All Chapters of The Omega's Revenge Against Her Lycan King Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
229 Chapters
Chapter 91
  " You have a son for Victor? " Serena asked and Maya stared blankly at her, unsure of what reply to give to her. " Speak up, Maya, you can't keep this hidden forever. When did it happen? No scratch that, was it before you ran away from the Pack? " She asked again and Maya nodded. There was no use in hiding it, she had found out already anyway. " I can't believe I didn't know about this also, " she muttered audibly, scoffing. " What more is Victor hiding from me? " She added. " He found out during the hearing. Besides, I don't think it's something that concerns you, it's not like you're his wife, " Maya answered her even though the question wasn't directed to her. " I have every right to know, I'm his Luna, " she retorted, raising her head to glare at Maya. " You were his Luna, you've been dismissed already so have that in mind, " Maya corrected, making sure that her messag
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Chapter 92
 " How did you find me? " Unkar asked, taken aback by the fact that he had been caught by no one else but Serena, but she ignored him and entered inside the house, taking a look around. " How did you find me, Serena? " He asked again, shutting the door behind him and she turned to look at him and shrugged. " It wasn't that hard, I expected you to hide better than you did, " she responded, taking a seat on the sofa and he joined her, sitting in front of her. " Why were you looking for me? " He asked and she smiled, placing her hands on her laps. " You didn't even welcome me properly or asked me if I would love to drink anything, " she complained, but he kept staring at her until she gave up. " I came to check up on you. I found out where you were staying and came to see if you are still alive, " she responded.  " Thank you so much, but we are not close enough for
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Chapter 93
   " Maya has a son? " He asked and she furrowed her brows, trying to observe him. Was he trying to act oblivious, or did he truly not know? " You weren't aware? " She asked him and he nodded. She could tell he was saying the truth as he maintained a blank look at her and she snickered. " You claim to be Victor's favorite person in the world and he didn't tell you about his son? " She added, mocking him. " Victor has a son? When? " He questioned, getting curious and she scowled at him. " How did I not know about it? " He muttered, frowning. " Probably because you mean nothing to him anymore. Haven't you realized it yet, ever since Maya came to the Bloodfang Pack, things changed and her presence was still felt even when she ran away? " Serena asked him. " Are you sure you're right? There's no reason for him to hide his child, " he argued and she snickered, knowin
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Chapter 94
  " Alpha Victor, " I called out, taking a sip of my wine as I placed the phone in my ear. I heard shuffling noises before the other end went silent. Tomorrow night was full moon and I had to call him. " Maya, " he replied and I felt goosebumps all over my arms, making me shiver in delight. The way he called my name still had an effect on him even though five years had passed. " I'm sorry for replying late, I was trying to find a quiet place, " he apologized and a pink color crept up to my cheeks. ' oh! Isn't he such a gentleman? ' I thought to myself, smiling too widely that my jaw began to hurt and I came back to my senses instantly, shaking my head. ' Snap out of it, Maya, you can't make the same mistake twice, '. " I called to ask about what you promised to give to me. Tomorrow is a full moon and I haven't gotten a reply from you yet, " I switched to professional mode immediately. 
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Chapter 95
  " What do you mean by that? Wasn't he in his room earlier? " Julia asked and Bella nodded in affirmation. " Inform the guards to shut down the border gates and let no one level the pack, both members and visitors. Every nook and hideouts known should be searched. I want my son back without words getting out, " I ordered after I had managed to get a grasp of myself. " Yes, Alpha, " they all bowed and ran out of the office to go take on my orders. I slumped on the chair and ruffled my hair, my mind going to the conversation I had with Serena a few days ago.  I couldn't just blame her for anything without having any evidence to back it up, so I decided to let that go and think of any possible place that Ethan would be, but nothing came to mind. Ethan meant so much to me and I couldn't lose my son, I would rather go back to being an Omega than to do that. &nb
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Chapter 96
  VICTOR BLOODBORNE " The call with Alpha Maya kept me on suspense. Thank the Goddess that she was lenient with us, " Nelson said, heaving out a sigh of relief.  " You all heard her, right? We have until seven days to find him, if not, we're all doomed, " I announced to the trackers who were also in the office with us. " Yes, Alpha, " they bowed and marched out of the office, leaving just me and Nelson there. " Are you really going to give your uncle to Maya when you find him? " He asked, taking his seat in front of me and I nodded in affirmation. " That's the only way we would be able to win her over. Since she wants me to do that, then I will, ' I answered him. " But, he is your uncle, " he pointed out, stating the obvious. " Who killed my mother and Gabriel, " I snapped at him, causing him to purse his li
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Chapter 97
   The door flew open and Julia, Bella and the two bodyguards came running inside the office. Julia rushed to my side and held Maya's hand with her shaky hands, her eyes watering with tears. " What's wrong, Julia? " Bella asked and Julia dropped Maya's hand, sitting on the floor as she ruffled her hair. " There is no pulse, I feel no pulse, Bella, " she informed as beads of tears fell from and Bella shoulders dropped. She raised her head to look at me, her eyes reddened, before she rushed to me and grabbed me by the collar " What did you do to her? " She cried, a drop of tears leaving her eyes and staining her cheeks. " I said, what the fuck did you do to her? " She yelled at me and I raised my hands in defense. " I did nothing, Bella. I came here and met her like this, that was why I screamed the way I did, " I defended and she scoffed. " S
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Chapter 98
   MAYA I watched Victor go pale as I explained everything to him. He was silent, no word coming from him and for the first time in five years, I badly wanted to use the mindlink to know what he was thinking. " Why didn't you tell me? " He asked after a moment of uncomfortable silence. " I was trying to gather myself, but it was hard for me to. That was why I ended up crying on the phone as I couldn't control myself anymore. I'm scared, Victor, I don't know what I'll do if I lose Ethan, " I told him and he licked his lower lip, going silent again. " What proof do you have that Ethan's kidnapping was Serena's doing? " He asked and I wanted to ignore that question, but for some reasons, I decided not to. " I don't have any solid proof aside from a recording of her threatening to get rid of Ethan. If I did, I would have reported her to the coun
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Chapter 99
   VICTOR BLOODBORNE She gave me an assurance. Something to make me work harder, she liked me too, she wanted another chance with me, something I would never miss for the world. " Inform the trackers to hasten the search for Serena, the faster the better, " I ordered Nelson as soon as I got into the house and he raised his head to look at me. " You're back, " he said upon seeing me, not bothering to stand up from where he was sitting and I nodded, walking to him. " How did he go? " He asked as I sat down on the couch. " It went better than I expected, " I told him, smiling like a highschool boy in love. " That's surprising. You came back from the Moonfire Pack and you're smiling. What did she say was wrong with her? Why was she crying? " He questioned. " Ethan has been kidnapped, " I announced and hi
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Chapter 100
  " Alpha, " the head tracker rushed in and bowed in respect. " We found out something regarding Mr Unkar and Luna Serena, " he announced. I stared at Nelson, who was also staring at me, before turning back to the head tracker.  " I'm listening, what did you find out? " I asked him, wondering what the both of them had in common. " It appears that Luna Serena was the last person who visited Mr Unkar before he left the current house he was staying in, " he informed me and I turned to stare at Nelson again. Serena and Unkar had nothing to discuss with each other, the only thing they've ever said to each other was good morning. " She probably had her reasons, " Nelson stated, trying to assure me that it wasn't something bad, but I knew it would take more than words to do that. ÆawWhy did she go to see him? Why didn't she infor
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