All Chapters of Nameless, Under the moonlight : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
52 Chapters
*Leroy POV*I rush to Phoebe’s side the moment Cali storms out. I had my arms around Cali’s waist right in front of her.“She is right to avoid you. You are becoming a control freak,” Phoebe says the moment our door slams shut. I thought she was jealous, but she is angry about what I said to Cali. “I am trying to keep her here for our pup,” I try to explain and she does not get it. “She already said she will make necessary arrangements and I believe her. You are using Cale to force her to stay. You are going to lose her.”I let out a sigh and avoid her eyes. That’s exactly what Marcus said earlier. “I am sorry.”“I am not the one you should apologise to. Leroy, I am going to die. You need to fix your relationship with her before then because I don’t what your next mate is going to be like.”“Phoebe.”“It’s true. You need to stamp your name in her heart. You need to get that forgiveness. You won’t achieve that by forcing her to be around you.”“Fine. I will go and apologise,” I conce
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*Cali POV*It’s at dawn when Betty and I dash out of the Ruber pack castle. Gold is sulking about leaving Leroy behind, but I can’t afford to have him attend the commission of my castle. Not with those unrestrained power hungry lycans around. The dream I had the other is still very fresh in my head. “We could just do what Phoebe suggested. He is mate,” Golf links with me. “Future mate,” I correct her. I don’t know why I am the only one seeing something wrong with all this. Yes, I love Leroy and he knows it. I adore Phoebe too but I am never accepting being in a polygamous relationship. “You crushed his spirit, My Queen,” Betty final speaks. She has not said anything since we returned from the run yesterday. “He will get over it.”“He is an alpha with pride,” she tells me. “So what?” I ask. It’s not like he can decide to cheat on me. He is not even mine. “I know that you have not healed from everything that happened. Is it possible that you are not claiming him because you secret
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*Cali*“Stand down!” I roar to Marco and Darius while Gold takes over, but their massive, over seventy kilograms of pure muscle lycans are already off the ground charging towards Leroy. “Marco!”“Darius!”Their mates call out to them. Not that the two ever listen to them. Adrenaline pulses into my veins and suddenly everything I see is gold. I scream out in horror when Gold springs in a gap between the two lycans and Leroy, but Phoebe beats her to it. Gold collides with Marco and rolls over before landing on her paws. “Phoebe!” I scream out in horror. She used her human form to shield Leroy. A sharp pain pierces through my heart as Darius’ canine’s sink in her neck. My body shudders at the sight. There is no way that she will survive this.Screams fill the room as guests move away to avoid getting caught up in this. Leroy is now on his knees, holding a lifeless Phoebe in his arms. Cale must have felt his mother’s bond fading too because he starts crying, a sound that shutters my
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*Leroy POV*It’s been four days since we buried Phoebe. My heart is torn apart. I can’t think straight. I can’t even sleep at night. I should have insisted that Phoebe remained at home. I knew that she would die soon, how could I be so stupid?All I wanted was to force Cali to admit our bond to the arrogant asses who feel entitled to her just because they are lycans. I intentionally did not shift when Marco and Darius charged at me. As crazy and stupid as it sounds now, I knew that Cali would never let them hurt me. I did not expect Phoebe to jump in front of me like she did. I close my eyes, shutting out the images of her lifeless body in my arms. I clench my fists when Alloy approaches. My heart starts pounding, my anger rising. I don’t know why he is here. “You are seriously going to leave things like this? What the fuck is wrong with you?” he asks, fuelling my anger. Sky stirs inside. Alloy might be stronger than us, but this is my castle and my territory. “Don’t talk to me an
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Red Luna moon
*Cali POV*I am pacing in my chambers, fuming. Leroy has the audacity to show up here after blaming me for Phoebe’s death and rejecting me. I clench and unclench my fist. I hope Betty sends him back to his pack or I will end up hurting him.I am still pacing when Alloy calls. “What?” I snap. I have been on urge since Phoebe’s death. “Queen of Queens,” he greets with his usual charming baritone voice. It’s as if I have not just snapped at him. “Cut the crap. What do you want?”I know him enough to know that this is how calm he sounds when he wants something. “You are being too hard on your mate.”“He is not my mate!” I snap again. Something is really wrong with him and his friend. I clearly recall telling everyone that Leroy is not yet my mate and he never will be because I plan on doing the rejection the moment we are. “Denial won’t change the fact. I am in Ruber city because you care and love him,” he reminds me, getting on my nerves. “Is there a point to your call?”“You both
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For eternity
*Leroy POV*I wake up to find Cali in my arms. My heart is filled with immeasurable joy. Having her like this is heaven. Our union was pure bliss and nothing I ever imagined. Prophecy or not, I have made up my mind. There is no way in hell that I am ever parting with her. Her alluring golden eyes flip open and my heart flutters. “Morning,” she greets with a yawn. “Morning, my love,” I respond and play with her hair. She narrows her eyes at me. “What is it?”I flash her a smile. It’s amazing how she knows that something is on my mind. “I don’t want to be mated with anyone else ever again,” I inform her of my decision and she lets out a sigh. “I don’t think that’s up to us, Leroy.”“It has to be, Cali. I can’t go through this rollercoaster again. Yes, I loved Phoebe, but I can’t do this. We are mates, we should be together forever.”At this point I don’t care what I need to do to make this happen. Dad and his cruel regime are long gone. Phoebe is gone and she had nothing to do wi
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Can anyone resist it?
*Cali POV*I walk through the bed of roses in my meticulous garden. It is an attempt to clear my head. Leroy is driving me insane. We claimed each other during the Luna red moon, yet both our marks are gone. It’s a clear message that we are not yet permanent mates. It sucks, but we both knew the prophecy. He is taking this too hard. I can’t deal with him right now, hence walking here when he is inside interrogating his Epsilon. I enviously watch the batteries flipping their colourful delicate wings. They seem at peace and happy. Perhaps like I was a day ago. The whole of the red mood was complete bliss. For a moment, I thought life was perfect. Having my mate with everyone and everything else completely gone is something words cannot express.I am still walking aimlessly in the garden when the Epsilon shows up. “My Queen.”“I did not summon you,” I say and realise just how short my fuse is. This man has shown up like this my whole life. He only does when he has a point to make. “So
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*Leroy POV* The Luna red moon is over, the pull between Cali and I is not longer as strong. The Epsilon says we are meant to feel nothing for each other, but that has never been us. I have always loved her before I even knew that she was my future. My heart rejoices when I am around her. My soul and my wolf are at peace. She is disappointed that our marks are gone, but I am distraught and angry. I am livid by the time the Epsilon informs me that Cali will conceive and I will have no part in my child’s life until she and I are permanent mates. “Like hell am I letting that happen!” I roar, fighting the urge to tear down everything around me. “Some things are out of our control, some are within. Still, every decision has consequences. A second chance mate is around the corner and…” “I don’t want another mate. I only want her!” I don’t mean to yell at the Epsilon, but he is frustrating me with his usual riddles. “Dad fucked up, many parents do, why am I paying such a heavy price?
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Check mate
LeroyZenith is clinging to me and I can’t push her off. All my energy is spent at keeping Sky down. It’s like she knows it too because it does not matter how rude I am to her, she just won’t let me go. “I will never accept your rejection. Never!” Zenith repeat ms her words while Sky yeps mate nonstop. “You will hurt Cali,” I tell my stupid wolf, but he won’t stop. My heart is hammering out of control. The look Cali’s pack members are giving me is enough to make me freak out. They already hate me for what my pack did to them, now I am hurting their beloved Queen. Cali is also up there thinking I am choosing Zenith. No, I can’t lose Cali. I just can’t. “Let me go, Zenith,” I say sternly, but this woman tightens her grip on me. “You are my mate. You vowed to love me forever,” she reminds me of a promise I can never keep. “I loved you then, not anymore. My heart belongs to Cali.”I don’t know how many times I have said this, she just refuses to hear me. “It does not. I will fight
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*Cali POV*I am starting to think that being a nameless slave was preparing me for this. I am the most powerful queen with no dignity when it comes to my mate. I watch Leroy run out to his mate with a ripping pain inside. I feel like my heart is being torn apart. I guess he has made his choice. I can feel Gold breaking before shutting down. Unlike me, all she knows is being royalty. This hurts her more than it does me. I head to the shower and wash Leroy off before putting on a flowery summer dress. Maybe it will light up my gloomy mood. There is a lot of commotion around the second floor. Betty puts me up to speed about Zenith sleeping with Duncan. I am not surprised when someone calls for help to stop Leroy from killing Duncan. I know how possessive Sky can get. This is something that would drive him crazy. I don’t bother going to investigate, but head to my favorite spot in the garden instead. I hum a tune in my head and focus on planning my future without a mate. “It is not hi
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