told her nervously and she laughed."I really love your trial, and I feel so special and honored." She said and I felt so proud of myself. I smirked when I remembered my friends, they had thought that nothing is possible but there I was with Mabel, declaring to me how much
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Stefan pov.I was in astonishment when I heard my father saying that there was no killer, he was simply saying that all my exes died by carelessness, because they all died of a car accident, that didn't supposed to be just a coincident, but he was making me to believe that it was.I began to fear for Mabel's life and I just went back home, ignoring all of my father's yelling of me, returning back to the hotel and that I would get disowned by him if I get fired from work.When I got home, I met Mabel in the sitting room, watching a live show, she glanced at me when I sat down beside her and she had a surprise look on."You're home too early, is there any problems?" She asked me and stared away from me, staring blankly at the television.I sighed and relaxed on the two person's couch, "I decided to leave early, I couldn't concentrate on anything there and everything and everyone are just annoying, especially the director." I told her and turned to her side to stared directly at her."Wh
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