All Chapters of The Omega's Revenge Against Her Lycan King Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
229 Chapters
Chapter 121
  After the decision I made, the four of us went back to the training grounds to begin our training with the warriors.  Luckily, none of them said anything, as if Victor had mindlinked them not to say a word when we arrived. The training went smoother than expected. The Bloodfang warriors were skilled in combat, weapons and swordsmanship. I didn't feel the need to worry too much, the warriors alone were enough to cover up for so many things. After the training had ended, the four of us went back to the house, saying nothing to each other. I excused myself and went to the room, but I heard footsteps behind me. "Maya, are you okay?" Julia asked as soon as she got into the room, shutting the door behind her. I forced out a smile at her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "I am," I responded. I had noticed that she had been staring at me, observing me
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Chapter 122
  It was 8:00pm….. And we were to leave by midnight, which meant that we had four more hours to go. There was nothing I was doing in the room rather than overthinking things than it was supposed to be. I stood up and left the room, going to the place I knew I would find comfort. I knocked on the door and waited for a response and after getting it, I opened the door and went inside the room. I looked around, nodding in approval while I entered inside, closing the door behind me. "Your room hasn't changed much," I said as soon as I saw him. The moment he had my voice, he jumped from the bed he was laying down on. "Need a company? I'm quite bored, " I told him, smiling softly. Julia was right after all, today might be the last day Victor and I would see each other again, so I should use that opportunity to make our last moment count. "Of course, this
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Chapter 123
   VICTOR BLOODBORNE Rica was back and we were going to fight!!! I could already hear the chanting of the warriors outside the house. Everyone was prepared already to fight for us, we couldn't make any mistakes. Like planned, some of the warriors from the Moonfire Pack had joined us and they trained with us since morning. I was glad that Maya came over to my room to spend some time with me before we left. To be honest, I was scared.  I had been scared ever since she told me about her dream. A part of me wanted to give up and stay back like she suggested, but another part of me wanted to fight, even though it would cost my life. I was trying to act strong, like I didn't believe what she was saying, or her dream wasn't going to come to reality, but I was actually scared of everything. But, what ha
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Chapter 124
 VICTOR BLOODBORNE Someone was letting out all our plans to Serena and Unkar, someone who was in our midst. I didn't know who it was and I had no idea as to how I would find the person. I paced around the living room of the small cottage we were in, placing my hands on my waist. It was as if all the ideas in my brain ran away, I didn't know what to do about what had just happened. We couldn't go back to the pack and start searching for them, time had gone for that and if they knew that we had gotten a lead on where they were the first time, it would be harder to find them this time. " Victor, you're not saying anything, should we go back to the pack? " Nelson whispered as he and Julia came towards me. " No, we have come too far to go back to the pack now, " I told them. " We can't keep the warriors waiting, they all have families to go to. They a
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Chapter 125
  " Ben? Was it you? You're the one who told Unkar and Serena, right? " I questioned, but he gave me no response. " Answer me, Ben? Why would you tell us? " I asked again and he raised his head, staring at us. " I should have thought that when I found out about the mole, since you have betrayed me once. Only the Goddess knows why I didn't, " I told him. Ben was formerly my personal bodyguard and I trusted him with a lot of things. That was until I found out that he was the very person who killed Gabriel under the orders of my uncle. He had been walking freely ever since I found out about what he did to Gabriel and that was because my uncle was involved. But now, I didn't give a fuck about anything that happened to any of them. " So, what do you want me to do about what you have done today? Because of you, my son's life is in danger, " I pointed out, but
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Chapter 126
  VICTOR BLOODBORNE " Victor, I think Ethan is in danger, " Rica announced and my eyes widened in surprise at what she said. " What do you mean by that? " Julia asked and Rica winced in pain again. " I don't know as well, but the link that connects the both of us is weak at the moment, " she elaborated, clenching her fists. " I'm going to kill that bitch when I see her, " she gritted her teeth and I couldn't help but be scared of her. " You have to calm down, Rica, " I tried to calm her down, lifting my hands to touch her shoulders, but she slapped it away, glaring at me. " You want me to calm down in this situation? After what I just told you? " She snapped at me. " What do you want me to say to you? " I retorted and she scoffed. " My son has been missing for a while, and now, he is in danger. And all you can te
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Chapter 127
 RICA I clenched my fists so tightly as I watched Victor walk away with his Beta. My hands were beginning to hurt, but I couldn't care less about that. " Rica, you're going to hurt yourself, " Julia exclaimed, grabbing my hands and I furiously slapped her hands away, facing my back at her. " How does that concern you? How is that your business? " I snapped at her. She might be Maya's best friend and confidant, but she wasn't mine. Not that I needed one anyway. " You might not care about your body, but Maya does and I won't want to see her in pain because of your recklessness. Besides, how do you intend to fight Serena with an injured hand? Do you think you're going to the playground? " She scolded me and I turned to glare at her. " What right do you have to scold me? I am your Alpha, " I reminded. " No, Maya is my Alpha and you are her alter ego
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Chapter 128
    " Victor, I'm sorry for everything I said to you earlier, " I apologized to him, bowing my head a little.   I wanted to puke, I couldn't believe I was doing this, apologizing to this asshole. After all the promises I made to myself, I couldn't believe I was doing something as absurd as that.   Of course, it was against my wish, but I had no option. Aside from knowing everything about Maya, that bitch also knew everything about me and knew the way I could leave and never return and that was what she used to threaten me with.   I had no other option but to do what she wanted me to do and that was to apologize to Victor in order to maintain peace.   According to her, both the Moonfire Pack and Bloodfang Pack were in alliance with each other since the Alphas of the two packs are in love with each other.   But my presence could disturb everything and if t
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Chapter 129
   VICTOR BLOODBORNE I stared at the head tracker immensely, not knowing if I should believe him or not, even though I know he doesn't have any reason to tease us. " Really? Did you really find them? " Nelson asked the question that was bothering me and that was when I realized that I should have just asked him, rather than stare at him so creepily. I saw Rica retrace her steps, walking back to us and I stifled a laugh, not wanting to give her the suspicion that I was mocking her. " Not really. We only got a…… " he was cut off while talking. " Did you find them or not? Why are you not giving a direct answer? " Rica snapped at him and he gulped in fear. " We got a lead, but we haven't found them yet. I just wanted to inform the Alpha about the new step we got into, " he tried to explain, smiling as he pushed
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Chapter 130
  3RD PERSON Victor knew that was going to happen, but it still came as a shock to him when it did. They were supposed to be searching for Serena and Unkar and not fighting each other. Julia winced as she hit her back with a heavy thud, groaning in pain. She held Rica's hand which was tightly placed on her neck and she tried not to give Rica the satisfaction that she was hurting her. " What the hell did you say to me, bitch? " She spat out, growling slowly at her. " It's exactly what you heard me say to you, " Julia retorted, straining her voice a little. " How dare you talk to me like that, you wench? I am your Alpha and I demand respect from you, " she growled loudly and Julia bursted into a humorless laughter. Victor knew that it was time for him to interfere, knowing that if he kept staying silent like he had been doing, then Jul
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