All Chapters of Nameless, Under the moonlight : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
52 Chapters
Her sacrifice
*Leroy POV*Cali is eighteen and I can’t restrain myself. Sky is also behaving weirdly. Does that mean she is my mate?The rest of the day spins out of control. One moment I am possessing over Cali, the next Sky is screaming Mate to one of the gorgeous women I know. Phoebe is everything a man can ever ask. Drop dead gorgeous, graceful and just perfect for my Luna. Both Sky and I reluctantly let Phoebe return home. “It’s okay. We will mark her the next full moon and she will never leave our side,” I comfort my whining wolf. I have also made certain that our mate is protected. Her pack knows that she might be in danger from Diana and Rose and will have two of their best Betas protecting her.“And Cali?” Sky links and I have no answers. “That’s your tuff. You tell me!” I snap at him. “She has no wolf. I still don’t know,” Sky responds and I can’t believe this. “Seriously? The fact that Phoebe is our mate means Cali is obviously not!” I snap at Sky again. It is almost dark, I am head
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*Leroy POV*Forty-five minutes later, I, Marcus and Linda stand at Cali’s bedside. She is hardly breathing but my heart refuses to accept it. “Her injuries are too severe. They are not compatible with life,” Linda explains while I frantically shake my head. “I am so sorry, you have to bid her good…”“No. Fix her,” I interject and storm out. Sky has been continuously groaning and whining, I can’t concentrate. “Leroy,” Marcus calls and follows me. I sit on the stairs with my chest tight and my whole body trembling. Resting my heavy head on my palms, that horrific scene plays over in my head. She sacrificed herself for me. “Are you okay?” Marcus asks. I can hear the sadness in his voice. He treated Cali as his little sister. “It’s all my fault. I am sorry.” I respond without lifting my head.“Leroy,”he calls me again.“It was her birthday. I promised to join her at the lake and I completely forgot about her,” I qualify my statement. “You met your mate. You had no control over that,”
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Cali POVI open my eyes to a dimmed room. My eyes scan the surrounding only to find Doctor Grey, Marcus and Leroy staring curiously at me. I momentarily close my eyes shut, trying to recall what happened that could bring them to my bedroom and stare at me like this. Leroy suddenly shift into Sky who runs to me and starts licking my face and neck. I run my hands through his fluffy fur before everything that happened comes crashing back to me. My heart aches terribly when images of Leroy and his mate play out in my head. I can feel my chest closing in and try to take measured quick breaths. That helps to calm me momentarily until I pay attention to what Sky is doing. The she-wolf bit me. She took off a chunk of my neck before I passed out. I instinctively touch my neck and frown. Could I have been dreaming? It felt so real. If I was dreaming then why is doctor Grey here?I look at the doctor hoping she will say something but she only shrugs her shoulders and smiles at me. “A rogue
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Her cycle
*Leroy POV*It is almost midnight when I wake up with Cali sleeping peacefully in my arms. Everything is a rollercoaster. I am an emotional wreck. Cali wanting to leave has evoked something I can’t quite explain, something that should not be happening. I am insecure and struggling to control my wolf. It hurts that Cali no longer wants to be around me. That I have to command her to stay and to even share a bed with me. One thing I got from the prophet is that my eternity will be fucked up if I let her out of my sight. Then there was the ultimate sacrifice part I still can’t wrap my head around. I would like to believe that is why I refuse to her to go. Except for Sky’s reaction. I can’t explain it. He completely lost it when she wanted to leave. I am certain that Phoebe is our mate. I felt it in core, in my nerves and bones. I picked up her scent before that bus even stopped. Peaches and cream, a scent so sweet I wanted to bathe in it and make a thousand pups. “She obeyed the Alpha
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Her plans
*Cali POV*I wake from a nightmare to find Leroy’s alluring eyes on me. My heart immediately starts racing. I make a mental note to avoid looking at his eyes. I am still at that when his lips meet mine and I completely melt. My body is reacting to him as if we never had the altercation before going to sleep. It is quite clear to me that he has no plans of stopping when he tries to remove my top. That was what I longed for a day ago, not anymore. He is not mine and never will be. It takes everything in me to push him away and leave my bedroom. I quickly descend the stairs and head to the bedroom a floor below mine and knock. Nora opens the door and looks worriedly at me. “Miss Cali? Are you okay?”I shake my head. “Do you mind if I sleep on your couch?”She looks around and signals me to come in. “Not at all, Dear. Use the bed and I will..”“No. The couch please,” I insist. She reluctantly nods and prepares the couch for me. She and all the employees really do treat me as Marcus’ si
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Out of control
*Leroy POV*Linda and I are discussing some of our work when her phone rings. I am surprised to see who it is. She and Cali hardly ever speak from what I know. Linda moves a few feet away from me to take the call but I can hear her responses. It sounds like Cali is looking for a contraceptive. That gets Sky edgy. Is she really planning on losing her virginity? I have a mate, Why the fuck should I care?It really does not matter how many times I ask myself that question. I care, period. I care so damn much that I would tear any man who so much as touch her. I am pacing by the time Linda’s call end and she returns to my side. “What did she want?”She shoots me a disapproving stare. “It’s confidential.”“Are you keeping secrets from me now?”“Leroy,”she cries. She is a doctor with a lot of confidentiality responsibilities. I usually do push her once she throws in that word. I can’t let her be now or I will explode. “I love and respect you. Don’t force me to command you.”She sighs an
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His vow
*Leroy POV*I curse inside as I watch Cali run upstairs. In just seconds, she is running back down and heading towards the door. “Cali, get back here!”“Stay away from me!”she snaps and continues running. “Get back here,”I drag the words, rage taking over. She has no idea what she is doing to me when she chooses to be disobedient. “You might as well kill me!”I completely freeze. That’s when it dawned on me that she did not even try to peel my hand off when I strangled her. I can’t seem to control my rage with her. Now I am terrified that I will end up killing her. Is this the sacrifice the prophet spoke of?I will never forgive myself if I did and I’m certain I will lose Marcus too. “She is upset. Are you just gonna let her leave like that?” Phoebe asks in disbelief. I frown at her. “You can’t be serious! You wanted her gone.”She is the last person to judge as far as I am concerned. “Yes I did, but not like this. You strangled her and a she is upset,” she explains while Marc
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Silver lining
*Cali POV*I wake up the following day feeling like I’ve been hit by a train. After running out of Marcus’s mansion, I headed towards the secluded part of town. The aim was to get enough cash and get out of town. The exams were done, I did not need to stay around anymore. I could get my results electronically whenever I decided to settle. My unlimited card had more than enough but I would not use it again because it could be traced. I remember bright lights before that SUV ran into the ATM I was in. Everything after that is blurred. My accident is all over the news. Looking at the images now, I am convinced that I should have died but here I am. I guess I should be grateful for another chance at this. I’m starting to feel like a cat with many lives. Marcus is sitting next to my bed looking worriedly at me. “The last time I was hurt, I was convinced that a wolf bit me and you told me that I must have been dreaming.”“Err…” he hesitates. I sit up to look at him. He is definitely h
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Prom dance
*Cali POV*Leroy offers me his hand and I don’t have it in me to turn him down. He is the Alpha, doing that would be undermining his authority. I don’t want to do that. Not with our already strained relationship. His left hand behind his back, he twirls me around with his right. I spin around with my gown opening up like a dazzling umbrella, forming rainbow shades all over the hall. Now I know how Cinderella felt that faithful night as Leroy circles around me, his eyes glued on me as if I am the only person who matters in the whole world. He suddenly pulls me into his arms and rests his hand on the small of my back. I hold my breath, blocking his infatuating cologne and the many images of us in each other’s arms. This dance was a mistake. It’s taking everything in me to follow his movements. Why can’t this song end now?He leans closer to my ear. So close, his lips brush against my ear, making my chaotic mind fire aimlessly. “You are stunning tonight. How are you?”“Fine, thank you
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His eternity
*Cali POV*“I saw things getting tense with you and Leroy. Are you okay?” Marcus asks with his usual concerned brotherly tone. “Never been better, Brother.”Now that I know how to handle Sky, I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me. He leans backwards and studies me before giving me a sharp stare. “Don’t even think about it.”“What?”“Leroy and your virginity. You…”“No, silly! I was dumb when I wanted that. I’m eighteen and wiser.”“That was only a few weeks ago,”he points out. Marcus really takes this big brother role serious. Not that I am complaining. It feels good to have someone watching over me. “That was before I turned eighteen.”He narrows his eyes at me. “What is it then?” “I know how to keep Sky in check.”I can’t hide my excitement as I relay to Marcus my discovery, but he is not so thrilled. “What is it?”Now it’s my turn to ask. “Leroy told you to come with me to Danlow?”“Yes, but I’m not doing that.”“Do you realise that no one has ever confronted
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