All Chapters of The Omega's Revenge Against Her Lycan King Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
229 Chapters
Chapter 111
  VICTOR BLOODBORNE " Maya, please, " I called out, tapping her hands as I tried to free myself without hurting her, but her grip on my neck was too tight. " I am not Maya, my name is Rica, " she growled and I ignored her, still tapping her hands. Fuck Rica, the person I knew and was in love with was Maya and not Rica. I tried to release myself from her grip with a little force, but it wasn't possible. I didn't know that Maya was that strong, or was it because this was Rica? " Rica, please, let him go, " Julia pleaded, trying to grab her hands, but Rica shoved her away, making her fall on the couch. The fuck? " It was all his fault, because of him, Gabriel died, Maya had to suffer just because of him. Why should I let him go? He deserves death, " she stated and on hearing that, my eyes widened in surprise, causing me to wriggle, using more force, but she
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Chapter 112
   3RD PERSON Rica and Julia get back to the Moonfire Pack very late at night and Julia knew that if Maya was in control of her body, she would have insisted that they spend the night in the Bloodfang Pack and stay over for the planning tomorrow. She was annoyed that Rica acted up in front of Victor and Nelson, but she couldn't date to complain, Rica wasn't as lenient as Maya was and it was more uncomfortable being around her. " What's up with her? " Bella, who was sitting in the living room when they came, asked Julia, cause immediately they got home, Rica went upstairs without saying hello. " I wasn't expecting you to still be awake, " Julia said and Bella shrugged. " I was waiting for you guys to come back. Since you didn't give me a call that you would be staying over, I knew that you were going to come back, " she answered. " What's wro
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Chapter 113
  Julia ushered her into the room, closing the door behind her. She walked Maya to the sofa, sitting down beside her. " What do you mean by that? Why can't you feel any connection with Ethan anymore? What does that mean? " She asked, getting so worked up about what Maya said. " Is this how it going to be when Ethan isn't with me anymore? I couldn't even feel his presence when I was locked in Rica's mind. What will I do when he is gone? " She cried and Julia engulfed her into a hug, heaving out a sigh of relief as she silently thanked the Goddess that it wasn't what she thought of. " Ethan will not die, Maya, you don't need to think so much about it. We have found their hideout and soon, we will get your son back from those motherfuckers, so you need to calm down and stop thinking too much about it, " she advised, even thigh she knew it wasn't a easy thing to do. " How did yo
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Chapter 114
 VICTOR BLOODBORNE " Is everything ready? " I asked him, coming downstairs and Nelson nodded in response. I patted his shoulders and walked past him, going outside.  " Victor, are you sure about this? " He asked for the umpteenth time and I groaned. I knew he was trying to convince me, but I felt he should know that I wasn't the type to get easily convinced once my mind had been made up. " Yes, I am sure. If we keep thinking and arguing about this, then a day would fly like a bird and Rica would be here, demanding that we attacked whether preparing or not, " I told him and he let out a sigh, probably giving up. " Good morning, amicable warriors of the Bloodfang Pack," I greeted and they all bowed their heads at Nelson and I, chanting our names. " We have a big problem at hand right now and I would need people to help us, " I started, feeling nervous all of a sud
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Chapter 115
  " Do you have DID? " He asked and I nudged him, letting him know that he was overstepping. Maya stopped walking and turned to us, obviously taken by surprise at his ridiculous question. " DID? " She asked, raising a brow and he nodded in response. " You know, Dissociative Identity Disorder, " he tried to explain to her, but she shook her head. " I know what it is, I'm not dumb, " she snapped at him and I twitched my lips, glaring at him. " What I'm asking is why you said that, " she added and he shrugged. " I'm just saying. Earlier, you said you don't always remember anything after she had taken control, it's similar to DID, " he elaborated and I mentally facepalmed myself. What the hell was his business with that?  " It's not that I cannot remember, I just choose not to. It would cause unnecessary discomfort if I do recollect those memories, " sh
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Chapter 116
  MAYA I loved teasing Victor, he looked so cute when I did. From when I told him that Julia and I were going to be staying here for the meantime and when I thanked him, his expression was hilarious, but I tried to maintain a straight face. ' Maya, what the hell are you doing? ' Julia 's voice popped up in my head. Of course, anyone would be worried considering my situation with Ethan and also Rica. But they had to chill, I hadn't lost my senses yet. " Umm….. why are you thanking me? " He asked and I fidgeted while standing. " For everything that has happened lately. I know it hasn't been easy for you also and I haven't done anything to make it easy either. You're helping my pack even though we have nothing in common and for that, thank you, " I appreciated. " Why should you be thanking me? Ethan is my son and I'm doing this because I want to, bec
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Chapter 117
  " Good morning, " I greeted, smiling softly as I entered the dining room, where Julia, Victor and Nelson were patiently waiting for me. I had woken up a bit later than usual and warned them not to wake me up as I stayed up all night, unable to sleep because of what Julia said to me last night. " You should have let us start eating if you knew you wanted to sleep that badly. It's almost noon and we haven't had breakfast yet, " Nelson grumbled, folding his arms in annoyance. Did I forget to say that I also warned none of them to take a bite of their food until I had arrived?? " Didn't you sleep at all last night? " Victor asked and I shrugged, sitting down on the empty chair that was next to him. " I had so many thoughts on my mind, so I wasn't able to sleep at all. I hope I didn't offend any of you? " I asked, acting oblivious to what Nelson said and he sneered at me.
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Chapter 118
  " Julia, is everything alright? " I asked her and she shook her head, trying to regain herself. " I'm sorry, what did you say? " She asked and I furrowed my brows in confusion. " This is unlike you, is everything alright? " I asked again. I couldn't understand why she was acting this way, I only asked her a question and she zoned out on me. " I'm fine, I just got lost. What were you saying? " She questioned, forcing out a smile. I opened my mouth to speak as I knew she was faking a smile, but Victor beat me to it. " We have decided on the amount of warriors to take already, what is left is the day we would take off. We haven't decided on that yet, " he pointed out, shaking his head at me and I decided to drop it for now. " We will talk about that later. You can pick a date that goes well with you and we'll be available. In the meantime, inform your war
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Chapter 119
  We were supposed to begin training today, but I didn't feel the urge to. I just didn't want to start anything that had to do with the attack after last night.  I slowly walked into the dining room to have breakfast with the others, dragging each of my feet until I got there. " Maya, are you okay? Didn't you sleep well yesterday? " Victor asked, but I ignored him, taking a seat at the last edge of the table, farthest away from him. The three of them stared at my every move, but I wasn't fazed by that and just kept on doing what I was supposed to. Without waiting for any of them, I took my spoon and began eating, while they watched me. " Aren't you gonna eat? " I snapped, without looking at any of them and they began eating, not saying anything. For that, I was grateful as I didn't know what to reply to them if they asked any questions. I rushed the
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Chapter 120
   Everyone turned to look at me upon hearing what I said. Who wouldn't? When it had to do with death. "What did you just say?" Victor asked and the others kept staring at me, waiting for answers and I was ready to give it to them. "I dreamt that your uncle killed you during this mission, your own Uncle Unkar," I taunted him. I wasn't crying anymore, there was no need to when it only made me feel bad and embarrassed. All of a sudden, he grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the training grounds. I heard distant murmuring and footsteps of Julia and Nelson. He didn't stop until we got to the house of the higher-ups. He let go of my hands and turned to face me, while Julia and Nelson watched, saying nothing. "Why would you say such a thing? Especially in front of the warriors?" He raised his voice at me. "..... because that
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